Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
Archangel Michael is a powerful being who offers us his kind help from the higher dimensions of existence. Many people experience deep healing when they connect with his energy. Michael is a benevolent task master who will not let us off the hook easily. Seeking his assistance automatically translates to doing plenty of inner work. This can be an intense experience for many. The path can get pretty challenging as we are pushed to face several aspects of ourselves that we find difficult to face.
Some people report having intense dreams after connecting with Michael. Dreams can be helpful because they often show us exactly what is not working in our lives.
Michael can help us cope with and heal fears and phobias. He can help us with our work on Earth- the purpose that each of us came here to live. This purpose is not only to do with our ‘career.’ It includes everything that is part of our lives- our relationships, life experiences, healing path, spiritual growth, humanitarian service and almost anything else that we resonate with. For those who are inclined towards healing and spiritual growth, working with Michael’s energy provides a boost and can help accelerate their growth.
In order to work with Michael, the most important requirement is to be open to the experience. That is the first step. The next step is to invoke his energy. This can be done verbally or in writing.

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All we need to say or write is, “Dear Archangel Michael, I seek your assistance on my path. Please help me with every area of my life. Please help me heal and grow. Please help me uncover my soul’s potential and to fulfil the purpose that I came here to live. I am so very grateful for your help. Thank you!”
Feeling and expressing gratitude from the heart is indeed powerful. How blessed are we to have the unconditional assistance of one of the most enlightened beings of the angelic realm!
Working with Lapis Lazuli crystals can also help us connect with Michael’s energy. Keep in mind that this is not a strict requirement. You can consider doing this if you are into crystal work or if you like the idea of working with crystals. Placing a Lapis Lazuli crystal angel in your healing space can help. You may also consider placing the crystal angel beside you during your Reiki self healing practice. You may write out any specific requests you have and place the sheet of paper with your crystal angel. All of this will help bring an element of tangibility to your work with Michael.
Once you begin working with Michael, there is no looking back. Be prepared for the commencement of a deeper healing journey. It is similar to the healing crisis that many people experience once they tread the Reiki path. It may get uncomfortable at times but know that it is for your highest good. Do not feel discouraged and give up. The energy is there to support you. Along the way, remember to drink plenty of water and take measures to stay grounded at all times. Lack of grounding can create a lot more discomfort than what is normally expected.
Working with Michael brings us many blessings. Most importantly, Michael helps us tap into the energy of the fearless spiritual warrior that is present in each of us and that is who we came here to be. So, let’s charge ahead fearlessly and make the most of it!
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at and on Facebook at Angel Light.
Since I found this link in being loving it. It has help me to do more ,including going for angelic Deily. I just love the energy and the angels so much, I’m so grateful. Troll blessings.