Reiki never fails to astound me. I love Reiki in my life.
Last year I became very, very sick, to the point of nearly giving away Reiki altogether and not teaching and passing this beautiful modality along to others. You will have read about the reasons for this in my article:
During my illness and recovery I meditated and performed self-reiki every day (and I still do) and truly it’s amazing what comes through during these quiet moments of deep inner peace. I had a nagging notion as I recovered from the psychic attacks and bouts of hatred aimed at me, that I must share the power of Reiki to even more people than I was currently reaching.
Now then, wouldn’t we all love to do that! As Reiki people, reading and interacting on Reiki Rays, I’m sure many of us already know the love and power of Reiki and want to sprinkle it across the globe as much as we can. So these insights during my meditations were not really profound, as such!
What was insightful came a few weeks after this nagging feeling just wouldn’t leave. It came during a meditation I was performing for a group of Reiki students. I repeatedly received the message to create Reiki Chakra Cards with the 13 non-traditional Reiki symbols I had been attuned to and learned in my Reiki Level 1.
After the meditation ego and self-doubt crept in. How was I going to do this? I had no idea about oracle type cards – I could read them no problems at all, but creating my own set was another story all together.
Not only that but to achieve what spirit was requesting, I would need to have 91 cards to the deck and I’d never seen a pack that big before – 7 chakras and 13 symbols in each one, comes to 91. Ohhh lordy, spirit was asking a lot of me. I let fear block and stop me from achieving this calling for quite some time, until the calling became relentless. I couldn’t sleep without dreaming of it. I couldn’t go a day without spirit popping something in my mind about how I could achieve this, and so finally I said out loud “enough is enough!! OK I will do this.”
Things began to fall into place. I meditated on the concept of Reiki Chakra cards and received an image and idea in my mind on how they were to look. I am not an artist however I created a basic idea (hand drawn and then designed using a computer programme I have) and I sent this image to a number of graphic artists with an explanation of what I was hoping for. I had them send me a sample of their work with my concepts transformed. The first one was not at all what I was looking for, which was disheartening until I opened the 2nd graphic artists design. WOW she had captured exactly what I was after! Her example was spectacular.
Meanwhile I was in discussions with a publishing firm who wanted thousands and thousands of dollars to create 500 packs of cards. During meditation I received further information that this publishing company was not right and I was to do this solo and so I continued my search. I found an awesome printing company who for the same price would print me 2000 decks of cards.
Needless to say I’ve been sending Reiki to my meditations and to the production of my Reiki Chakra cards. Along the way there was a few hiccups, however with Reiki I was able to cope with any glitches or misunderstandings and eventually every detail was ironed out and it all came together.
On the 20th January 2016 I received 2 packets of the Reiki Chakra Cards – the first two off the production line. I was so excited I just felt like bursting. I kept the first packet I opened and gave the other box to my best friend Margaret – who is a fellow Reiki practitioner and the one person who has enjoyed the entire journey with me. I personally infused and attuned every card with the energy of the symbol which appears on it and will do so to every packet when they arrive and are ready for distribution in March.
I am delighted that people from around the world are embracing the idea of the Reiki Chakra Cards and so my meditation and message from spirit was correct. I can reach more people than what I was. Who am I to doubt Reiki and to doubt the messages that come through meditation?
I encourage all of you to embrace the information you receive with meditation and through Reiki because truly spirit does know best. It’s sometimes our ego that gets in the way and can prevent us from achieving the goals that spirit sets.
In hindsight becoming so sick gave me the time to sit and reflect and meditate and to hear spirits message and to finally take action….I truly believe had I not become so ill, I may never have heard the message at all. Everything really does happen for a reason.
With Reiki blessings.
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Well done you! You should be very proud of what you’ve achieved Tammy they look stunning! ???????? congratulations on the birth of your new cards! ????
Thank you so much Serena. The Reiki Chakra Cards have been so amazing to create and i have learned so much along the way. They are being purchased right across the globe and we have an awesome facebook group for them so everyone is helped and supported as the learn to use the cards and adjust to the different symbols and energies… I am so blessed. I feel so grateful. I thank Reiki and I thank the angels. Thank you for taking the time to write your comment. Big hugs. Tammy xxx
Are the chakra cards still available for pre-ordering Tammy? (if yes maybe you can add the link here.. Thanks! 🙂 ) (and yes they do look very beautiful)
Thank you Gec, what a lovely idea. YES people you can still order your cards by clicking here:
Do the cards come with instructions on how to use them? Do you place them on the clients or your own chakras? Are traditional reiki symbols included in the deck of cards too? Thanks!
I’ve just seen you question… if you click on the link above and i will put here again for you, it will give you all the information about price etc No there are no traditonal reiki symbols in the deck as i want anyone to be able to use these cards. Yes instructions come with it and i have a facebook page for ongoing training and learning. I trust this helps.
Great work Tammy and the cards are an amazing idea.
Just ordered my deck to be shipped to Canada. I look forward to receiving them! Thank you.
Hi Tammy, I received your cards a few days ago and I love working with them! These symbols are new to me and I’m enjoying learning their meanings. Thank you for creating them!
I’m telling you these cards are great. After I settle down I can feel the energy surging from the cards to my crown slowly down my body. My husband picked them up one day and he said he felt a shock of energy. It was a shock because he wasn’t expecting it. Thank you Tammy for these cards. I don’t use Facebook so tips and instructions would be appreciated through the pamphlet or e-mail after purchase. Thank you again for your hard work and dedication to God’s calling for you. Makes me push even harder for my own calling and gifts.