Article by Angie Webster
I have come to notice a distinct difference in the polarities of the body over the course of my time working with energy. There is always at least a subtle difference between the left and right side of the body on any client, or even on the same client from on session to the other. Often the difference is quite striking. For example, I may feel intense energy flow on one side of the body and feel none at all on the other.
The same differences can be felt between the top and the bottom and the front and the back of the body. The body has polarities of positive and negative energy flow, just like any electrical energy system. One side is receptive and the other is active or giving. It is a give and take system that flows in a constant cycle.
When one side is out of balance, the other side may try to compensate by working harder or by doing things it is not equipped to do properly. Unfortunately, this compensation often reinforces the original imbalance. Of course, when the energy in the body is imbalanced, we have pain, illness or instability.
Most of the time, all that is needed to balance the polarities in someone’s system is a simple Reiki treatment using the typical hand placements. This usually helps to bring balance to the patterns that were creating the imbalance, as well, though it can sometimes take a few treatments to permanently shift a very ingrained pattern.
I can sense that someone has an imbalance in the polarities when I feel less energy flow in one leg or arm than the other, or if I am working on the head or shoulders and I feel the energy only flowing to one side. I also sense this when I feel little or no energy flow at the feet but intense energy flow around the head. The physical complaints or life issues that the client has can also be a signal, and these will nearly always match the energy in their body. For example, a person with a heart condition may have closed energy on the left side and excessively active energy on the right side, particularly in the arms, but often in the legs as well.

Image by frankieleon
It is especially important to treat both the front of the body and the spine if you are working with someone who has an imbalance in the polarities. This helps the energy balance in the most efficient manner possible. It can be a very simple thing to have your client turn onto their side at the end of a session so you can treat their spine and it makes a great deal of difference.
Begin noticing if you feel a difference in the energy of one side of the body and the other in your clients. If you feel led to change hand positions at an unusual time, there may be a good reason, so go with it even if you aren’t feeling anything energetically different. I have been led to treat the feet right after the head and then proceed with the rest of the treatment. Or to treat both hands at the same time. Listen to the energy and allow it to lead you.
In self-treatment, you can quickly balance your polarities using the following hand placements for self-Reiki:
- Place one hand third eye/forehead and one hand on the back of the head.
- Place one hand on the throat and one hand on the back of the neck at the base of the skull.
- Place one hand on the upper chest and one hand on the top of the back, between the shoulders. (No need to go far down the back if you can’t reach.)
- Place one hand on the solar plexus and one hand on the mid back.
- Place one hand on the sacral chakra and one hand on the low back/sacral area.
- Place one hand on the crown and one hand on the root chakra, either over the genitals or directly under the buttocks, if seated.
- You may also choose to treat both feet and both hands, which will further balance your energy.
It can be interesting to learn about the metaphysical meanings behind the different areas of the body. I recommend Louise Hay’s work to learn more about this, or many sources on the internet.
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Angie Webster made a significant contribution to the Reiki community, with a particular focus on Animal Reiki, which she had a deep affection for. As a knowledgeable Reiki Master Teacher and Author, she conducted online courses on energy healing, herbalism, flower essences, and personal growth.
She is the author of “Animal Reiki: How it Heals, Teaches & Reconnects Us with Nature” and “Reiki from A to Z”. Currently, Angie has decided to retire from her professional life to devote more time to her health, family, and the little joys of life.
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