I have been practicing Reiki since 2011. I have been seeing miracles using Reiki in manifesting lot of wishes that were literally impossible. According to me, Reiki is a divine tool. But there exist lot of lessons and messages behind this wish manifestation technique when using Reiki.
As a reiki practitioner, I have the habit of sending healing to the requesting people envisioning the results being manifested. Then I express my gratitude to the divine Reiki, my higher self, my guides and also the person who took healing. Then I request the person who took the healing from me to follow certain things, so that their wishes are manifested quickly.
- Always ask them to think positively;
- Always request them to express gratitude for all their blessings;
- Believe in the power of divine that all happens for the divine good and nothing goes wrong;
- Always keep their heart free from the feeling of hatred; and then finally
- To live a simple life with less expectations and the act of giving more.
I believe in the Power of Thought. So I always tell my healees / my dear ones who request for healing to practice this. It is a simple visualization technique wherein I request them to imagine that their desire has been fulfilled and they are enjoying on the success of the fulfilled desire. Post this activity for few minutes daily; I request them to express their thanks to their favorite god (whom they believe in) for helping them in fulfilling this desire. The law of attraction ensures success even to a lay man unknown to Reiki. This is a lesson that my father has taught me.
But once, when I did healing for my sister in manifesting her wishes, she challenged me with this question. Reiki doesn’t guarantee us in fulfilling all the wishes, and then what is the need behind thinking positively and live in an illusion for some time thinking my desire has been accomplished. If the divine is going to give me things as per my destiny only, then what is the use of Reiki?
Not only her, I had a friend of mine asking the same question when I gave healing to overcome her financial crisis. She asked me that I am suffering for a single penny and you are asking to envision that money flows to me abundantly. Is it not that I am creating an illusion around me. How can this illusion grant me money? Can you guarantee it that I will be blessed with money instantly after doing this?

Image by Karsten H.68
Initially I thought about this. Then my higher self guided me on the valuable lessons behind this desire manifestation technique using Reiki.
- Divine grants things only based on our karmas. Positive thinking and Reiki helps in reducing the karmic effect to an extent but not guarantee to reduce them completely. This is because we take birth, repeat certain patterns, and learn life lessons willingly or unwillingly, so that we can move towards the path of enlightenment.
- Reiki is not an Aladdin’s magical lamp. Reiki will grant you the wishes that are for your highest good. Reiki is guaranteeing someone with giving whatever they desire or ask.
- As a healer / a practitioner, please surrender your ego to the divine Reiki. The healer or practitioner can request the divine Reiki to help in manifestation thinking in consideration with the highest good of one’s self / for the highest good of the healee.
- As a practitioner / healer / as a healee, please believe in the divine energy that nothing will go wrong.
- As a practitioner / a healer, please detach yourself from the situation and request the divine Reiki to flow freely from your hands.
- As a practitioner / a healer / a healee, always express our gratitude to the divine Reiki for all the blessings received. Gratitude is a secret tool behind countless blessings.
- As a practitioner / healer, please cleanse your chakras on a regular basis, so that the body is full of positive energy. Note that the positive energy bestows us with blessings forever.
- As an individual, ensure to be kind to your own self, and everyone around you. But ensure to be assertive in expressing yourself freely without knowingly / unknowingly hurting others.
- As an individual, always accept the divine plan. Stop blaming the received blessing. Rather accept the blessing and start building on the received blessings to grow and prosper forever.
- As an individual, try to love and approve ourselves in spite of all your imperfections. This opens your way towards many blessings and success.
At this juncture, I am putting up this message to all of you and request you all to stop blaming Reiki in case of your critical wish not being granted by the divine Reiki.
To significantly make you believe in the goodness of Reiki, I am citing a life incident through which my spirit guide taught me these valuable lessons jotted above.
I went to a birthday party sometime back. The birthday baby went to its mother and requested her mother to give five cups from the ordered ice-creams cups. These ice-creams arrived just now from the caterer and were kept in the central party hall to serve all the guests. The mother quietly took a cup from the caterer and gave the baby. Later she went to attend the guests. But the child went behind her asking for few more. Mother firmly said a big ‘No’. I saw the sad face of the child.
My spirit guide popped then and told me that child feels hurt like your friend and sister. Now it feels that my mother doesn’t love me like the way that these people lost the belief behind the divine. The child is hurt as it is forbidden from having the five cups of this tasty item. Please note that the child lacks maturity like both of them as if it is failing to see the motive behind the mother’s act of not making the child sick. The same happens with all of us too. We fail to understand the divine plan. Hence, we feel hurt and then start blaming the divine for not granting us in fulfilling this desire.
Please accept the blessing that has been granted. Always live a life without complaining others.
Grab the blessings and try to build on it. Divine will help you in getting all the success and fame. We face challenges in order to grow. So keep accepting your life and keep moving with all the received blessings. Thank Reiki daily. Believe that Reiki is always there to protect and bestow you with things that are for your highest good.
Keep practicing Reiki and start reaping benefits!
Love, Vidyaa
Article by Vidyaa Bunty Talreja
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Vidyaa Bunty Talreja is an IT Consultant by profession. She has studied Psychology and was introduced to Reiki in 2011 by her aunt. Now Reiki became an integral part of her life from then on to change her life and the lives of others. Vidyaa is a Usui Reiki Grandmaster, Money Reiki Grandmaster, and a Karuna Reiki Master level Practitioner. She has learned and practices close to 25 different types of Reiki like Lavender Flame of Mother Kuan Yin, Shaman Reiki, Dragon Reiki, Gajanan Reiki, Tiger Reiki, Unicorn Healing, Angelical Akashic Registers, Telepathic Reiki, DNA Healing Reiki, Wagle Reiki, Dolphin Reiki, Violet Flame Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Acu Reiki and Deep Healing Reiki. She is also a Tera Mai Seichem Reiki and Spiritual Healing Practitioner. She reads Tarot and Angel card. She does auto writing using Reiki along with card reading to get accurate guidance for an issue. She draws and interprets Mandalas. She uses mantras, bach flower remedies and crystals in her daily practice. She practices Eknath Easwaran’s Passage Meditation, Praveen Rishi’s Ashtamangal Meditation and Mantra Meditation. She practices Forgiveness meditation and gratitude exercises to enrich her day-to-day life. She lives in Chennai, India. Vidyaa can be reached via email at vidyaa.btalreja@gmail.com or through her Facebook page KishanGanga - Divine Mystic Haven
Lovely article ???? Vidyaa
I have loved the insights !! Thank you Vidyaa.. Beautiful article 🙂
Beautiful and true reiki spirit article
Truely enlightened article
Thanks for this writing this article Vidya. It is truly wise and insightful and helpful!
Nice article.
I enjoyed reading the truth in reiki since i have learnt reiki ll level
Simply superb!
Thank You for this beautiful article.
Plz send me more information about reikii n also about karuna reikii
I feel reiki fulfills all desires wishes provided it is not hurting or harming anyone. I always visualise abundance and my house is filled with materials though I get hard up for money sometimes. Once my coffers goes down miraculously money appears. Absolutely follow the rules of reiki and am grateful to divine who takes care of me. Pranam
Writer used many negative words, like reiki is not aladin ka chiraj .. And many more negative comments
thank you very much