Article by Angie Webster
There are so many ways to approach Reiki. Some people are very resistant to new or expanded ways of using and exploring the Reiki energy, but as Reiki becomes known by more people, it is bound to be understood through more points of view. Ultimately, Reiki is energy. The ways we view what this energy is, where it comes from and how it should be applied will vary, but it is still the same energy we are speaking of.
It is really important to speak to people in terms that help them to understand Reiki, particularly if they are interested in receiving Reiki or becoming trained in Reiki. While many of us see Reiki as a path to develop ourselves on all levels, others simply want to work with the energy. They have no desire or interest in learning about spirituality, angels, guides or other esoteric knowledge. This is a perfectly valid way to approach Reiki, just as a deeply spiritual approach is valid.
Reiki can be a deeply healing practice on the level of mind, body, and spirit. That might mean different things to you at different times, as you explore yourself and life. Spirit and energy are both words for the same thing. In essence, all things are spirit, or energy. But in practical daily life, most things are in physical form, and this is the aspect we all tend to deal with the most—spiritual or not.
Many people will be more comfortable only speaking of Reiki in terms of energy, not in terms of spirit. In fact, for some the word “spirit” can trigger fear. It might mean something entirely different to them than it does to you. There is no reason they can’t receive or work with Reiki just as effectively as anyone else. The way we view or speak about Reiki does not interfere with the way Reiki works, unless we are fearful. When we become fearful or resistant to Reiki, we create blockages. We are essentially saying “No” to the flow of Reiki.

Image by kaboompics
Reiki is not just for those who are spirituality minded, psychic, empathic or involved in esoteric practices. It is not just for those who are more right brained, or emotion/heart centered. Reiki is for anyone at all. This energy is available to all of us. Those who think in a more logical and practical manner will be more able to understand and use Reiki if the things that don’t work for them are left out.
In truth, while energy is everywhere and all things are energy, the practice of Reiki is not that complicated. There is no need to add anything to it, or to have any expectations of it. We can just let Reiki do its work. It is fine to see things in an expansive way and begin to connect many other things to Reiki, but it is also fine to simply let Reiki practice be Reiki practice.
There is a wonderful simplicity about Reiki, which is the very thing that makes it available to all people. When I came to Reiki, I loved that I didn’t need to do anything but let the Reiki flow. I love the way Reiki has helped me open more deeply to myself and to accept the parts of me I had denied for so long, including psychic and empathic traits. But I also love that I don’t have to use any of those things in order to use Reiki. I love that no one does. I love that no tools are needed.
Some of the most frequently asked questions I receive about Reiki have to do with people being concerned that they are not aware of any psychic abilities or empath traits. Or that they don’t know how to work with crystals. Or that they don’t feel very spiritual, they just feel human and they believe something is wrong with them because of that. These ideas come from the intense discussion of Reiki in connection to these things, which often gives the misleading impression that being attuned to Reiki means achieving a spiritual awakening and abilities aside from channeling Reiki.
There is no need at all for anyone to become a spiritual person in order to work with Reiki, and a Reiki attunement will not make anyone spiritual if they are not inclined to be. There is no need to work with or understand crystals to practice Reiki. You don’t need to practice yoga or meditation, if these things are not for you. The only thing you have to do in order to practice Reiki after becoming attuned, is to practice it.
It is not necessary to “read energy” to practice Reiki, even at the master level. Many people simply don’t have that trait, just as many aren’t blue eyed or brown haired. Whether Reiki attunement brings that trait forward or not depends a great deal upon whether or not the trait was present to begin with, so there is no cause for concern if it doesn’t happen. Reiki doesn’t depend on knowing where imbalances lie and will work beautifully no matter what.
Often, the simplest and most practical approach to Reiki is the best one. Even if you have personally developed a deep sense of spiritual connectedness and a deeper understanding of things unseen, it is good to ground and recognize that we are working with the physical world and that is the level at which most people are able to communicate. If we wish to share Reiki, it is important to keep this in mind.
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Angie Webster
Angie Webster made a significant contribution to the Reiki community, with a particular focus on Animal Reiki, which she had a deep affection for. As a knowledgeable Reiki Master Teacher and Author, she conducted online courses on energy healing, herbalism, flower essences, and personal growth.
She is the author of “Animal Reiki: How it Heals, Teaches & Reconnects Us with Nature” and “Reiki from A to Z”. Currently, Angie has decided to retire from her professional life to devote more time to her health, family, and the little joys of life.
Thank you so much for that article Angie! It has come at a rather despondent time for me regarding myself and Reiki. Although I am a very practical person , I am also creative and highly sensitive. After my attunements I was expecting far too much change! I was disappointed as all I seemed to do was sense energies around me more keenly. What I have suspected and it is further confirmed by reading your article is that it doesn’t matter. I can now journey on without so much self-doubt which was really starting to take it’s toll :-/ Yes, the attunements have made change in many subtle ways, but I was looking for the big obvious signs and not finding them. Thank you once again and best wishes to you 🙂
Lucy, I am so happy to your self-doubts have lifted! Happy the article came to you at the right time. You are doing perfectly! Keep practicing Reiki and trust. Many blessings to you!
Thank you Angie! Blessings to you also 🙂