I have received a lot of questions lately regarding Reiki stones/crystals disappearing. This especially seems to be a problem with the stones that have been infused with Reiki. One of the biggest questions I get is, “Help! My special stone that I infused with Reiki has disappeared. I have looked everywhere for it. I don’t feel it’s a coincidence. What’s going on?!” If this has happened to you, you are not alone and are not crazy! Reiki stones have an interesting way of disappearing.
When I first learned Reiki I was introduced to stones and the healing properties they contained. My Reiki Master encouraged me to study different types of natural healing remedies so that I could offer myself and others the best healing energy possible. At that time I started researching stones and crystals and started combining their healing energy with my Reiki sessions.
One of the most fascinating things I learned was that stones and crystals (especially those infused with Reiki) have a way of suddenly disappearing and sometimes reappearing. They do not disappear to anger you or cause you stress or harm. Their energy is quite amazing. They in fact know when they are no longer needed by you and will go where they like! It took me about a year before I accepted that this was really happening. It happened to myself and others so often that I finally did my own case study on it.
Below you will see the reasons that I have found that Reiki stones and crystals like to move on or reappear….
- Stones/crystals have a mind of their own. If they do not feel energetically matched to you they will move on!
- Some stones get along better than others. Their energy will naturally repel or attract other stones like a magnet. Moonstone for example prefers to hangout alone.
- The healing energy they contain is all knowing like Reiki. This energy knows when it is no longer needed and in fact where it is needed. Do not be surprised if a stone feels its time with you is complete. It will suddenly disappear.
- Reiki stones and crystals may want to be kept in other areas of your home. You may notice that a certain stone keeps appearing in one area of your home even though you are positive you keep putting it away in another area.
- Out of nowhere a stone may make an entrance back into your life when called to do so.
- You may be getting help from the other side with what stones suddenly enter and exit your life.
Stones and crystals offer huge benefits when combined with Reiki. The important thing to remember is that the more powerful healing energy they offer (especially those infused with Reiki) the more you may notice them moving around or disappearing. Have some fun, don’t take things too seriously and just enjoy the beautiful healing properties they can add to your Reiki practice.
Wishing you love and light.
Article by Justine Melton
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Justine Melton is a Reiki Master/Teacher and an Intuitive Counselor. Reiki came into her life and changed it in amazing ways. It is her passion now to bring Reiki to others and help them to heal in a holistic way. Justine is lucky enough to be an Empath, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, and Clairvoyant. She is able to use these gifts with Reiki if asked to give extra messages during a session for the client’s highest good.
Stones n crystals cannot walk so I do not agree to ur article. My bike was stolen it had legs too ??? I dont think so. The same way crystal was stolen watever reason I dont want to know. My connection to reikie is divine n I love it. I do it since 2010. And its like breathing for me, its like a gift from god after prayers. Its connection to universe. I am not sure wat ur experience is with crystals but I see dem as stones for beautification n to create good aura but I don’t think they can walk or alive. And there is nothing like other world, everything happens as god wishes. I may be wrong n U may be right. Good luck, love reiki
Everyone has their own beliefs and experiences. Thank you for sharing yours. Sending love your way! 😀💕
I liked all ur other articles too.
I’ve collected crystals for years and have often experienced this phenomenon. I used to turn the house upside down looking for the missing stone but I’ve learned to just wait – it’ll eventually turn up. 🙂
I too have several crystals and stones that on occasion take a leave and then when I need them the most, there they are. I use stones and crystals as one of my “tools” to do readings, I like to combine the stone/crystal energies with my client’s energies,
I was told by a lady that I needed to stay grounded. She suggested I buy a hematite ring. I bought it and wore it for a few days. Then I started to feel really weak and funky. Something told me to take the ring off. I immediately started feeling better. I put the ring in my purse and it made it home. A few weeks later I decided to put the ring on again. Before I could do so, it was like something swatted it out of my hand it it fell to the floor and went to pieces. A year or so later, I decided to buy another hematite ring from the same lady. I had it on my finger on the way home, but when I walked into the house, it was no longer there. I did not go anywhere else but was in the car. I searched it from top to bottom and the ring was never found. To this day I look for it when I clean my car and it has never surfaced. Where in the world could it go from my hand to the car? It amazes me. The lady ended up being my Reiki teacher and mentor. She told me that when it’s done, it’s done and it isn’t unusual for stones to disappear or break. I had the same thing happen to a rose quartz wand. I used it to scribe the Reiki symbols on my hands before a session. One day it fell and broke in half on the CARPET!!!! Guess I was done using that too! And I’ve been missing a amethyst pendulum for over a year. I know where I put it and I cannot find it anywhere. Thanks for the article, at least I know I’m not the only one and not going crazy!!!
Hmm. I had a goddess-shaped opalite pendant break in half for no apparent reason. I loved it so much I glued it back together but for some reason never had the urge to wear it again. I should probably give it a proper burial.
Thank you for sharing your experiences. You are not crazy! LOL 🙂
Sending you love.
Absolutely true. There is an intelligence to them. I was once given 11 raw quartz crystals from a shaman. Over a year and a half to two years i gave them away to people down to the last one that i still have that wanted to stay with me. I remember one time i had a friend over and i had then about 6 crystals left. As we spoke i got blasted with a vision of one of the particular crystals. I guided her to my alter and layed them out asking her to pick one as one of them called to her. She immediately went for the one that i had seen moments ago and she took it home. They have messages, they need time with us, and when they go by giving them willingly or by “dissappearing”, their time with us is done, at least for now.
I have had the same experience with haematite. Not always but sometimes and then one day a woman told me that for some wearing hematite everyday can trigger depression. I’m really not sure if that was why this was happening to me. I can wear haematite now but I don’t wear it everyday. There are other crystals that are great for grounding. Two of my favorites are lodestone and black tourmaline.
I started doing reiki about 2 months ago. I had a silver ring I always wore on my right thumb. It has been there for over 20 years. No way that ring comes off without a fight so I left it there. Down at the base of my thumb has adjusted to the ring but the knuckle has gotten bigger so for that that ring to fall off is just not going to happen. I just noticed this morning, that ring is gone. I am astounded and perplexed hence me finding your comment. I wonder why that happened.
There’s an apache tear thats been missing from my life for a while now, very perplexing. I always just hope they’ve moved onto a better place, just wish I could hold it again, I used to be scared of it at one point because I misunderstood its power xxx crystals are very wise
I’ve been missing my black tourmaline since my father passed. I was 1500 miles away from him when he died. Hoping he brought it with him.
No idea how many smoky quartzes I have gone through.. My theory is that they get so heavily charged with negative energy they can no longer serve their purpose. While crystals may be more likely to disappear, I think all objects have their own intelligence. Not to say, as in a previous comment, that they grow legs and walk away.. But more that they manipulate their environment and owners in subtle ways. Sometimes a simple shift in timing related to mood or function can set up an interaction or experience just to teach us something important. In this sense, it is not any one piece of the cosmic puzzle acting independently, but the universe acting for the benefit of the whole. As humans we have the unique perspective of bridging consciousness and matter with self awareness and learning, which makes us excellent vessels of change.
Hi Matt.
I could not have expressed that better myself. No they do not grow legs and walk away. Thank you for sharing. 🙂
Sending you love.
This theory applies to ALOT of my things! :-/
I took off my diamond engagement/bridal set rings, as I needed to wipe sunscreen off them.
As I put them down onto the kitchen bench (which had nothing on it), a voice told me “don’t put them there, you’ll lose them!”, I dismissed it, walked to the sink, washed my hands, then turned to put them back on and they were GONE!
HAHA I’m not crazy!!
My moon tone kept disappearing then re appearing somewhere else, I was blaming my kids but its new place was a window in my room all on its own. My youngest did say it was her eventually but It told her it liked it there!! I though she was just touching but the last time to appease her I didn’t move it.
I have also had a couple of crystals I had used reiki to put intention into disappear, I was upset about it and very frustrated at the time, Thought I must have lost them, that is about 6 months ago and right enough, the issue I asked them to help with had resolved. one was a smoky quartz. I have since bought another.
Thank you for this xx
You are welcome. Thank you for sharing! Sending love your way.
The truth is you don’t ever choose crystals (even though you may think you do!) – crystals actually choose you, or whoever they want to be with. That’s why sometimes when they disappear and you can never find them again – they weren’t meant to stay with you! I have had crystals given to me and when they’ve had the right amount of time with me and served their purpose, they have let me know that they need to go to another person to help them! ♥xx♥
Hi Kaye.
Soooo true! 🙂 Thanks for sharing
I am not sure where to start….. This is the third or fourth time in a week or so that completely unrelated topics have brought me to the word Reiki. Even further is that some time ago I happened to come across a blog post from a woman that seemingly out of nowhere (completely out of place and at the time unrelated) mentioned clairesentient. I couldn’t help but feel like her description of it aligned perfectly with the way I felt. I wanted to contact her but for one reason or another I did not. I recently had an experience that has changed my rather skeptical outlook. A year ago I visited a psychic, unintentionally, and as a result of many unrelated events I actually sat down with a woman named Mary rose, I believe. Upon entering the room she told me that I could be sitting where she was, that I was “sensetive” as well. Long story slightly less… Long she said to always go with my gut, all other things she told me I have found a specific event that they could be connected to. Last week the final connection to an event was made, I was told by my father who had passed away to follow the light that he is not the light but to follow it. There are many more things I would like to ask you and was wondering if you could please email me or if there is a way I could get in touch with you. O a final note I do not have any Reiki crystals but nevertheless for me the article you wrote resonated for me in a different yet identical way. The people in my life are like the crystals in your article metaphorically transcending your message in a way that really made me feel better and caused me to stop what I was doing and write to you. Not completely sure, as I actually didn’t intend on saying goodbye half of what I wrote but my gut is telling me to take the time and sign up just so I can post this even though my body is telling me not to.
Hi Andrew.
It is often said that you don’t find Reiki but that Reiki finds you. I too was very skeptical of everything until I had experiences that changed my mind. Thank you so much for your kind words. Best of luck on your new journey. I can be reached at [email protected] Sending love to you!
Smoky quartz seems to be a rascally crystal. I, too, have lost one. The one that really upset me, though, was my herkimer diamond (infused with Reiki, if I recall). It was pricey!
I also use my stones and crystals in my healing sessions. I like to clean them in fresh rain water which I catch up whilst raining outside. I have a certain sequence I display my crystals and stones on my bedroom window sill but for some or other reason which is now clear, the moonstone always moves to another place I am sure of it. haha. I have 3 black meteorite stones with zinc deposits and flecks which resonate most with me. It is extremely powerful in healing sessions as well as manifestation of intent. I am sure it is because it has collected power and knowledge through the universe which was deposited in them before they reached me. My husband whom is a truck driver saw it at a mine where he took a load of machinery and he said it felt as if the stones were calling him, all 3 lying next to each other. . Its my favourite stones and eminate heat as soon as I start working with them. And within minutes my clients are calm and relaxed. I just cannot bring myself to give one away.
[email protected]. Stones moving ,dissapear ing returning months now – like to know more about this but finding info is not easy? Feel free to email -empath light Walker???
I have a Herkimer Diamond that likes to travel a lot. I think I’m it’s Momma. It comes home to rest, recharge then is off again. It naturally has a rainbow it in but when it turns up after being gone awhile, the rainbow is gone too. So, I cleanse it and charge it and the rainbow reappears. Then it’s gone again. Sometimes for a weeks, sometimes for months. When it turns back up it is sitting right in plain sight like in the middle of my bed or on a shelf or the middle of the coffee table. It’s not found behind a chair or under anything so people cannot say I misplaced it. We do not own our stones and crystals. We are only the caretakers of them until they are needed more somewhere else
Yes! 😀 Love that story. Thank you for sharing
As I’m reading through all this information about stones moving around your houses, stones disappearing and reappearing, and going to see psychics, I know you’re all dealing in the occult. There are only two energies in the universe . . . good and evil. I would be very careful if I were you because in the Bible 1 Samuel Chapter 28, it tells about King Saul when the Lord ,wouldn’t answer him . . . not in dreams or through prophets because the Lord had left him. So, King Saul sought the advice of a medium, which didn’t turn out well for him. In 1 Samuel Chapter 31, King Saul was badly wounded, and rather than be taken by the enemy, King Saul asked his armor-bearer to kill him; however, when the armor-bearer wouldn’t, King Saul fell on his own sword committing suicide. The armor-bearer seeing that King Saul was now dead, also fell on his own sword also committing suicide. And, during the battle, three of King Saul’s sons were also killed. Beware of the occult . . . Satan does have power- evil power!
Sending you love on your journey Carolyn! 💕
I didn’t know matter could spontaneously travel like that, you all could be getting a nobel lol
Sending love your way! 💕
I had a rose quartz bracelet that broke after 3 days of wearing. I had a rose quartz Angel under my pillow that went missing after I started to practice Reiki.
Thank you for your article Justine, I feel alot better after reading it.
Thank you Kay!💕
I gueas its normal to feel my crystal move on my forehead up and down while im meditating with it? I could literally feel it raise itself by the side and then feel it go down and touch ny forehead skin
Hi Ari. Yes, this is very possible. Meditation is very powerful. 😀
I can’t keep Angelite or Celestite, they disappear or crack in half, much to my dismay, as I love them. I rationalise they are too high a frequency for me, as I am a very grounded earth type
Thanks for insights
My amethyst has moved under the table during a massage. It had also sent out beautiful purple rays during reiki and healing sessions.