Article by Paula Vanderzon
Making the decision to become a Reiki Master is an interesting process for a lot of people. It is a decision that is given careful consideration by many, and for others it is a very impulsive or intuitive feeling that seems to come out of nowhere.
I always find it interesting that some Reiki students show interest in completing the Reiki Masters training, and yet all sorts of things get in their way. They might book a date for their course and then a social commitment gets in the way, or they experience lack of money when it comes time to pay for the course or there may even be illness with them or around them that prevents them from taking part in the course.
This happens because it is such a big step in their lives that all sorts of resistance shows up. A Reiki Master attunement is a large energy shift which changes lives. Even though at a mental level, students are willing and ready to take this step, there are many sub-conscious fears that create resistance and then drama and lack in their lives which then prevent them from moving forward. This is not a judgement, but a very common natural occurrence that we all go through in our lives when we are about to shift our vibration significantly.
When we are truly ready to take this next step in our evolution of consciousness, then all resistance will be worked through. We will either be so focused or determined that we will barely even notice the resistance, or we will observe the resistance and work through it with awareness and love.
Because the Reiki Master attunement is such a large vibrational shift, nothing is ever the same for the student. It is an exciting time but also quite confronting as well.

Image by Moyan_Brenn
The Reiki Master level is not the end of your training; it is in fact the beginning of your training into SELF MASTERY.
When we make that conscious choice to become a Reiki Master and learn the entire system of Reiki, we are also acknowledging that we are ready for our lives to take on more meaning, more purpose and more power. We then commit to becoming the master of our own lives and step up to create the lives that we truly want.
Most Reiki Master Candidates won’t even recognise that this is happening, but I am amazed at how many of my students will have visions, dreams or messages about Self-Mastery in the lead up to their Reiki Master attunement. They then step willingly and knowingly into their lives as Masters. Not just of the System of Reiki but as Masters of their lives.
Self-Mastery is about knowing who you are and stepping into a life to be who you are. It is about being true to yourself, loving yourself unconditionally, and of being of service in this world according to your innate abilities and talents, while at the same time fulfilling your highest purpose.
Self-Mastery places you in the driver’s seat of your life. You are not just the willing passenger along for the ride, but you create the life you desire through your thoughts, intentions, choices and actions. You are no longer a victim of life but a powerful creator of the life you choose.
Self-Mastery does not happen overnight. It is a process of living and learning, but from a place of inner power. Gradually the layers of pretence fall away and the “self” becomes the master. This is not the false self that society moulds of us, it is the authentic soul self that starts to gain control.
So think about this when you are considering taking the Reiki Master level. Realise that you are not just learning a technique or completing your Reiki training – you are becoming a powerful Master in your own right, taking charge of your life and stepping into your divine nature from a powerful place of unconditional love (which is Reiki).
This is a huge step in people’s lives and not everyone will be ready for the changes and responsibility that it brings. So if the resistance shows up, acknowledge it, love it and work through it, knowing that on the other side…. is a wonderful new vibration and a new way of living as Master of Self.
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Paula Vanderzon
Paula Vanderzon is a Reiki Master/ Teacher from Adelaide, South Australia. Facing a debilitating health condition in 2006 Paula was lead to Reiki for self-healing and has been on a deep spiritual energetic and physical transformation since. A teacher of Reiki since 2008 and Isis Seichim since 2009 Paula also teaches Soul Writing and is passionate about helping people discover who they are at a Soul level so they can be their unique selves in life. Connect with Paula through her website or Facebook
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