Article by Reiki Nurse
IMPORTANT NOTE: The recommendations outlined in this series in no way replace your Primary Care Provider’s instructions and health care regimen in treating diabetes mellitus. Diabetes is a serious metabolic condition that requires professional assistance and treatment. Diabetes Mellitus needs to be managed effectively and professionally in conjunction with an experienced health care provider. Please do not use any of the methods outlined in this article to ‘self-treat’. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, or if your client has been diagnosed, please ensure that your health care provider is aware of any other treatment options that you are interested in trying in the management of your dis-ease.
In the first part of this series, the two most common types of diabetes mellitus were discussed. This article will outline some information about diet, exercise, and Reiki-infused crystals that can be extremely effective in healing diabetes, and getting one’s blood glucose under control and managing the dis-ease of diabetes effectively.
Diet and exercise are two of the most important factors in managing diabetes, besides keeping your body at a healthy weight. A diet low in carbohydrates ~ especially the carbs derived from white flour and sugar ~ is extremely effective if you are concerned about managing blood glucose levels. If a diabetic eats white flour, white potatoes, and white sugar he or she can pretty much guarantee high blood glucose levels. It is best to be very moderate with any foods that are white, any foods that contain sugars of any type (including large amounts of sugary fruits!) and processed foods. If a diabetic person follows a healthy, whole food diet with little to no white sugars included, he or she will achieve and maintain an acceptable blood glucose level.
Exercise is effective in using up and burning off the excess sugar in our blood because the more active our muscles are, the higher amounts of glucose they use. It’s a catch 22 for those of us who have become complacent and succumbed to a sedentary lifestyle. Get moving! That’s all one needs to do to lower his or her blood sugar, or to prevent diabetes from creeping in if one is predisposed to the illness: Get moving! Walk, run, jog, swim, ride a bike, play ball, tennis, golf … you name it! Get up out of that chair and M-O-V-E! Start slowly by simply walking a short distance, and increase the stretch as you start to feel better about moving. It’s going to save your Life! Simply make a commitment to move more. You owe it to yourself! And we owe it to our Client’s to educate them in the importance of movement.
Now that we’ve briefly covered some of the practical things that you can do to help lower your blood glucose levels, let’s get to the esoteric meat of this series: Reiki and crystals in effectively managing diabetes. When I’m working with clients with diabetes, many of them are in denial of the disease process. Diabetes is a serious medical condition, and we need to help our clients understand that it isn’t anything that can be easily cured. Once a person is diagnosed with diabetes, he/she will always be diabetic. But the symptoms can be controlled and virtually eliminated. That’s not to say that once the symptoms are healed he can go back to eating anything and everything and being inactive ~ far from it! One has to maintain a healthy diet of whole foods and an exercise regimen that works for her in order to maintain an even, steady blood glucose level.
I have found that my most favorite and effective Reiki symbol is Dai Ko Myo for accessing Reiki instantaneously, and working on healing the Chakra most related to diabetes and blood glucose issues: The Solar Plexus. As you work with your Client (or yourself) to manage and heal diabetes through Reiki healing, you may find that other symbols are more effective in your own practice. The crystals I’ve found most effective in my experiences are (in order): Citrine, Topaz, Carnelian, Hematite, Clear Quartz.
There are other crystals I’ve used and which have been effective, and usually I rely on my Intuition to guide me to the crystal or other ‘tool’ that will assist me during a session. If you are working on yourself, lie down on your table or bed, access your symbol and place it on or in your Solar Plexus area. For the purpose of this article, I will continue to discuss working with a Client, rather than self-healing. Any of the treatments discussed from hereon out can be used in self-healing, as well. Take the crystal of your choice (and of which you have placed your ‘intentions’ via meditation or the ritual of your choice, which we can cover later in the series), and place it upon your Client’s Solar Plexus area. Meditate upon your Reiki symbol as you direct the healing Reiki energy into your Client’s Solar Plexus through the crystal.
The Reiki energy will amplify the healing power of the crystal, and your Client will feel the pulsating energy penetrating her Solar Plexus. As always, explain to your Client the process that may (or may not) occur prior to the session. For instance, whether you are working on your Client for the first time, or the tenth time, you want to remind him or her that he/she may feel tingling, heat, cold, nausea, pulsations, vibrations, etc., during or after each session, even up to 24 – 72 hours after a session. Remind him or her that they may experience vivid dreams, visions, thoughts, chills, or other sensations that are ‘unexplained’ or ‘unusual’, as well. Clients need to be aware that these things may occur at some point in their course of treatment with you, or they may be frightened into not returning for more healing work.
Gentle, healing Reiki energy and specific crystals are of great use in healing diabetes and its symptoms over the long term, and even permanently. But we must also combine healthy, whole foods diets, glucose monitoring (at LEAST once a day, but 3-4 times is even better!), and regular exercise as part of the treatment program in healing and/or resolving diabetes. It truly is a combination of all factors that helps alleviate and virtually cure those who have blood glucose issues. There will be more specific treatments discussed in future articles, and in the meantime you are welcome to email me with questions anytime:
Until next time, my friends, be grateful for the Reiki Grand Masters, Reiki Angels, Reiki Elementals, and Reiki Devas! Namaste.
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Kat is a Registered Nurse, who is also certified in Usui Rhoyo Reiki and Holy Fire® II Reiki at the Master Teacher level. She is also certified in Clinical Hypnotherapy and is a Licensed Massage Therapist.
Kat has always been connected to Spirit, and is currently studying under a world-renowned spiritual teacher & psychic medium. Recently, she trademarked her name to conduct her business “The EnergyVoyant Nurse™”.
Kat was born in New England, U.S.A., and currently resides in Florida. Connect with her through Facebook at, visit her website at, or read her blog at
Great Post and Nice Article.I like it.Thanks for Sharing Very Informative Post.
Thank you! I appreciate your kind words.
I have ready your article and would like to have guidance on the best way to activate insulin receptors in the Body to accept insulin through Reiki