Article by Tracy Morrow
In a previous article, “Reiki Clearing to Rejuvenate the Reiki Connection”, I addressed the common problem of feeling disconnected from Reiki energy. This article offered suggestions for how to begin to reconnect to Reiki energy through clearing. If you have taken the time to follow these instructions you were able to experience an energetic improvement that allowed you to more fully experience Reiki energy.
To further rejuvenate a strong connection to Reiki, cleansing is very effective. One may think that clearing is enough, and for some it may be. For others, which means almost all of us, it is necessary to take the additional steps for cleansing. To better understand the difference between clearing and cleansing, you can think of how you might dust your home with a dust cloth on a weekly basis, and how that is effective to remove the dust.
If you dust weekly, it is effective in keeping dust at bay. At the same time, on a monthly or seasonal basis, you need to do a more intensive cleansing. This deeper cleaning will wash away dust mite residue, or other residue which is not so easily dusted away. In this example, you can see how cleansing should be a regular practice for the energetic realms as well.
Reiki Cleansing
Fasting is the best way to remove toxins, including energetic toxins from the body system. Energy gets caught up in toxic chemicals that are absorbed into your body. You ingest it in the foods you eat, and breathe it in through polluted air. While some toxins are naturally removed through sweat and digestive processes, some of them remain stuck in your body.
How long you fast is up to you, but it should not be more than three days at a time. Additionally, many of us cannot completely fast due to health concerns. For us, a fast can include choosing to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, and skipping grains and other foods. Raw or steamed vegetables and fresh fruits will help detox the body.
Whichever way you choose to fast, infuse water with Reiki, and continue to do self-healing. You will want to drink at least half of your weight in ounces of water per day, even when you are not fasting. Green or herbal tea should be the only other beverage that you drink during times of fasting and should not replace the amount of water you drink.
Practicing additional yoga poses throughout your fast will further help cleanse the inner body system. Fasting can also include turning off electronics and avoiding the use of your cell phone and other internet capable devices. Using this time for additional meditation, or reading inspirational materials, this will help cleanse your mind of the lower energies found throughout social media.
As you are fasting, it is the best time to reflect on lower energy thoughts and emotions you may have been experiencing. These are a natural part of life. Responding to them with loving kindness, while making any necessary resolutions or boundaries, will help cleanse you from any stagnation in your mind and heart. You can also send Reiki to help heal your ego from these consistent lower energy activities.
As any stuck energies are being flushed from your mind, body and emotions, take additional time to self-heal and cleanse your energetic body. The most intensive way to do this is to take a bath in Epsom salt for 20 minutes. At the end of 20 minutes, exfoliate the skin of your body with coconut oil and sugar mixed into a fine paste. After exfoliating your skin, rinse off in the shower and allow the energy of the water to also cleanse your energetic body.
To further clear and cleanse your environment, you will want to use Reiki infused water combined with sea salt and sage. You can add any other natural cleaning substance that you prefer. Then, wash down all surfaces in your home and office, starting from the top and working your way down. You can also do this in your car.
After cleansing all the surfaces in your home, office, and vehicle, sprinkle salt and basil on the floors and carpets. As you are sprinkling the salt and basil, you can set the intention of all lower energies to be swept away. After 20 minutes, vacuum your carpets and mop all your floors. Make sure to throw the salt and basil that you sweep up outside of your home to be absorbed into the earth.
As a final step, you can burn sage or a cleansing incense to permeate the crevices in your environment that are otherwise unreachable. Remember to send Reiki to all areas of yourself and your environment and set the intention for Reiki to flow. At this point, any accumulation of lower energies should be removed and you should be able to feel Reiki energy flowing steadily and strongly.
There is one final step to take to completely rejuvenate your connection to Reiki, and that is connecting to it again. You can easily do this on your own just by setting an intention, although this can be difficult for some of us at times, and should not be a concern. There are additional, and specific methods that you can use to fully connect to Reiki that will be shared in an upcoming article.
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Tracy Morrow
In passionate pursuit of timeless living, Tracy Morrow is an NLP Master Practitioner, Certified Meditation Teacher, Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Trainer and Writer. Tireless in her commitment to service, she is currently invested in helping create better lives by opening minds and resources in order to improve wellness and recovery for families living with behavioral health challenges. You can find more about Tracy at
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