Article by Vidyaa Bunty Talreja
I was introduced to Reiki in 2011 by my aunt. I have used Reiki in manifesting lot of things for myself, for my friends and family too. I am gifted that I am blessed with good teachers and Reiki friends, who guided me to use a lot of techniques. I have been journaling my all Reiki experiences that I have been trying so far and will be sharing all of them one-by-one to benefit everyone. I have been thinking for a while on what topic to start with. Then I thought of sharing my personal experience in how Reiki helped me in stopping my nails biting habit.
Nails represent “Protection”. Nails Biting Habit is an oral compulsive habit and an impulse control disorder. Stress and boredom, frustration and loneliness are the main nails biting culprits for most people. The habit is often a way to ease anxiety or to keep at least one part of the body occupied while the mind lacks interest.
So after learning Reiki level II, I did a lot of research in using Reiki to strengthen my areas of weakness. That is when I have builded this technique to break my habit. This is a simple exercise that will take 20 – 30 minutes. But it is very effective.

Image by martaposemuckel
I am breaking down the technique I used, so that it can be put into practice by anyone to break this habit.
- As a first step, start giving Reiki every day to all the seven chakras including both the palms and Soles. Use Emotional Symbol on all your chakras. This activity actually helps a lot in balancing all the chakras and clearing all the negative emotions. Well balanced chakras will make a person cheerful, healthy and peaceful.
Practicing this simple meditation every day is useful in turning away the negative feelings like frustration, loneliness, stress, fear etc. - Light a small violet candle near your altar / or on a table.
- Then start noticing your breathing pattern by inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. Repeat this for 3 – 5 times.
- Now mentally start throwing away all your disappointments, failures, fears, blocks into the violet flame. This activity will help you a lot in overcoming any areas of your weakness that stops you from progressing. State that you release all negative emotions.
- Finally repeat the following affirmation for 3 – 5 times slowly and steadily: “I love and approve myself. The environment is safe for me to grow up. I now handle my own life with joy and with ease”.
- Then call upon compassionate mother Kuan Yin to cover you with white, golden and pink color. Now with Kuan Yin’s help mentally write this code “64 07 991” on air or on your hands (for stopping nails biting & other obsessive-compulsive type anxiety behaviors). Talk to Kuan Yin to help you in breaking this habit. Finally affirm stating “I am safely protected in the hands of Mother Kuan Yin’s love and compassion.”
- Post this mentally meditation use the visualization technique and visualize yourself in having a long, clean and well-painted nails.
- Thank Reiki, Violet Flame and Kuan Yin for assisting you.
Slowly within 11 days of practice, you will have a cutting edge in breaking this nails biting activity.
Happy Reiki Practicing!
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Vidyaa Bunty Talreja
Vidyaa Bunty Talreja is an IT Consultant by profession. She has studied Psychology and was introduced to Reiki in 2011 by her aunt. Now Reiki became an integral part of her life from then on to change her life and the lives of others. Vidyaa is a Usui Reiki Grandmaster, Money Reiki Grandmaster, and a Karuna Reiki Master level Practitioner. She has learned and practices close to 25 different types of Reiki like Lavender Flame of Mother Kuan Yin, Shaman Reiki, Dragon Reiki, Gajanan Reiki, Tiger Reiki, Unicorn Healing, Angelical Akashic Registers, Telepathic Reiki, DNA Healing Reiki, Wagle Reiki, Dolphin Reiki, Violet Flame Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Acu Reiki and Deep Healing Reiki. She is also a Tera Mai Seichem Reiki and Spiritual Healing Practitioner. She reads Tarot and Angel card reader. She does auto writing using Reiki along with card reading to get accurate guidance for an issue. She draws and interprets Mandalas. She uses mantras, bach flower remedies and crystals in her daily practice. She practices Eknath Easwaran’s Passage Meditation, Praveen Rishi’s Ashtamangal Meditation and Mantra Meditation. She practices Forgiveness meditation and gratitude exercises to enrich her day-to-day life.
She lives in Chennai, India. Vidyaa can be reached via mail on or through her Facebook page KishanGanga – Divine Mystic Haven
Much needed post 😀
Thanks a lot 😀
Good informative. Can we use this method to overcome other habits.
Good Article
Can you please explain what is the meaning of the code: 64 07 991.
Thank you!
How do i do it for my daughter?