Article by Reiki Nurse
IMPORTANT NOTE: The recommendations outlined in this article in no way replace your Primary Care Provider’s instructions and health care regimen in treating diabetes mellitus. Diabetes is a serious metabolic condition that requires professional assistance and treatment. Diabetes Mellitus needs to be managed effectively and professionally in conjunction with an experienced health care provider. Please do not use any of the methods outlined in this article to ‘self-treat’. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, or if your client has been diagnosed, please ensure that your health care provider is aware of any other treatment options that you are interested in trying in the management of your dis-ease.
Most diabetics I’ve worked with have resigned themselves to the ‘facts’ that their primary care providers and other diabetes specialists have shared with them: Diabetes cannot be cured. It is a metabolic condition in which the pancreas has limited to no ability to produce enough insulin to regulate the body’s blood glucose (sugar) levels. Insulin acts like a ‘key’ in unlocking the body’s cells, allowing glucose into the cells so that it can nourish and provide energy to them. Our brains use an exorbitant amount of glucose to ‘process’ information, and our muscles (when active) use quite a bit of sugar, as well.
There are two major categories of diabetes mellitus (the medical term): Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM, formerly called ‘Type II’); and Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM, formerly called Type I or Juvenile Diabetes). The major differences between the two are that in the latter condition, the dis-ease appears most often prior to the age of 30 years young, although in the last 40 years in the United States, this has been changing most likely due to the American diet. Alternatively, in the former condition diabetes usually appears in later adulthood; and usually with those who are overweight and/or have a genetic predisposition to NIDDM. Also, in a diabetic with NIDDM (Type II) the pancreas still secretes insulin, it just doesn’t secrete the hormone as effectively as it should. In diabetics with IDDM (Type I) the pancreas no longer produces insulin at all.
This is a general description, for the purpose of this series. In the last 40 or so years, we have seen an exponential increase in the incidence of NIDDM in the United States, and not just amongst the older population. Could this be due to the ‘low-fat’ craze that began taking this country by storm about 40 years ago? Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt emphatically responds with a resounding ‘YES’! The reasons for the increase are multi-faceted and theorized, but there has been a paradigm shift of sorts over the last 15 or so years in regards to diet options and treatment of diabetes globally. There are several studies being conducted about diabetes, and how NIDDM can be treated more effectively, if not cured. The current theory has much to do with diet and lifestyle changes, rather than relying solely on oral anti-hyperglycemic medications. This article will focus on using Reiki, combined with crystals and diet/lifestyle changes to effect change and promote well-being. It will focus on personal experiences, rather than peer-reviewed studies. With that being said, I must reiterate again that the treatments and suggestions contained within this series in no way substitute for the treatments your Primary Care Provider prescribes.
Generally, people with IDDM or Type I diabetes have pancreases which do not produce insulin at all. These people most likely do not have any chance of curing their condition, but they can learn to control their blood sugars effectively with less use of insulin injections. People with IDDM can control their blood glucose levels more effectively using the steps outlined in this article, and thus prevent further complications of this debilitating dis-ease.
Some of the most common maladies associated with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus are blindness, neuropathies, diabetic ulcers, heart dis-ease, kidney dis-ease, and amputations of limbs. Remember, diabetes is a serious and potentially fatal dis-ease, and it’s important to have professional assistance in treating this condition. As a nurse, I cannot stress this enough: PLEASE do not dismiss the fact that your healthcare provider has the academic knowledge and experience that is required to treat your condition. It is imperative that you discuss any and all options you choose to try when treating your condition with your healthcare provider.
In Part II of this series, I will outline the regimen that has helped my clients get their blood sugars under control. In the meantime, I am open to answering questions as best I can. If I cannot answer your question, I will provide to you reading materials that shall help you find answers. Remember, knowledge is power. The more you know about your client’s medical condition(s), the more effective you will be in facilitating healing energy with Divine Reiki. This series will outline how the energetic body affects the physical body in various ways; how the energy centers correlate with specific organs; and what crystals, sounds, and colors can be focused on to facilitate healing.
Until next time, honor your Self and each other, the Reiki Grand Masters, Reiki Angels, and All Divine Reiki Practitioners! Namasté.
Update: read the next part of the series here.
The link to Dr. Eenfeldt’s site will also allow you to read the studies that have been conducted over the last 15 years or so.
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Kat is a Registered Nurse, who is also certified in Usui Rhoyo Reiki and Holy Fire® II Reiki at the Master Teacher level. She is also certified in Clinical Hypnotherapy and is a Licensed Massage Therapist.
Kat has always been connected to Spirit, and is currently studying under a world-renowned spiritual teacher & psychic medium. Recently, she trademarked her name to conduct her business “The EnergyVoyant Nurse™”.
Kat was born in New England, U.S.A., and currently resides in Florida. Connect with her through Facebook at, visit her website at, or read her blog at
Thank you so very much Kathi for the article 🙂
There is no possible way that my Type I husband, who has followed a strict regimen the last 30 yrs and has maintained the same weight since high school, is going to control his blood sugars with more Reiki and less insulin.To even imply this is dangerous and ludicrous.
“People with IDDM can control their blood glucose levels more effectively using the steps outlined in this article, and thus prevent further complications of this debilitating dis-ease.”
Greetings, Rerah!
I’m a medical professional first and foremost, and would never tell anyone who is IDDM to simply use Reiki and change their diet to control diabetes. Hence, the WARNING at the beginning of each article to consult with your medical professional. However, people who are open alternative healing methods will and HAVE used Reiki (In my personal practice) to help heal some of the ill effects of having diabetes, along with changing their diets. There is plenty of peer reviewed research that has come to light over the last 15 years in academia in regard to changing one’s diet, that is ever effective with IDDM patients. Thank you for your concern.