Many times in our lives we come to crossroads with a mate, a job, or a friend. Many times we are faced with the tough decision of whether to stay and continue to fix, live through, or change the situation with that person, employer, or acquaintance or simply to move on. Turbulence in any kind of relationship is often an indication that things in that relationship need to be changed. We can give those relationships a little TLC by sending Reiki to the relationship and asking Reiki to change the energy of that relationship for the greater good of all involved. However, if we have reached a point in that relationship where we feel our objective should be to move on, we can also send Reiki to the upcoming changes so that any transition can be a smooth one for everyone involved.
But how do we decide whether to stay and do the work to improve the relationship(s) or begin the transition of moving on?
First, we should ground ourselves by meditating on the situation that is causing turbulence in our lives. Clearly think what about the relationship or situation is making you unhappy. Clearly define what your role is in the situation. What is your truth? What is your involvement in making the situation what it is today that has caused you to be unhappy? Do you bear any responsibility for the current situation? Are there things you could be doing better, which in turn would make the situation or relationship improve? Is it a matter of just making some personal adjustments in order to get the results you prefer?
Second, we should make a list of pros and cons. In other words, make a list of what is good about that relationship and on the other side what is bad about the relationship that you feel needs changing. Once this list is done, read the list to yourself a few times. Think back to your meditation earlier where you determined what role you play in the success or failure of the relationship or situation. Ask yourself and make the determination whether the bad can be overlooked because the good outweighs the bad.
Whatever you receive from the mediation and list exercises in order to make your decision can be helped by sending Reiki to each exercise prior to sitting down to conduct both exercises. You can ask Reiki to help you in making the decision by setting an intention to dedicate five to ten minutes a day concentrating on the self-evaluation work you have already done. Some may ask their angels or higher source to provide them with a clear sign and then use Reiki to direct the energy to transform the relationship or situation.

Image by wackybadger
You can use any number of ways to send Reiki to these turbulent relationships or situations. But, just as important is the need for sending Reiki healing into the future using the Distance Healing symbol so that whatever the outcome may be, you can ensure that it is a peaceful and beneficial transition.
Are you moving on? Are you in transition? What should you do? First, healing ourselves is important to the whole process. Give yourself Reiki treatments regularly during this period of adjustment. Balance and align your heart and throat chakras to ensure that your communications during this transition are love-based and not filled with anger or resentment. Keep your Solar Plexus and Third Eye chakras aligned as well, because your intuition is an invaluable tool to pinpoint certain aspects of the transition. By balancing these two chakras you can foresee further changes that may be either beneficial or detrimental, and therefore, adjust your direction to ensure that you are on the right course for a successful transition.
Of course, it goes without saying, that throughout this transition period of moving on, staying grounded is an important element. Spend some time outdoors in nature. You should pick place where you can go to release any negative emotions that come up during this transition and then be able to return to your regular activities. If you live near the ocean or a river, pick a spot to make your sanctuary. If you live in a city where there isn’t much nature around, or you don’t have time to drive to the nearest nature spot, you can always use your trusty computer to take you there. Find an image of an ocean or river or forest, whatever resonates with you. Then go inside!! Picture the obstacles or issues you are having currently and draw the Mental Emotional symbol in the air or in your mind and release them. Intend that they be resolved for the greater good of all.
If you are not attuned in Reiki yet, do not think that you are limited. You can do these same exercises by using crystals or aromatherapy during your meditations and periods of self-examination. The point to all of this is awareness of the heart, mind, and soul. When we are aware, obstacle become elements that can be easily resolved.
Article by Reiki Master Judy Camblor
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Judy Camblor
Judy Camblor is an Integrative Holistic Wellness Specialist and a Certified Reiki Master Teacher and Crystal Healer. She is a certified affiliate member of the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) as a Reiki Master/Teacher in the Usui Shiki Ryoho style of Reiki and has authored articles for the ICRT. Judy is also certified in Crystal Healing and works with other energetic and vibrational therapies such as sound, color, and essential oils. Judy has trained in astrological chart readings and in providing Akashic Records consultations. Judy enjoys teaching Reiki and attending speaking engagements where she can share her personal journey and bring forward connection, knowledge, awareness, and empowerment to all her clients. Judy also enjoys participating yearly in the Nurse’s Week events at a local hospital in South Florida providing free chair Reiki sessions and educates participants about the energy healing work that is her passion. She works with clients from all walks of life and provides in-person and virtual sessions and training workshops. Judy has been authoring articles for Reiki Rays since 2013.
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @Judy.emeraldhous
Instagram: @judy_camblor
Lovely article…. and cudnt have been a better time to publish it!
Thank you, Sunetra! I appreciate your input. There are times when we just need to stop and take stock of our lives.
For me too, it’s like an answered prayer. Thank you so much!
You’re very welcome, Liana. I enjoyed writing this article.
Hi judy I read ur article n wanted a few answers. I am reiki channel practising reiki since 17 yrs and have had miracles as result. In my marriage I am one who has been giving in n doing . I never complained as it was all my family. I felt like every one was taking me for granted . During one of my meditations it was revealed to me that my partner had an extramarital relationship during the time I was away for my second delivery. I aske d him few times and he denied the whole thing and even vowed by his dead father . I believe in reiki and in my meditation. I am confused about the whole thing. Now after giving soooo much in a relation I do not want to give in further. I cannot take a tough stand as it would hurt my parents and my childern. any suggestions.
Hi Rita, I can understand the dilemma you must be going through. Life puts us in such situations and its difficult to make the choices keeping everybody’s good and happiness in mind. Though you’ve asked Judy, I just want to convey, take charge of your life. Do not think too much about everybody’s happiness. It serves only short-term purposes. To be happy in the long run, do what you want to. Don’t limit yourself to what others want or feel. You have to live and look after your children too. It may be tough to decide and act right now but trust me it will be beneficial for all. You just need to take a tough stand on it. Once a decision is made, everything starts falling in its place.. so go ahead !! All the best. May reiki help you in choosing the right path. Love, light and peace to you !!
Excellent article it’s great to see another Reiki master who only practices Usui shiki Ryoho. Many blessings to you Judy. ????
So apt for me right now.. Thank you .. Namaste
Perfect timing. Beautiful. Thank you