Article by Angie Webster
Sending healing may be the last thing we think of when we’re angry. If it does cross our minds, we may stubbornly push it away, thinking we are too angry to work with such a loving energy as Reiki. And anger tends to lead us to thoughts of self-righteousness and justification, which don’t foster the need to soothe the anger. But maybe we should re-evaluate that. Reiki can be just what the situation calls for.
Taking a timeout to offer ourselves Reiki self-treatment when we’re angry accomplishes a few things.
- It causes us to stop acting. We need to take a break from speaking or acting on our anger until we calm down and see options for peaceful resolution. Meeting anger with anger only creates more resistance, adding fuel to the fire. It never solves anything.
- It soothes the anger within us fairly quickly and brings us to a more peaceful state. As we do Reiki, we often see the fear or hurt that is beneath the surface of the anger, rather than simply being caught in the anger itself. We can heal all layers of the issue as Reiki flows.
- This allows us to think with more clarity and may help us see options for peaceful resolution that we weren’t able to find before. When we return to the situation, we will be more able to tend to it with diplomacy and compassion, even if we don’t want to at the moment.
- Reiki is unconditional love, which is exactly what we need in our hearts when we are angry. Reiki will not judge, but will only heal. We need this energy to help us in the situation.

Image by photosteve101
You probably will feel some resistance to sending Reiki to the person or situation you are angry at, especially before you have sent Reiki to yourself. It is really important to treat yourself first and soothe your own energies. After you feel better, take a moment to consider how you were caught in a negative emotion and were not able to think as clearly before the Reiki treatment. You were stuck in its lower vibration and it took some awareness and effort to get back out. You did well, with the help of Reiki. Understand that those you have been upset with are possibly also trapped in the same types of energies and may benefit from healing as well. Consider sending them Reiki, or at least sending the situation Reiki.
If anger toward them springs back up at the thought of helping them, recognize that as judgment. Ask yourself if it is helpful or harmful in this situation. It can be helpful for us to discern how something is and what it feels like to us. When we are judging someone as unworthy and are filled with anger, it is rarely helpful. While we may need to remove ourselves from someone or from a situation, the continuing feeling of anger only fills our own heart with darkness, creating more pain for us. It is a very healing thing to send Reiki to the other party. It brings forgiveness to your heart.
You can also use Reiki to dissolve the cord of anger and any bitterness between your own heart and the other person or the situation. This can be done by placing your hands over your heart (or anywhere in your body that you feel the anger energy is stored) and offering Reiki for a few minutes. Then begin pulling the harmful energy out of the body and putting it into an imagined violet flame next to you. You will probably feel a slight tugging sensation between the area and your hand. Keep doing this over and over until you feel the cords of energy are no longer pulling and the density in your body has diminished in the area. Then place your hands back over the area and send Reiki for a few more minutes. In your mind, you can send Reiki to the other end of the cord, in the heart of the other person, as you finish.
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Angie Webster
Angie Webster made a significant contribution to the Reiki community, with a particular focus on Animal Reiki, which she had a deep affection for. As a knowledgeable Reiki Master Teacher and Author, she conducted online courses on energy healing, herbalism, flower essences, and personal growth.
She is the author of “Animal Reiki: How it Heals, Teaches & Reconnects Us with Nature” and “Reiki from A to Z”. Currently, Angie has decided to retire from her professional life to devote more time to her health, family, and the little joys of life.
Thank u so much angie! !!very much needed
Thanks Angie ! Really needed !!
You’re both very welcome! Blessings!
A new approach to self-care. Thank you, Angie!
Kathy, I am so glad you found it useful! Many Blessings!
Thank you!
Just did it felt good!
Thank you
So glad to hear this, Bob! Thank you for sharing!
Thank u. But i would like to share my experience on it. Wen i gv reiki on the other party to cool down and to normalize the situation, it didn’t work 🙁 moreover the situation gets worsened wen i tried to interact again. Plz guide. Thank you.
Hi Puneeta,
The practice here is to give Reiki to yourself when anger arises between you and another person. You have to deal with your own feelings and reactions to the situation first. That must be primary and, in many situations, it will be all that you can do. You can not control another person’s reactions and that is not the purpose of Reiki. However, if you work with yourself, you are often able to see clearly how to better respond, as well as how to heal your own emotions. Taking this time out for Reiki also allows time for a cooling off period for each of you, in which no further angry energies are exchanged. You can also ask that Reiki flow into the situation, however, do this for the greatest good and allow Reiki to do its work. Let go of specific expectations of behavior from the other person. Let Reiki bring you forgiveness and peace in your own heart, regardless of the outcome of the situation.
Angie, your comments really hit close to home. So many times have I found myself with anger towards my ex-husband as we attempt to be successful joint-parents. Over and over the voice tells me to send him reiki and I usually reply with, “are you crazy!” when I’m angered. However, it never fails…I do reiki, send him and the situation reiki and wonderous things follow.
Thank you for sharing