Article by Gustavo Cristian Fritz
My personal story as a Reiki Master begins back in 2008, when I obtained my certificate. I was born and raised in a small town in Argentina, Baradero, with a population of about 40,000 with a strong catholic influence.
The first agricultural colony of Argentina was founded in this town, when in 1856 Swiss immigrants would give form to the present Colony of Switzerland, a beautiful area of farms and nurseries .
A place where many of us know each other by name, and refer to a specific location, saying something like… “from the house of so and so two blocks to the right” or “oh … yes, the son of so and so.”
By the time I was leaving my job as an engineer, being the first Reiki master in town, was a real challenge. How to be accepted and recognized as a professional in a conventional and traditional environment, was not easy.
How to explain to people that Reiki is an energy healing treatment that works holistically; on the whole body, mind and spirit and not a system of religious beliefs?
My first attempt was advertising, which didn’t go very well. Unexpectectly, a columnist of a weekly newspaper in town, gave me the opportunity to write about it. And shortly after, a friend, radio and TV producer, who later became a Reiki student, gave me the opportunity to broadcast a program where I was able to talk about Reiki and its scientific value.
In the meantime, I was also asked to send Reiki at a distance, and questioned myself If I should go in that direction; to surprisingly see my local schedule full of appointments the following week.
A person called my office line and made a reservation thinking I was a dentist. Instead of leaving the practice that day, he took his mistake as an opportunity to explore Reiki and stayed for a session. He is still, today, a regular attendant of Reiki sessions and recommends Reiki among their relatives and acquaintances.
I was slowly but surely gaining respect as a Reiki practitioner. Coincidence? I prefer to call it Synchronicity.
While teaching Reiki, some of the students began to tell others in town, amazing personal stories of success in handling difficult life situations.
In many cases, as the story in a first book in which I have participated, Reiki had come to their lives beforehand, as if they were preparing for the events to come. Once again, I am a firm believer that nobody chooses Reiki by chance, but by synchronicity. It seems that people recognize somehow the need to search for help or to make significant changes in their lives and find Reiki in their way as an option. An option we have the free will to accept.
And to my surprise, none of the above attendants to my sessions knew about my ads.
The purpose of a Reiki treatment is to relieve stress and pain, induce relaxation, release emotional blockages and accelerate natural healing, among other things. I say this based on the ability of students to release deep emotions without experiencing any fear or fear of ridiculing themselves. These are the reasons why Reiki continues to amaze me as the first day.
Let the beautiful energy of Love and Happiness, and the Divinity in you, shine without limit.
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Gustavo Cristian Fritz is a Reiki Master and holistic therapist in Baradero, Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is dedicated to the dissemination of Reiki and Shiatsu among other therapies. After 10 years of applying these techniques, Gustavo is leaving the practice of chemical engineering to fully engage in these activities and provide outreach sessions in all places where he is called. Gustavo can be contacted through his email, [email protected], or his website
Thanks Gustavo for your wonderful writing, Hope to read more article from you. Positive thoughts and energy to you.
Paree Dussoye
Thanks You ! for this lovely words 🙂
Dear Mauritius, your words fill my heart !
There are some articles on this webpage.
Blessings for you and your loved ones
Thanks for the article. It’ so helpfull for me. I want to ask an interesting question. (Sorry for my bad english) I have reiki second level. I work in a factory for a while but today I learned that someone that I feel something have reiki, too… I wonder that if two reiki practitioner meet in a place, do they feel something about themselves? Do they notice that the other have reiki, too? What happens when two random reiki practitioner comes together?
Thank you for your words Ahmet!
I think it depends on the sensitivity of each Reiki practitioner perceive the energies of the people around him .
Anyway it’s not something that I worry, fortunately more and more people have to practice Reiki.
In my small town I have already begun about 100 students and there are other Reiki masters doing the same.
Multiply this healthy energy and heals us ourselves.
I,m working at distance with people in the US and the results have been wonderful.
Every day I am surprised more with Reiki
Blessings ! and any questions do not hesitate to write to [email protected]