Article by Prerana Sood
It is 2015. Soon this year will be over too and then the next and next. We are fast and somewhere deep down furious, Fast and Furious (Pun Intended!!). The pressure to compete and reach our desired destination is indeed taking a toll on us and our emotional well being. We want to cry, vent out, retire and bare it all but hey, who cares?! So probably, we conclude it is best to put a brave and happy face when out in the world. After all, who wants to look like a weakling! Right..? Well…WRONG!
It is very important to release and let our emotions flow freely if we want to attain complete well being. Our emotions affect our health directly. When we constantly suppress our emotions it triggers imbalance in our physical body and ultimately lead to bodily illness. So it is indeed very important to free yourself from emotional blockages.
Reiki can help you not only release blocked emotions but also balance them and provide a deep sense of relaxation and confidence. You can practice the following positions to help you do the same.
Position 1: Place the palms of both hands on your face such that they cover eyes, upper part of the cheeks and the third eye chakra. Hold this position for at least 3 minutes. If you are a Reiki level 2 and above then you can invoke the Sei He Ki symbol while in this position and all other positions mentioned below.
Position 2: Place the palms of your hands at the back of the head. Again hold this position for 3 minutes.
Position 3: Cover both of your ears with your hands and hold this position for 3 minutes.
Position 4: Place your hands on the Heart chakra in such a way so that the thymus gland is properly covered. Again, hold this position for 3 minutes. Extend the duration if you feel so.
Position 5: Give Reiki for at least 3 minutes to you Solar Plexus chakra. Extend the duration if you feel so.
Position 6: Slide your hands from the above position to the sides of your waist and hold just where your rib cage ends. Give Reiki to this position for 3 minutes.
Position 7: Finally, place your hands where your kidneys are located i.e. on the sides of your lower waist area. Hold this position for 3 minutes.
While you are giving Reiki to the above positions visualize that all your emotional blockages are getting cleared and your body is filled with white light. Also, you can burn a pleasant smelling aroma candle while doing this treatment. Fragrances like Lavender, Patchouli, Sweet orange and Rose are great for this purpose.
Blessed be!
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Prerana Sood
An eternal learner, Prerana Sood is practicing Reiki for more than 8 years now. An Usui Reiki Master healer, she is also an Oracle and Tarot Card Reader. A great believer in the magic of universe she loves to explore various aspects of the Occult science. Working with the forces of nature, crystal therapy, Vedic astrology and numerology have been some other areas of interest for her. A copywriter by profession, Prerana is an avid reader and a pet lover. She can be reached at [email protected]
Very beautiful Prerana.
Thanks for sharing
Love your write-ups Prerana. Your articles always stand out for me as a Reiki enthusiast as you don’t mess up with authentic Reiki healing. These days Reiki is less of a healing therapy and being transformed into something it is not. But i really love the fact that you don’t mess up. Thank you. Keep writing.