Article by Isabella Dove, Reiki Master
Reiki is a personal growth practice. Natural healing has the potential to reach beyond the therapeutic experience of healing itself.
Scientific studies give evidence of the bio-electric frequency induced by a Reiki treatment. However the fact that these studies are ad hoc and often ‘topical’ does not show the far-reaching effects of a medium and long-term practice. Their invaluable contribution is obviously to bring to the fore the positive effects that a natural energy therapy can have on our bio-energy system.
Imagine now for a moment that any of these studies would follow a sequence of treatment for as long as one year of even five consecutive years on one individual or a group of individuals aiming at measuring the effects of regular daily treatments of all the layers of the energy body with the combination of distance emotional healing and other uses of the etherical energies involved with Reiki. It would certainly bring evidence that a medium and long-term practice of Reiki enhances the lifestyle of the practitioner, strengthens the bio-energy field of the person and, reaches to the core of his or her being eventually influencing his or her whole life, encompassing personal wellness, relationships, self-esteem, emotions, sexuality, body awareness, job, money, and spirituality.
On the same line, personal growth is about empowerment and empowerment is about allowing our deepest visions and dreams that we hold dear, to match our lifestyle. It is about aligning emotions, visions and dreams and ultimately from a standpoint of self-awareness to transform our lives and bring it to the next level.
Similarly to healing, personal growth is a process, a dynamic flow of acknowledgment of values, emotions and experiences. Yes, you got it, empowerment is about “doing” something in combination with “being” ourselves rather than expecting something to happen to us from the outer world. This sounds quite a familiar pattern from a healing perspective.

Image by bertknot
Now there is a little more to add, and we would like to underline, five key aspects that align Reiki with Integral Personal Growth.
First of all, similarly to healing, personal growth/empowerment recognizes that most of our life is in our hands and we can do something about it. It is about synchronizing and accepting to go through a certain type of process, or as in healing “going through the motion of awareness and releasing”.
Secondly, once we are in a growth process there often is a no turning back. Indeed, healing and personal growth share a similar process of the kicking in of a vital force or digging out underlying forces of believing in self and acting upon them. Like a flower that is about to blossom, it is then very difficult to go backwards. Dreaming about a vision becomes a plan and the vision takes shape and often manifests.
A third common ground between Reiki and Personal Growth is about intention. Intention plays a critical role in healing as it opens energy channel of allowing the flow and it plays an essential role in personal growth as it triggers self-responsibility. Moreover, both processes share the value of integrity as it cannot be forced on anyone, it has to come from within.
The fifth common element is that personal growth is about allowing our inner voice or intuition to lead our heart and eventually our life and express itself in the crafting of our enhanced reality. Eventually, personal growth is a healing process that will lead an individual from a stand-point of “expecting something” to an experience of “happiness”.
How is this possible? There are ten values that combine Reiki with Personal Growth.
1) Integrity: The Reiki natural system is built on integrity. It won’t let you down unless you separate from it voluntarily or unless your ego and your mind decides to remain in control. Reiki is your ally as are your dreams, your visions and your highest grandest version of yourself that you would like to manifest.
2) Transparency: The Reiki Natural system gives you exactly what you put in it. It does not have any hidden agendas and does not promise you miracles. It acts and when practiced with dedication will give you good results. Yet mistrusting the system won’t give anything.
3) Well-being: Reiki is primarily a personal practice and personal growth is your own harmonizing process. You decide what you wish for yourself and you set your vision in to motion. No-one can do it or you.

Image by holisticmonkey
4) Wholeness: to be whole with one-self is to live in connection with our deepest heart-filled vision and connect with like-minded individuals. Allowing Reiki to flow in our lives will enhance fluidity and connections with most forms of living beings.
5) Love: Reiki is Love in action on yourself and for others and this makes Reiki a non-invasive yet powerfully deep practice. Personal growth is about accepting ourselves as we are with our vision and potential to transform our lives and give it a unique scenario of love for what we do and how we do it, rather than being a subordinate of an emotions, a job or a system.
6) Authenticity: it will be inevitable during years of Reiki practice to observe the ever changing nature of our moods and emotions and eventually take action to cleanse and detoxify to shine from our entire being. Personal growth is about accepting to be who are and express it.
7) Balance: Reiki will bring balance to your life and personal growth will clear the way to take self-responsibility for all situations in our life in an harmonious way.
8) Simplicity: Reiki is simple yet effective. Personal growth is also simple yet powerfully transforming our life to the point of making us focusing only on what brings us goodness.
9) Practicality: Reiki is practical. It is not meant not meant to be practiced in a close vase or simply for the purpose of practicing Reiki. It has a deep purpose and a function. It heals the body, the emotions and enters all aspects of our life whether you can observe it or not. It is made of practical tools as is a Personal Growth exercise: it is about your own life and how to life it the best way possible.
10) Spiritual connection: Reiki enhances our touch with and connection with spirituality and we may find ourselves more in touch with our core being. With intuition we may discover our Higher Self and how it connects us with our non-physical being or entity. Personal growth may also unfold our intuitive connection with some deep seated forces and become aware that what lies dormant can be utilized to enhance our matching dream and vision.
Personal growth is about using your Reiki tools to take your life in your hands and put in use those wise practical tools that will give you more balance! This is how we practice, this is how we teach.

Isabella Dove
Isabella Dove founded Healing Mudras a small studio acting as a hub for holistic artists and healing arts in Vientiane, Lao PDR. She practices Reiki since 1999, lived in 15 countries over 4 continents and brought Reiki as an ally to experiences several realities. After becoming a Usui Reiki Master Teacher in 2008 she travelled to Hawai’i and studied directly with William Rand, Founder & Director of the International Center for Reiki Training (US) and trained as Karuna® Reiki Master Teacher in 2010. This was a breakthrough and a further leap in the practice as Karuna® Reiki brings a firmer alignment and synchronicity with grounding bodhisattva energies. Isabella is a Certified Personal Integral Coach and teaches Reiki, Yin Yoga and DancEnergetics. Visit Healing Mudras at or
May you Reiki Rays, continue to shine online with the invaluable Knowledge Base on Reiki you represent!
Really enjoyed this article. Very insightful and very well written. It rang a lot of bells for me. Thanks.
Dear Ciaran, glad you found some insights useful for your journey…. blessings
Enlightening article….. 🙂
Great article! I have experienced this on my Reiki path. Blessed BE
My heartfelt gratitude to all of you. Healing and Personal Growth are indeed a joined hands journey…
Wonderful article! <3
interesting but ps correction required for typo in point 9 “not meant ” is typed twice, cheers