Article by Darshan.S
As healers we regularly run over times when we wish we had somebody to guide us through our questions. Here is one such method that consolidates the different strategies of perception, NLP and the force of your subconscious.
The thought is to make your own council of healers to help offer you guidance or bearing when you have an inquiry or troublesome choice to make.
The Technique
1. The Council can comprise of 5 to 10 individuals (living or dead) that inspire you the most.
For example Dr. Mikao Usui, Kwan Yin, The Dalai Lama, Buddha, Jesus Christ, mother Teresa…etc and make a list of all the people that you want in your council.
2. Close your eyes and on the screen of your mind imagine that you are sitting in a room where there is a large table surrounded by empty chairs and a single door to enter into the room.
3. Add details like the color of the walls, the kind of chairs & table, details about the door, temperature of the room, the fragrance etc add in the minutest details that you want.
4. Once you are done adding in all the details, draw CKR symbol on all the walls, chairs and the table. Cleanse and Energize the place using CKR symbol.

Image by j. kunst
5. Draw a big symbol #2 SHK in the middle of the room and harmonize the place.
6. Draw CKR symbol or Master symbol DKM on the door and state the following:
“Only the being of divine light will enter through this door under the consent of my higher self in only those ways that are for my highest good”) X3.
7. Call upon the members of your council one by one and ask them to have a seat.
8. Once everyone arrives you can ask them the guidance and help that you require. But please be very specific with your question. A vague question will elicit a very vague answer.
9. Do not be disappointed if some do not respond at all. Also remember that not all answers will be verbal. You may also receive the answers in the form of a gesture or a mental picture instead. You can also receive the answer intuitively or through a hunch/gut feeling. Just wait patiently for the answer.
10. Once you receive the answer just make a mental note of it.
11. After you have received all the answers that you need, thank them and send them back through the door and into the light.
12. Draw a Big CKR symbol or Master symbol DKM in the middle of the room to cleanse the place.
13. Bring your awareness back to the present, open your eyes and end the session.
You can utilize this method to discover responses to any inquiries that you have in regards to any part of your life.
Lots of Love & Light!

Darshan is a Reiki healer & teacher, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Professional Dowser. He owns a Metaphysical Store called “Crystal Alchemy” through which he helps spread awareness about Crystals and other Healing Modalities. You can reach Darshan at,
Interesting article and very helpful when we are dealing with challenging cases. I just wanted to understand the relevance of cleansing the room when the divine beings leave as their presence itself should be both cleansing and energising.
Thank you for your response.
The relevance of cleansing the room is that the next time you call in your council it would be for a different reason; hence if you don’t cleanse the room the energetic reminisce of your previous question and answer will still be in that room distorting the clarity of the answers to be received for a new question
Thank you . I love it. I will do my own council of healers..merci Merci. ..
Je t’en prie
What a great idea for a meditation.