Article by Angie Webster
We get very used to thinking of life as a series of events, and often as a series of problems to be solved. This turns into a way of life and becomes ingrained into our way of thinking. It can be difficult to let this go when we come to the healing path, yet this way of looking at life often is one of the very things we need to heal the most.
The truth is, we come to see healing itself as something that needs to be accomplished and preferably in a hurry. We often have a set way of thinking about the healing process, usually seeing it as a set of steps or an order in which the healing should unfold. We typically have ideas about the speed at which we want to feel better when we are uncomfortable or in pain and ideas about being in pain at all. These ideas don’t necessarily work very well when it comes to spiritual or holistic healing. They are strictly logic based and holistic healing is just that—whole. It includes the intuitive, emotional and unseen realms that we don’t comprehend in a linear fashion.
Healing is a process and the process is unique to everyone. It has no one template, but looks as individual as each of us do. That is another reason that healing is not the same as curing. Healing, in part, means a journey to learn about your inner self and to begin to accept and love who you find. It is a journey that begins to repair the cracks and scars that were formed along your path, teaches you to honor the way you have walked so far and guides you forward on your journey in a way that feels more whole to you.
When we are first coming to the path of learning a holistic or energy healing method, it is a good idea to use caution that we are not applying the linear way of thinking to the way we proceed with our training. Many people become very excited about achieving as many levels of training as they can, as quickly as possible. It is similar to those who feel that if taking one aspirin is good then taking two must be better and taking three is the best of all. Some feel that simply by taking the highest level of training, they will be completely cured of any problems or will never be sick with anything again. This is an error.

Image by Archbob
Healing requires being committed to the process, rather than expecting a quick fix from a short program. The training and attunements are only the stepping stones of the journey. They are not the entirety of the journey. It takes being willing to be dedicated to your own healing each day, as a part of life. In the beginning that may seem daunting to some, yet it is the path to letting go of the heaviness and the pain that has held you down. And at first, it need only be as little as giving yourself a few minutes of self-Reiki each day and learning to pay attention to your own energy. It builds from there, as you learn from that what is right for you.
With each level of Reiki training, you will experience a shift in your energy and in the way you experience Reiki. It is a wonderful thing to allow yourself some time to adjust between levels! Let yourself have some time to let Reiki work with you and to peel back a few more layers as it helps you heal. This happens naturally after an attunement, sometimes gently, sometimes not. It will work with you as it needs to. When you feel that you have allowed yourself to get fully adjusted to the way Reiki is now flowing in you, have allowed yourself to completely adjust and have worked with the energy for a while at this new level, then it may be time to ask yourself if you would benefit from taking the next level. There is no hurry!
We achieve no great benefit from trying to rush our healing process or from trying to hurry our Reiki training path. We only delay our true healing when we cling to a timeline or want an immediate outcome. And when we rush our training, we deprive ourselves of precious understanding that can be gained about ourselves and the Reiki energy in between the levels. Take your time and enjoy your path. You only get to walk this way once.
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Angie Webster
Angie Webster made a significant contribution to the Reiki community, with a particular focus on Animal Reiki, which she had a deep affection for. As a knowledgeable Reiki Master Teacher and Author, she conducted online courses on energy healing, herbalism, flower essences, and personal growth.
She is the author of “Animal Reiki: How it Heals, Teaches & Reconnects Us with Nature” and “Reiki from A to Z”. Currently, Angie has decided to retire from her professional life to devote more time to her health, family, and the little joys of life.
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