Have you ever wondered why after your Reiki attunements/healing sessions, the Masters instruct you to drink lots of water, eat raw fruits and vegetables, take adequate rest and sleep, rock saltwater bath, deep breathing, daily grounding, aura sweeping, aura shielding, set clear intentions and positive affirmations during your Reiki healings? The reason is, that they are boosters that not only increase the effectiveness of Reiki healing but also ease the Reiki healing crisis (a cleansing process). Following are some ingredients:
1. Drinking lots of Water
During Reiki treatments most of the time, the person may feel relaxed and rejuvenated. However, some people may undergo a situation called as healing crisis. Reiki increases the vibration levels, due to this the toxins which have been stored in the body are released into the bloodstream and filtered by the liver and kidneys. Therefore, a person may complain of headaches, stomach aches, acidity, and feeling weak. Hence, drinking lots of water removes the toxins from the lungs, and digestive system in the form of urine, feces, and sweat.
2. Eating Raw Fruits and Vegetables
After Reiki, eating raw fruits and vegetables increases the life force of the body. Our third Reiki Grandmaster – Mrs. Hawayo Takata advocated a diet of raw fruits and vegetables. In fact, her students reported that they would purchase bags of raw fruits and vegetables during her Reiki sessions and Mrs. Takata would make her favorite juices of celery, carrots, beets, etc. She strongly opined that they are blood builders which energize the whole system, promoting good health. No wonder why Mrs. Takata looked so young, fresh, and with few wrinkled lines even at the age of 80. In short, they boast of tremendously healing power.
3. Adequate Rest and Sleep
This is essential, especially in post-Reiki attunement, where the vibration frequency is raised drastically and the body, soul, and mind undergo sudden change resulting in fatigue and weakness. Taking adequate rest reduces anxiety, and depression and further uplifts the mental well-being of the person. Moreover, sleep deprivation leads to high-stress levels causing serious damage to auras and chakras as well as the physical body.
4. Rock Salt Water Bath
Taking a rock saltwater bath at least once a week or frequently when under a healing crisis, definitely improves energy levels by absorbing negative energy which we accumulate when we are in a negative environment or perceive negative emotions. It further improves immunity levels by cleansing the energy of the disease at the auric level. (Diseases are first manifested at the auric level, then at physical levels).

5. Connecting with the Nature
Spending time in nature uplifts the vibration frequency through magical healing powers of trees, breeze, rainwater, sand and beaches, sun, moon, etc. Even the birds’ chirping is so melodious to the ears, having calming effects on us. Nature walks/activities trigger the release of ‘positive hormone endorphins’ which relieve stress, uplift mood, enhances pleasure, boost energy levels, and minimizes pain.
6. Deep Breathing
It improves the delivery of oxygen and nutrients, plus accelerates the removal of toxins from the tissues, which results in improved health and resistance to disease. It expands your aura by 2 meters or more and activates the chakras. Furthermore, it builds energy vibration frequency level, which strengthens the connection for drawing in greater amounts of Reiki energy. To add a note, in one of the Reiki attunements, I had an emotional healing crisis (anger, guilt feelings), my Master suggested to practice this deep breathing technique by inhaling from the nose and exhaling from the mouth with ‘haaa’ sound and all my emotional negativities were released.
7. Grounding
Why are electrical currents in our home grounded? This is for the safety reasons, allowing the overflow of energy to be dismissed, so that there is no damage to the circuits from the excessive voltage. With the process of grounding, we are able to maintain a healthy energetic balance, by releasing the blockages and negativities. It works as a ‘Filter’ that removes unnecessary energy. The flow of energy becomes unidirectional i.e it flows only from you to the other person but does not pick up the energy of the other person. When we are intact with Mother Earth, we are stable, protected from psychic attacks. Our intuitive abilities are heightened as guides and angels can’t hit the moving target 🙂
8. Closing the Chakras
During Reiki healing, the chakras are widely opened, which invites energy vampires to suck energy from our auras and chakras. To avoid that, we should either visualize that our chakras are getting closed or seal the treatments with a huge CKR in front of our bodies.
9. Aura Sweeping and Aura Shielding
Aura sweeping cleanses the aura, removes diseased energy, and redistributes the excess energy to the weaker areas. Aura sweeping calms and revitalizes the person. Aura shielding neither allows any negative energy to seep in nor leaks out any of our energy.
10. Clear Intentions and Positive Affirmations
Intention and affirmations are two different things and both are very powerful. For example, ‘I intend Reiki to cure BP/ diabetes problem’ and ‘I affirm that I am healthy’. From the above example, we can conclude that intention pushes the conscious mind to take the action to heal/solve the root cause of the problem which comes in way of desire manifestations. It bridges what we are and where we want to be. On the other hand, affirmation is positive statement/visualization of future desired situations. It is the state of being already there (future events) which in turn sets the internal compass and aligns the life force energy to achieve the goals. (Caution – Setting unrealistic affirmations will unnecessarily wound the soul by accelerating the soul’s growth. Suppose you are obese and you affirm of having 6 packs of abs!!)
So, in order to make Reiki healing more effective, say both clear intentions and positive affirmations. Despite the fact that Reiki is a very intelligent energy, it will definitely not interfere with our free will 🙂
To summarize, ideally, our Reiki healing sessions should be in the following sequence :
Grounding → Say Clear Intentions → Reiki Healing with Deep Breathing → Positive Affirmations → Aura Sweeping → Closing Chakras → Aura Shielding → Expressing gratitude.
So, blend these ingredients with Reiki to maximize its healing power!! Happy Reiki healing 🙂
Article by Charisma Phatak
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Charisma Phatak is an engineering graduate and a MBA from nationally acclaimed institutions. She is a Reiki Master Teacher and Healer, with a long standing Reiki experience of 13 years. She practices Usui Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Dolphin Reiki, Tiger Reiki, Angel Reiki, Lavender Flame of Quan Yin, Wagle Reiki, Celtic Reiki, DNA Reiki, Magnified Healing, Imara Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, and Divine Light Ascension (DLA).
She, along with her sister Jhilmil Bhalwar is the co-owner of “Supreme Reiki Centre” at Pune, India. Her life with Reiki has been like unlocking the door to unlimited happiness!! Find Charisma at https://facebook.com/supremereiki
Wow, beautiful information..!
Its really awesome nd informative usefull i have cleared all my question u r really angel jhil plz keep share with us kind this information ☺
Useful info explained in easy words…Thank you Charisma 🙂
Thank you Charisma!♡
Great insights, basic concept cleared.. Loved the last para about ideal Reiki Healing process.. God Bless 🙂
Awesome article Charisma..
Love it to the tee
Thank you everyone 🙂
My god…..it’s so informative & useful . Thanks charisma
Brilliant! Thank you for sharing, Charisma! (I LOVE your name, too!)
I would like to also add that the rock salt baths can be replaced or interchanged with swimming in the sea with the intention of cleansing your energy field from negative vibrations. The negative ions that are prevalent by the sea are also very good for our overall sense of well-being! Namasté!
@ Kanthi – I am very happy that you added a valuable information to this article!! Divine Thanks 🙂
Wedding or marriage is a very important, special and most valuable event
Because Reiki isn’t a real thing, but drinking water, eating vegetables and being clear about your intentions will improve your life, so you’ll feel better and keep paying reiki practitioners?
Then I have a question here, then why fies a doctor ask us to take medicines after meal or empty stomach? Bec, that dictates the effectiveness of healing. That’s also about Reiki. Plus why do you pay to a doctor too, why not free? Healers are Energy Level Doctors. Loads of Love & Light , thanks & Regards.