Article by Dhwani Parikh
Life is an amazing mystery. It unfolds itself with new challenges at every step. Reiki is a divine energy which fills up all positive energy for the challenges in our life. In the routine life, we have work to finish and goals to fulfill. Especially, people with marketing and sales careers have to deal with targets every single day. Most of them often complain that field jobs are very hard and working based on only commissions is really challenging. Additionally, many people have their own business and want constant improvements in sales numbers. Many of them get frustrated with these challenges. Today I am here with some Reiki miracles especially for them. I have been in Sales career from last four years and faced a lot of challenges in my career due to big targets and number of hits to be achieved. But Reiki has given me amazing surprises by making all these numbers so easy for the highest good of all.
I have been an introvert person in my childhood. Being in marketing and sales was the biggest challenge for me. In the beginning, I struggled a lot to reach even 70% of my targets. So I thought of taking help of Reiki and it gave me miraculous results and got me best sales rep prize twice. Reiki made everything easy in my life.
I have used the simple technique as below.
1. First of all, you need to clear all the negativity which is in the form of complaints, doubts and previous problems with sales which creates blockages. So removal of that is our first step. You can take one glass filled up with tap water. Take the glass in your hand and put near you and your marketing materials. Visualize that all the negativity including negative thoughts about the sales in your mind are going to absorb in water. You can also think of black light from everything is coming out and getting absorbed in that water. You can also use black tourmaline for this procedure if you are very familiar with crystals. After all the black flames are removed, throw this water to the sewage. You can also take Reiki shower after this.
2. After removing negative energy, you need to take another glass of water. Do your Reiki prayer and draw the power symbol in water by touching it with finger. If you want to use this water for healing your marketing materials and products which are far then use the distance symbol and emotional healing symbol and again the power symbol. You can also use Karuna® Reiki symbols with this. Additionally, make a big Reiki Chi ball and absorb that in water. You can also use candles with fragrance to make the atmosphere more positive specially the green ones because that brings money.
3. After adding all positive energy to this glass, if possible spray this water to every possible space of your marketing products by thinking of the highest good. If not possible to spray (for example, laptop), mentally spray on it and visualize that white energy waves are getting absorbed in your all material.
4. After creating positive vibrations in all the things and yourself, practice Reiki to yourself while saying these affirmations as below.
- I can achieve my sales targets quickly, easily and happily.
- Customers come to me easily and they find me to buy these products.
- I enjoy my sales job.
- I greet each and every person with a smile without any selfish purpose.
- I am selling products to the people who have need of them and they feel good after buying that product from me.
- I feel good after selling each product and the customers come back and share their happiness with the products.
- I am doing best in my daily life and my career.
- I am happy and satisfied with my achievements.
- My customers are satisfied with my service and products.
You can also create your own affirmations based on your requirements and targets. You can also visualize every day before starting the day that you have made that sales already and see that in your Ajna chakra and pass the scene in white light and seal it with the power symbol. It is always required to feel good when you make sales or anyone says no for buying your product. There is always a ratio for the hitting of the sales. For some products, if you visit 10 customers, you will hit one. So, if nine says no, feel good about that because the next one you are going to get. Secondly, sometimes the customers behave too rudely but that doesn’t mean the next one will be like that. So treat every individual as a unique person and treat them good without being biased by previous experiences.
To summarize, be positive and keep practicing Reiki. You can achieve what you want for the highest good. Everyone has right to say no for the unwanted things. They are saying no to that service or product not to you so don’t accumulate negativity due to that. And last but not the least; Reiki has got all power to make you meet to the right customer who truly wants and needs your product. So keep practicing Reiki.
Have a happy day!
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Founder & CEO of Race is Not Over, Astrologer, motivational speaker, counselor, pharmacist & Reiki Master Dhwani Parikh is the founder of Race is not over and a pharmacist by profession, attuned to master level Reiki. She has started her journey with Reiki nearly 14 years ago. She has given at least 4-6 Reiki
healing sessions per week globally from these many years. She is an astrologer and gives remedies based on planetary positions combined with Reiki healing. She has an in-depth understanding of chakras, natural healing, energy healing, effect of planetary position on Reiki energy and healing. She has travelled across 18 countries. She is voracious reader and university topper in her studies. She has reduced 14+kgs of weight using Reiki and natural remedies. Also, consulted for weight management and healthy living successfully. She currently lives in Toronto, Canada.
You can reach Dhwani on [email protected] and on Facebook at
Awesome article…. I too faced the similar challenges in my work life and used reiki to help me out … and it really worked…..
Inspiring Article Dhwani… Thank you
Nice one!!
Thanks a lot everyone 🙂
I Like It
I want to know more about it….
Dear Ashish,
Let me know about your questions. I will reply you. Practice more Reiki everyday. It itself will teach you a lot.
Thanks and Regards
I Want to start from beginning
I don’t know anything about it. but i think it is interesting
You can find the Reiki teacher near you. And you can start from level 1. It’s an amazing experience and you will heal everything. Go for it.
it is very fine article for living easy life with rude people
Thank you
Very good article. Thank you for sharing.
Very nice article.I will definitely practise what you have said.
Thank you 🙂
Very inspiring article dhwani thank you so much
Thank you Darshana… 🙂