Article by Angie Webster
When we are working to heal something or dealing with a problem in life, we often tend to want to know why the problem began. It can be helpful to have an understanding of the pattern that led to an issue, as it can help us to avoid the pattern in the future, so this isn’t an altogether bad thing. However, we can sometimes get caught in the trap of believing that if we think hard enough about it, we will know all the reasons a problem came to be and that this will indeed show us the solution and preventative measures.
The benefit of energy healing is that it can undo many of the patterns and initiate the return of balance to the entire system, without ever knowing the cause of the problem. In fact, energy medicine acknowledges that there are so many interconnected factors at play in the creation of anything that to try and pinpoint just one or two of them as the “cause” would be an error. The truth is that everything that came before it is a cause. And yet, none of it is “wrong”. It all led you to this moment, where healing, love and acceptance are available.
With Reiki, we can simply send healing and let go of the need to know or understand the origin or cause of any situation or illness. Reiki will work as it needs to in order to bring about the return of balance. In that process, it will begin to open the person to receive any lessons they are ready to receive from the situation, as this is part of all healing and growth. Reiki always does precisely the work that is needed for each person and each situation, at the speed that is appropriate for each case.

Image by Yogendra174
Reiki works in balance with the left brained, logical, masculine aspect of all energy and the right brained, intuitive, feminine aspect of all energy. We tend to be very focused on the logical in our world. Our teachers, doctors and politicians work with the mind frame that we must only focus on the problem and the cause of the problem in order for a solution to be found. This does work occasionally, but typically only for short term solutions. When you want a permanent, holistic solution, you must release the need for knowing the original cause, accepting that we simply don’t know.
Holistic and energy healing, such as Reiki works from the aspect of a broader perspective, understanding that there is much more to life and to what composes all things than what we are able to see from our perspective. Reiki is much more effective when we let go of our desires to control the outcome or to garner any specific knowledge. Energy will continue to flow strongly where we place our attention and intention and if we are strongly placing our intention on knowing why something came to be, rather than bringing balance to it and releasing it with love, then we are reinforcing the pattern of the problem. That is not what we wish to do!
You have probably heard that it is important to let go of any particular desired outcome when you offer Reiki, whether treating yourself or another. When you look from the perspective of attention and intention, you can see that focusing on the problem, even in order to understand it, can be decrease the effectiveness of the healing and can possibly create new issues. It is best to remain open, with your intention focused on appreciation, healing, love and receiving what the Universe has to offer you.
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Angie Webster
Angie Webster made a significant contribution to the Reiki community, with a particular focus on Animal Reiki, which she had a deep affection for. As a knowledgeable Reiki Master Teacher and Author, she conducted online courses on energy healing, herbalism, flower essences, and personal growth.
She is the author of “Animal Reiki: How it Heals, Teaches & Reconnects Us with Nature” and “Reiki from A to Z”. Currently, Angie has decided to retire from her professional life to devote more time to her health, family, and the little joys of life.