Article by Latha Shenoy
The word itself brings us images of sick people, hospital, injuries being healed in the hospital or medical centre. We picturize doctors and medical practitioners working on the patients.
This is physical healing. The healing of the physical body. Apart from the physical injuries there are emotional injuries too which if not healed can over a time lead to more complications than the physical injuries. Physical injuries or health problems can be diagnosed or seen and can be healed and the patient recovers. But how do we heal our inner self.
Today, healing of ourself or our inner self is very important. It plays a major role in maintaining our health and sanity of the mind. Because human mind is very complex and it is not known how a situation or problem can affect a person.
How do we heal:
A person filled with hatred……….with love. By loving ourselves and others we spread love. Love has the power and magic to change and heal everything. The Divine spreads the message of love. Where there is love, there is presence of everything good, positive and beautiful.
A person with jealousy ….with compassion. A heart filled with compassion can melt a stone. Having a compassionate heart can make a person let go of jealousy and can change a person from bad to good. Being compassionate takes us closer to the Divine. Let’s all be compassionate towards each other and make this place a beautiful place to live in.
A person with guilt and regret …….. with forgiveness. Forgiveness is the most beautiful act of the divine. The divine forgives us. Fill our heart with forgiveness and see the difference it makes in you. You feel lighter and free.
A person with anger …. with kindness. Be kind to yourself and others around you. Kindness has the quality to change even the toughest of the heart.
Nothing heals a person better than love, forgiveness, kindness and compassion. Every person by themselves are healers of their own body, mind, and soul. Having a healthy mind and body is in our own hands. We all are our own spiritual gurus, life coaches, guides, mentors and healers. Who can understand us better than ourselves. Knowing ourselves means being enlightened, Being in the right direction and path.
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Latha Shenoy is a Reiki Grandmaster, Violet Flame Healer and an Angel Card Healer. She was in a Corporate Career until 2013 as a Business Development Manager and an Application Specialist in an MNC. She has done MBA in Operations. Latha has quit her career since 2013 and she has devoting her spare time in learning various Spiritual Sciences and practicing the same. She conducts workshops on Chakra Balancing and Meditation, and she teaches Reiki Classes and Angel Card readings.
Beautiful article..very well explained
thanks for sharing!!
I am in love with this article, Thank you for writing this Latha ji 🙂
awesome ! really beautifully explained about the two side of the human emotion.
Lovely article Latha…. Thanks
It is an excellent article. I loved it