Article by Darshan.S
This article is the 2nd part of the series “Reiki for Everyday Objects”.
Let’s begin to look at 5 more everyday objects that we can use Reiki on and the benefits we get out of doing so.
Incense is popularly known to have the property to cleanse and raise the vibration of a place. When you combine this property of incense with Reiki the results are almost immediate. To do so take an incense stick and energize it with Reiki while stating the following intention:
“I am now energizing this incense to transmute all lower energies that may have accumulated at this place into higher frequencies, and fill this entire place with the energies of love, abundance, joy, and happiness.”
And give Reiki for a few minutes and then smudge the entire space with the smoke from the incense.
You can use this to cleanse your house, office, objects, crystals etc.
Plants symbolize the life force energy and they bring in a lot of positive chi into the space. They also symbolize growth and stability. So if there is any area of your life that you want growth and stability in e.g.:- Finance, Relationships, career, social etc. you can state the following intention to the plant:
“As you grow, flourish and stabilize please help my _____________ (finance, career, relationship etc) to do so as well’. Thank you”. x3
Give Reiki to the plant everyday for 5-10 minutes as a form of energy exchange and observe the changes that it brings about in that particular area of your life.

Image by kropekk_pl
Doors & Windows
The door is the primary pathway through which energy or chi flows into the house and the windows serve as additional pathways. It is extremely important to create a filter at these pathways to allow only the energies of the highest frequency to enter. To do so draw symbol #1 (Cho Ku Rei) or another symbol that you prefer on all doors and windows and state the following intention:
“I am now creating a shield that allows only the energies of the highest frequencies to enter into my house/office in ways that are for my highest good”. x3
Communication devices
Our smart phones and other communication devices have become an important part of our lives and a major way for us to interact with others replacing the old concepts of communication. So it becomes important to give Reiki to our communication devices so that we communicate only the highest virtues of love. Give Reiki to all devices that you use every day to communicate stating the following intention:
“ I am now energizing this device to be a bearer of good news and to allow me to listen, express and communicate love, joy, and abundance”. x3
Books are one of the main source through which we take in information. There are millions of books to choose from and out of these we choose only those books that we think will provide value to us in our lives. We already have all the information that we need at a subconscious level but reading allows this information to rise up at the conscious level. Reiki the book before you start reading it with the following intention:
“I am now consciously remembering all the information that I need to empower my life, through this book”. x3
You can do this every time you start reading as well. This will facilitate better recall and understanding.
Here’s the link to the 1st part: Reiki for Everyday Objects – Part 1.
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Darshan is a Reiki healer & teacher, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Professional Dowser. He owns a Metaphysical Store called “Crystal Alchemy” through which he helps spread awareness about Crystals and other Healing Modalities. You can reach Darshan at,
Thanks for sharing these creative reiki ideas. Makes easier to incorporate reiki in everyday’s life.
I simply enjoy reading your articles.
Thank you so much for replying back.
Really motivates me to write more and better articles 🙂
this article is so…….beautiful and informative
i always try to charge my diya…crystals…fan….even pens..but always fell short of words while forming affirmations. ……..this article has proved to be helpful. plz share more like these…..together divine.
Reiki with plants for growth in some area of life is very good and appealing……but what …..if some body cuts that plant or tree…….or gardner trims that plant in your absence…?
will it affect…… negatively…..
plz guide regarding this…!
eagerly waiting for ur answer.
well it doesn’t really have a negative affect.
But what i would suggest is you have a personal plant of your own so that you can care and nurture for its growth and well being as well as your area of life.
I have been using reiki on all things, such as plants, and whilst cooking dinner. I can promise there is a difference in what I used reiki on and what I didn’t.
I hope to see more articles for those who are newly attuned to Reiki 1.
Hey Susan,
you can use the above techniques as a Reiki-I practitioner as well, instead of using the symbols just state it as an intention and channel the flow of Reiki to the following objects.