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Question by Randy:
I have my second degree Reiki. I have a couple of questions about the symbols and my connection to them.
I searched for the symbols and found dozens of samples on the Internet. They’re all very similar and recognizable.
However the ones I was given are different. One is the same, one is a distorted version, and one is totally unrecognizable.
So why don’t mine look similar? Why is one of mine so drastically different? What exactly am I attuned to, and what is my connection to those specific symbols? Is the one I was given the only version of that symbol that will work for me?
Is it possible to have other symbols work for me yet, like the Master symbol?
Answer by Deborah Lloyd:
This is Deb Lloyd, one of the authors on Reiki Rays .com.
I am responding to Randy’s question about why he is seeing so many different symbols when he goes out online – and I have been asked this question several times before.
The reason there are different Reiki symbols is that the symbols come from different traditions. There is the Usui tradition, the Tibetan tradition, and I know there are many more.
In my training, I’ve received a combination of Usui and Tibetan symbols. There are no right or wrong symbols. True Reiki symbols are good, all of them. And what gives the symbols the power is what you are attuned to during your Reiki trainings.
One idea that I have is to check in with your Reiki Master, if your Reiki Master is still available. Ask him or her what lineage they come from and to clarify the symbols for you.
And don’t forget, you can always have more attunements or re-attunements, either to new symbols, or re-attunement by the same Reiki Master to the symbols that you already learned. Attunements and re-attunements can be a wonderful boost in our energy practice.
I also would like to say that all of us need to be cautious about what we see online. Unfortunately there is no supervision as to what people can put online or even in written materials such as books and articles. It is always good to check in with others to make sure you’re working with accurate information. All of us must always remember to have much respect and to honor the symbols.
However, at the end of the day, it is probably our personal intentions that we set at the beginning of a Reiki session, whether it is for someone else or for ourselves. When we set a loving intention with only the highest good for the receiver for the Reiki energy to work, this symbol will work – as long as you have been attuned to it. And if our drawing looks a little bit different than someone else’s, the universal life force energy will still work in wonderful and miraculous ways.
Thank you Randy for this wonderful question and many blessings to you in your Reiki work.
Well said that lady!! Your symbols will work as you hold the intent & it’s for the highest good!! The internet is a funny thing often misleading but often very useful!!! Speak with your Master they are you go to person when you need them xx
Isn’t the internet a mixed blessing?!! So good in many ways, and misleading in others. We always have to be discerning when we read and see things on the internet – especially about Reiki!
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