Raku is a symbol used in Master Level. It is a beautiful symbol that is used to ground the student after the attunement. The symbol is drawn from head to the ground, allowing the body and the chakras to receive and adjust the newly received energy and so that it stays there. It is said to represent the Chi or the Life Force Energy that runs down the spine through the chakras.
The origin of Raku is unknown to people as it was not originally a part of the traditional Usui Reiki. There are many theories surrounding it, one being it is a Tibetan symbol that was used by Reiki Master Iris Ishikuro in her Reiki practice which she named Raku Kei Reiki. It was Arthur Robertson – student of Iris Ishirkuro, who got this healing practice to the west.

This symbol apart from grounding and sealing the attunement is also used to separate the energy of the student and of the master after the attunement process is complete. It is also a good idea to use this symbol after one has finished a healing session with a patient, so that once energy does not get drained. I personally have used it to cut off from people who would bother me for a very long time. I drew Raku and they are out of my life forever!
This symbol has a beautiful healing technique too. It is a beautiful technique for removing kidney stones. It can be imagined in pink or violet color and act as a laser for the affected area or the spot. It can be also used to remove blood clots from one’s body. But one should be attuned to this symbol before using it.
Article by Reiki Master Sunetra Dasgupta
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A lecturer by profession, teaching undergraduate students Mathematics, Statistics, Research Methodology and Business Communication, Sunetra Dasgupta is also Reiki Teacher & Healer. She strongly believes that Reiki came to her rescue in difficult phases of life, helping her to cope and transform. Sunetra is currently affiliated to Alohahappiness - an MNC specializing in various healing services, remedial products, Vaastu, Numerology, Astrology and Past Life Regression to name a few. At Alohahappiness, she is an active Guide, Healer and Teacher regularly taking up cases for healing and courses for teaching. She has channelled Gajanan Vinayak Reiki, and heals with and teaches Traditional (Usui) Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Karuna Reiki®, Soulmate Reiki, Fusion Reiki, Wagle Reiki, Angel Reiki, Tiger Reiki, Lavender Flame Reiki, 30 more types of Reiki, Magnified Healing, DLA, Akashic Records, Access Consciousness, Aura Brushing, Cord Removal, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, EFT, Psychic Surgery, Angel and Tarot Card Reading, Runes, Tasseography, Violet Flame, Herbs and Oils, Candle Magick, Signature Analysis, Vastu, Numerology, Feng Shui, Bach Flower, I Ching, Fairy Ring, LOA, Diceology, Lithomancy, Hydromancy. She is also an Angel whisperer. She has also written a book “Lessons I learned from Reiki” which can be bought from Pothi.com.
She lives in India and can be contacted via Alohahappiness official page facebook.com/alohahappiness. Her personal Pages are facebook.com/soniele.daniel.
Beautiful explanation about Raku, dear Sunetra. Thank you for sharing your knowledge about this symbol, which was never explained so well to me!
Many Bright & Divine Reiki Blessings!
RN 🙂
Raku definitely has more uses than only during attunement.. The symbol deserved to be written about.
Thank you Sunetra For sharing this with us.
Love and Light 🙂
vEDANT : CAN you tell me if you know how to use Raku ( lightning bolt ) from feet to Universe, as Diane Stein uses it, to give her students a quick out of body experience ?
I have made out of body experiences seven days in a row years ago, easily, no problems.
Please leave an answer
wow Sunetra:) amazing article
Thank you all for your wonderful comments 🙂
Never knew so much about this symbol. .was using it at the time of attunement. .Thanks a lot sunetra for this enlightenment. .
Lots if love light reiki
Thank you for writing this.
How is it used to for treating kidneys, blood clots etc? I would like to use it for my lymphedema.
I personally that reki has changed the perspective of my life
Hi :
Can you tell me if you know the detailed technique, step by step, to use Raku ( lightning bolt ) as Diane Stein in her book ” Essential Reiki ” explains…( she says not much )…to draw the Raku from feet to universe on a Reiki student so the student will experience a quick OUT-OF-BODY experience ? I took already Reiki III, and ART ( Advanced Reiki Training ).
I did in the past seven days in a row astral projection. Now I need the Raku to exit my physical body anytime I wish.
This is not classed as a true Reiki symbol, as it came much later. I personally don’t use it as the early Masters never used it.
I keep seeing this in my 3rd eye since i done my Reiki 2.
Thank you for the history of this symbol. I was taught this in our Reiki 1 course work. I use it for grounding myself before and after Reiki sessions, clearing rooms of lower energies/attachments, grounding the room, and to lift negative karma. I was taught to draw this symbol from head to feet, always.
Great article…. but I am reluctant to call my clients “patients” as I am not a trained health care professional although…. I am a healer. It’s so conflicting. Thanks for your information about Raku, I always enjoy your topics. Thank you!
Thank you so much for sharing the wisdom. Could you please tell us about getting attunement of this Sacred Symbol Raku.
If you have not recieved an answer, please reply, I do attunements to over 100 symbols
I have gone through Reiki I, II, Master (non teaching). I would be interested in information on being attuned to the Raku symbol. Thank you.
Hi Sunetra :
Do you think I was attuned to Raku when I took Reiki Usui Level III ?
Or is this attunement to Raku ( lightning bolt ) a specific attunement ?
Where do you teach ? In what country ? City ?
It depends on your Reiki Master…. they should have told you your symbols!
Raku and Fire Serpant are DIFFERENT symbols! They have DIFFERENT uses! Wow! I teach and attune to over 100 symbols of different styles.
I thought the Fire Serpent was a Teacher symbol??
People run away with their own renditions and it is so confusing to me. I believe I am done with this reiki!! There is NEVER a right answer.
Just one more made-up symbol! This is why in my Ricky 1 classes I talked quite a bit about what symbols really are and the fact that they have no power on their own just what people give them. Understanding what symbols truly are should be apart of every Reiki training so people actually know what symbols are what they can and cannot do and how to use them. They also need to learn how to move past the training wheels that are symbols.
This is just another one of those new or young symbols that someone came up with as part of their scheme to try to remake Reiki. In the late eighties and early nineties, none of the Reiki Masters have ever seen this symbol and it was until the mid-to-late 90s that people started using or talking about it. Just like with any of the symbols they are training wheels to help you learn to get out of the way of the energy and just like learning how to ride a bike you cannot Master Reiki if you’re still using training wheels! Use the symbols if you need them but work poured mastering Reiki and yourself so you no longer need the training wheels.
Dear Dannie,
Thank you for your message and for sharing your perspective. <3 This article supports it if you'd like to read it: https://reikirays.com/71957/reiki-symbols-limiters-of-potential-or-not/
Reiki Rays Team