Article by Rinku Patel
Foot Chakra is one of the most under-rated chakra amongst all the chakras we heal. We often forget to give Reiki to out foot chakra while healing all the other major chakras. Foot chakra is one of the most important chakra as it helps pass the Divine Energy to Mother Earth, which makes grounding powerful. Feet have root extended into the Earth. Healthy foot chakra helps pass energy to all the chakras, as the energy is derived from Earth.
Symptoms of blocked or closed Foot Chakras:
- Do you feel fatigue and tiredness often?
- Do you suffer from insomnia?
- Do nightmares trouble you?
- Do you feel ungrounded?
- Do you feel restless often?
- Do you feel disoriented and disconnected?
- Do you suffer from ‘slow healing’?
- Do you have creativity blockage?
If you have answered any of the above YES, then your feet chakras are blocked/closed.

Image by MarcoRoosink
How healthy or open foot chakras help?
- Speeds up healing process
- Makes grounding powerful
- Reduces tiredness and stress
- Removes blockages related to manifestation
- Heals insomnia
- Eliminates negative energies, psychic attacks, nightmares…
How to open/unblock Foot Chakras?
- Walk bare feet on grass. As easy and as simple as it gets ☺
- Another method is: Stand bare feet on the ground. Imagine your feet chakra spinning and opening. Imagine roots coming out of your feet grounding you deeply to Mother Earth. Here is a Grounding Meditation technique. Only difference is you imagine roots coming out of your feet and both chakras spinning and opening.
- Those who are fond of crystals can use grounding crystals to open feet chakras. Some of the grounding crystals are Hematite, Black tourmaline, Dalmatian Jasper, Blue Kyanite, Red Jasper, and more. Fill a tub or bucket with lukewarm water. Place some grounding crystals in the tub. Now place your feet in water tub and just play around with your crystals with your feet. That’s it, so easy.
- Last but not the least, my favorite method. Give Reiki to foot chakras.
Keep your foot chakras spinning and live a healthy-happy life ☺
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Rinku Patel is a Reiki Master Teacher, Doreen Virtue certified-Angel intuitive, Fairyologist, Realm Reader, Crystal healer, Angel card reader, and Indigo card reader. Other than that she is a Certified Tarot card reader and spiritual writer. Rinku can be reached via her email address and on Facebook at Magics n Miracles
Indeed it’s underrated. Thank you for the article. I have been working on grounding.. This article is beneficial 🙂
Thanks for posting, being a diabetic I pay special attention to my feet, wanting to keep all my toes :). But, I’m going to put your info to use as well. I need to ground more myself.
I love all things that does not come from a pill! My injuries in the armed forces lead me to Acupuncture and since them everything natural, presently I am a customer of Lesley Green In Blyth Retford near Doncaster
I am impressed with her for site awareness, knowledge of all around you and herself, she is brilliant.
The link I now write i=in came from her as a wonderful thought to open my mind even more,m thank you
apologies for missing the spell checker but I am sure you will understand my message
Thankyou for these articles , I’m learning so much ,
Thanks a million Rinku. I got so many answers fm ur article. GOD BLESS YOU
thanks rinku , i got my answer from ur article i couldnt understand the symptons which i suffer but when i read ur article i m clear now . i ll ground myself . thanks a million , u guys r on time helper all d time thats y love to read reiki rays awesome love u all divine thanks
I love this website. Love the foot chakra. Never knew about that.
Hi I’m suffering from planter faciitus and achy bones, what reiki treatment and focus would you recommend?
I would do reflexology on your feet for plantar Faciitus
Thank you ….
Lovely, thankyou so much. Happy day. I am definitely going to incorporate this, regularly. Love and light to you, me and all of our lovely community
I have been dealing with Plantar Fasciitis since the beginning of September. Would you be able to recommend a specific Reiki treatment?
This is for both Lucia and Barb Clark in regards to your plantar fasciitis. It doesn’t involve using feet chakras to help but I had to share this because my husband suffered from plantar fasciitis and I saw first hand how painful it was for him. So if this can help someone else, by all means, please use it.
My husband found out he had plantar faciitis after a day at the beach. The next morning when he got out of bed, he couldn’t walk and had to crawl from room to room because he was in so much pain.
What he end up doing was fairly simple but involved changing how his feet were positioned at night when he slept.
What we did was go to Walgreens and pick up a brace that was specifically for plantar fasciitis. What it does is it keeps your feet in the flat footed position (like how your feet are when you stand on solid ground) and then your foot will heal in the correct position. After that he started making sure his feet were in that position when he slept. And since changing the way his feet are positioned when sleeping, he hasn’t had any issues with his plantar fasciitis.
A useful text…your articles are a great help to grow spiritually.
I am so pleased you have written this article to highlight this. Many people have deskbound jobs and due to the distance have little opportunity to walk to work. As a therapist who sees energy blocks and chakras I know the importance of the feet and its connecting energy to the earth chakra. It took me once an hour to unblock a client’s feet and watch the old energy leave. Fortunately they are normally much quicker.
I suggest to clients to walk in the grass barefoot like yourself. Also filling a bowl with warm water with epsom salts and placing their feet in, say whilst they watch tv. Even stamping their feet on a regular basis is good just to clear some of the old energy if they have no time for a walk.
Walking is so important for the energy flow and you can also do a walking meditation as well.
Best wishes
Julia at Culcheth Healing, Warrington UK
Beautiful article. Thank u so much dear Rinku… Love & light for u..??
Thank you so much for the article
I was afraid to incorporate or include the feet chakra in my daily activation. So I felt it was missing for some reason. I googled it and found your information, which gave me confidence in including the feet chakra. When I started breathing and focusing on the feet chakra, in short, I experienced MOTHER (Black) energy. It felt so nurturing and protective. When I reached the chakra, 2 inches above the head, FATHER (White) energy, I can only say that I have never felt so grounded and happy.