Article by Naveena Shetty
The seven layers of the aura are linked to the chakras. I have in my experience observed, that along with healing the chakras with Reiki, healing the layers of the aura gives an additional boost to the healing process.
The seven layers of the aura and the chakras they are linked to are as follows:
- 1st Layer – Etheric (this layer is the copy of your physical body) – Root Chakra
- 2nd Layer – Emotional – Sacral Chakra
- 3rd Layer – Mental – Solar Plexus Chakra
- 4th Layer – Astral – Heart Chakra
- 5th Layer – Etheric Template – Throat Chakra
- 6th Layer – Celestial – Third Eye Chakra
- 7th Layer – Ketheric Template – Crown Chakra
If the physical healing is slow start healing the layers of the aura. For example: If one is stressed or plagued with negative thoughts, then treat the solar plexus, sacral and third eye also treat the third, second and sixth layers of the aura and get quick relief.
Similarly healing the second and third layer of the aura helps in manifestation of goals. Disturbances in the emotional layer of the aura, invariably starts affecting both the etheric and mental layers of the aura.
Leaks and tears in the aura cause physical discomfort. Leaks are points where the energy pours out, they are mild in contrast to tear. A leak over a period of time can cause a tear which may need more healing as it is more severe.
A bout of anger or a slight emotional disturbance can create a leak in the etheric layer and a leak in this layer causes joint and bone pains. I have experimented on myself and my ankle pain which I had been experiencing for many years has disappeared. So whenever my knees start hurting or there is pain in the ankles I immediately start giving Reiki to my Root chakra, then send healing to my entire physical body then heal the etheric layer of the aura (with the intention that all leaks and tears in the etheric layer are healed and sealed). It works like magic. I do not even need to Reiki the affected body part.

Image by AdinaVoicu
Steps for the healing exercise:
- Thank the Divine Spirit, Reiki, Archangels, one’s own spirit guides, teachers, etc, for their protection, assistance and guidance in the healing process.
- Visualize Reiki energy enter through your / clients Crown chakra and see yourself / client, completely bathed in divine light (Reiki energy).
- Draw the Power, Distance and Mental / Emotional symbols (Master symbol if you have been attuned to it).
- Now heal each of the chakras (both front and back, very often healing of back chakras are ignored).
- After you are done cleansing and healing the chakras start healing the layers of the aura. First, intend to heal the physical body, then move to the etheric layer and slowly cover all the seven layers. While working on each layer, intend that it is healed with Reiki energy and that all leaks and tears are healed and sealed.
- Finally, intend that you are shielded from all negative and unwanted energies.
If you are doing this as part of a regular healing exercise then you can do it about 3 times a week. Initially, you may need to do it often, but, you can reduce the number of times in a week as your intuition guides you.
This exercise works well even of you intend that you are healing layers using numbers i.e. you can say first layer, second layer, etc.
Best of luck on your Reiki journey.
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Naveena Shetty
Naveena has been practicing Reiki since 1999. She moved into professional Reiki in 2013 and specialized in long distance Reiki. Her home is in Mumbai, India. She has always been interested in spiritualism, occult, etc. Reiki sought her out when her mother’s friend suggested she learn it. Naveena’s hobbies are cooking, reading (fiction and non-fiction). It is her dream to empower people around the world with Reiki. Though she has taken courses in different levels of Pranic healing, Naveena’s heart belongs to Reiki.
“It’s been a beautiful journey with Reiki, it has subtly yet powerfully helped me hold my life together.” Reach Naveena at
Very nice article Naveena. Thank you.
Thank you Shubhada.
Love & Light