Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
All forms of energy healing share a connection in ways that are not always obvious. The energy of the angelic realm compliments the energy of Reiki. The angels are pure energy forms of love and light. They love connecting with Reiki healers. It usually happens that the angels come looking for us first rather than vice-versa.
If connecting with the angels happens to be part of your life’s purpose, here are a few signs that may help you discover if the angels are reaching out to you ☺
1. As a child, were you fascinated with angels and fairies? If yes, it is a sign that the angels are part of your life. To quote my own example, no one in my family connected with the angels. Most didn’t even believe in them. But I always felt a deep fascination for them. When my sister and I role played as children, I often played the role of an angel. The word ‘angel’ sounded melodious to my ears! I also loved dressing up like an angel and singing angel songs.
2. You feel naturally connected with the angelic realm though you may not have all the information about it. You reach out to the angels in your own way.
3. You are inclined to learning about angel healing.
4. You feel a sense of peace when you hear someone talking about the angels, read about the angels or see angel pictures.
5. You often sense warm energy near you. This energy, which often signifies the presence of an angel, feels comforting to you.
6. You have dreams and third eye visions of angels. This is especially significant when you have these visions out of the blue rather than after you’ve read something related to the subject.
7. You feel a fascination for crystals and colours. The energy of every archangel is associated with the energy of a specific crystal. Feeling attracted to a crystal may signify that the corresponding archangel is trying to reach out to you.
8. You stumble upon feathers in unexpected locations.
9. After praying for help, you often witness the sudden appearance of birds, butterflies and certain animals. Seeing them gives you feelings of peace and reassurance. The angels often appear in different forms and bring us messages and healing.
10. People often use the word ‘angel’ to address you (especially when they don’t believe in angels themselves)! This is because people are able to pick up the energy of the angels in your energy field, even if they are not consciously aware of it.

Image by docoverachiever
If you resonate with any of these, it is almost a certainty that the angels are part of your life, even if you were not conscious of it all these years. But now that you know the signs, trust that the angels are part of your life. You can start connecting with them right away. The more you connect, the stronger their presence becomes in your life and in your Reiki practice. For this, all you need to do is talk to the angels or write a letter to them. You can use the following lines as a reference and change the wording to suit your personal style.
“My Dear Angels, I wish to connect more with you. Please connect with me in whatever way is best for me. Thank you for being in my life.”
Thereafter, let go and allow the angels to work their magic in your life. Enjoy connecting with the Angels!
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at [email protected] and on Facebook at Angel Light.
Thank you Sally!
Beautiful article as always by u..I am a level 2 Reiki Channel..please can u tell me which Angel/Archangel is related to Turquoise stone?& also how to know which is my guardian angel?
Thank you Deepthi. Turquoise resonates with Archangel Sandalphon’s energies. You can read this article to know more about guardian angels-
Thank you so much..Please guide me how to connect to Archangel Sandalphon? I wear a Turquoise ring on a daily basis starting recently..please can you tell me how can i use it with my daily Reiki practice?
I would be interested in finding out which Arch Angel’s are associated with Crystals
Connie, I will write about this in another article sometime soon.
I have a business I call Earth Angel as I was dubbed that name as I did random acts of kindness for various people I didn’t know. I started smelling flowery scents and determined that angels were letting me know they were with me, including in my car. I now experience others’ angels when I do reiki and perform it around their crown chakras.
Nice article. Even while reading this article I started smelling heavenly fragrance. Thank u dear Angeles for being in my life.
I had been wondering who the Arch Angel for the thymus chakra is. I had thought it might be Sandalphon. The colour of this chakra is turquoise. Thank you for confirmation!
hello Haripriya
it would be nice connecting to you
when u come to delhi do tell if possible will try to meet u ..i live near Rohini
if i am in Bangalore will contact you
am a reiki master , connect to angels and fet connectedng your photo
Thank you Haripriya.
If you see my aura as normal, please do not answer, for …
Dear Haripriya
One of my friend told me she notice by some people that they saw a orange ball in her shoulder than later she herself saw that ball (in darl blue color) again and start to speak with it, he told her go ahead you have enough power to improve in your life …. is he an arc-angle ?
Dear after reading your article…I try to call the archangle Michael and I requested to assist me …..I had a dream that night that I have found a treasure of crystals which was shown to me by an old couple…..What kind of message was it….plz guide me…….I am a reiki grandmaster but never worked with angles
Dear In addition to my previous request….I want to ask for my son….he has some chronic disease…I am healing him many times a day…..which angel should I call for assistance when I sit to heal him…I wish him to be overcome of that disease….he wears crystals too
Thank you Haripriya *
Thank you Angel haripriya thank you very vru much.
Ya . I do connect with signs u told. Out of 10 signs 7 matches with me. Nice article by u as always.
Its amazing and nice one.
I too feel that the angels are around. Many signs I feel. Thank you for the wonderful words!
Beautiful. And thank you for the link to download all of those useful books. Grateful xx
Great article! An eye opener!
Can u tell my Angel
This article was such a good read which I will definitely suggest it for the family members!
The previous time I have read something written was with
here at
Thank you to your professionalism and an eye for the details.
Will be happy to see more of your own writing!
Thanx Haripriya for all ur informative articles nd pdfs as regards to healing nd Reiki
It’s a beautiful article. When I practice reiki and meditate , I feel the warmth around me almost all the time. Also, recently I am attracted to crystals and wanting to learn about crystal healing. I feel to use crystals in Reiki healing.