Article by Darshan.S
Throughout our journey in life we come across many moments where we find the need to introspect our inner self and isolate from the world in order to heal the deepest parts of our consciousness.
This technique will accelerate the process and serve as a medium for you to go deeper within yourself and prepare you for the healing.
The Technique:
♦ Sit in a relaxed position and clear out all distraction. Invoke Reiki to flow through you for your highest good. Shield and ground yourself and invoke to receive help and guidance from your Reiki Masters, Angels, Archangels, Spiritual Angels, Spiritual Guides, and your Personal Reiki Master.
♦ Begin by visualizing a path in front of you. This path is made up of light and this path takes you to your healing space. As you walk along this path begin to realize that you are perfectly safe and protected.
♦ Continue to walk along this path of light feeling safe and protected and as you progress forward you begin to see an ancient mystical forest ahead of you and you feel a sense of happiness and belonging.
♦ Walk into this mystical forest and look around you. Make a note of all the trees and plants, the animals. Look at the sky and look at the ground. Take in as much details as you can of this enchanted place.

Image by joakant
♦ And as you move forward you can hear the sound of a waterfall, move towards it. You can see that the waterfall is beautiful and everything around it is beautiful and magical. But there is something unique about this waterfall. It is made up of light. And you can clearly see the Reiki symbol that you require in each droplet of this waterfall. (you can use divine codes, qualities, feelings, emotions etc instead of Reiki symbols if you prefer)
♦ Go and sit under this healing waterfall and let it wash away everything that does not serve you. Let the light flood each and every cell of your body to resonate at the frequency that you desire. Sit under this waterfall as long as you please.
♦ Once you are done and feel that the healing has been completed, get up and walk back through the same path that you came from. You can return to this waterfall whenever you please and you can also use the various tools and resources available around the waterfall to help you with the healing.
♦ Thank everything and everyone that has allowed the healing to take place.
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Darshan is a Reiki healer & teacher, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Professional Dowser. He owns a Metaphysical Store called “Crystal Alchemy” through which he helps spread awareness about Crystals and other Healing Modalities. You can reach Darshan at,
Beautiful, thank you.
your welcome 🙂
Thank you so MUCH for this magical healing waterfall!!