Make Self-Care a priority in your life. Many people feel guilty about making time for themselves, but when you’re stressed and exhausted, you have less energy to give to others. When you begin to make self-care practices a priority in your day-to-day life, you will find that you have much more energy and patience to care for your clients. Self-care is something that you need to decide to do, because no one else will do it for you. That is true for every person, but especially for those who assist in healing and helping others.
Also, tell your clients about the importance of self-care in their own lives. In addition to helping your clients and their bodies to heal themselves, it’s also important to teach them about the self-care practices they should schedule into their day. Self-care is a preventative method of healing as well as a healing method in itself. The more someone takes care of themselves with love and compassion, the easier it is for them to release the pain, struggle and resistance that made them sick in the first place.
Write yourself a list of activities that spell self-care for you! It’s very personal and different for everybody. But here are some suggestions you might want to incorporate in your list:
1. Reiki yourself daily. At least 10-20 minutes.
2. Meditate every morning. 10-20 minutes. The nice thing is that you can combine the meditation with your own Reiki treatment. That can be very time efficient. 🙂
3. Exercise regularly. That can be as simple as going for a walk in the park or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. But it’s important to move your own physical energy to release the stress and tension you may have picked up from your Reiki sessions.
4. Cut your cords. After every treatment you give, make sure to wash your hands with cold water or cut your energy cords to the client, to make sure the energy stops flowing from you. Cutting cords can be as simple as pretending that your right arm is a sword and moving it from top to bottom in front of your body. It’s your intention that cuts the energy. You could do this in your mind as well.

5. Put your worries into a little box. Before you give a Reiki session, make sure that you are in a positive state of mind. You could visualize in your mind a little treasure box in which you put all of your own worries, stresses, irritations or arguments you may have had. Tell yourself that you can take them out of the box when you have completed the session.
6. Keep your sense of humour. Laughter can instantly shift your vibration as well as your client’s. If you make little jokes, you can lighten the atmosphere and make the client feel more at ease. I find first time clients are often quite tense and anxious when they lie down on the table. I say things like: You are allowed to breathe! It’s okay! 🙂 That at least puts a smile on their face. Remind your clients that their bodies can heal themselves and they are the ones who own the power. You are not healing them, but you assist their bodies in healing themselves. You are just there to help.
7. Pamper yourself throughout the week. Here are some suggestions:
- Make yourself a big cup of herbal tea and sit down in a quiet place and read a book or a magazine. If your home is not quiet, go to neighbourhood cafe.
- Journal and write out all of your worries. Do a brain dump and let everything flow out. Or write your list of grievances on a piece of paper, tear it up afterward and throw it in the garbage can where it belongs.
- Go to a museum or art gallery for the afternoon.
- Visit a bookstore or a library and ask your spirit guides to lead you to the book you most need to read right now.
- Take your journal and write on top of the page: Dear God (Higher Self, Spirit Guide, Universe, etc.), what do I need to know right now? Then start writing without thinking and see what comes up. This can be extremely insightful. I do this almost every morning. It comforts and centers me right away.
- As you go about your day, always check in with your intuition or Higher Self. Help your Higher Consciousness to make everyday decisions. Like, which way is the best route to drive home right now? What’s good to make for dinner? What’s the best way to spend my morning today? Who could help me with this particular challenge I have? etc.
8. Forgive yourself. Give yourself a break. Be gentle and compassionate with yourself. Forgive yourself for all the mistakes you have made in the past, and know that you are human, and humans make mistakes, it’s part of the “job description”. How else would we know what not to do? 🙂
9. Say no to everything that doesn’t nourish your soul. Never say yes just out of obligation even though inside you are squirming and screaming. Listen to your inner wisdom when you make commitments regarding your time and energy. It’s perfectly okay to say: ‘No, I’m not interested.’ ‘No, I have other priorities right now.’ ‘No, but I know someone you could contact who would love to help you.’ etc.
10. Surround yourself with kind people. Respect yourself enough to walk away from friends who don’t treat you with the love and respect you deserve. Friendships should be mutually nurturing and supportive. Hang out with people who re-energize you and love you just as you are.
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Good article must essential for Healing Practitioners. Thanks for article.
thank you, this will go a long way to help me.
Thank you very much. Very helpful.
That s it! Just keep gong on that way !! Every morning reiki auto treatment and méditation is the base. And Every little kind things discribed are my way of living sincè i begun my fisrt level… Some years ago!! Eric, Master teacher in France ! Ah, sending reiki nrj to universo is a Good things too!! Cheers!
Thank you ❤????
Blog and twitter address are both gone.
Its knowledge sharing article.
This was soon needed right now 🙂 Thank you SO much! Love & Blessings to ALL XO
Thanks for such beautiful knowdge..STAY BLESSED..
Very valuable information. Thank you so much. God bless you.
I think this is for everybody! thank you
Thank you for your efforts in this helpful article
Wonderful tips and so true that we practitioners need to keep our mind body spirit full so that we can give to others. 🙏
Thank You Luzia Light for sharing your knowledge..which I needed right now.