Article by Angie Webster
Connection is the very thing we all need the most. At our deepest and most basic level, the desire for connection may be the most pure and instinctual one of all. It is why we need to feel understood and why we wish to understand others. It is the reason we search for compassion from others and within ourselves.
We crave even the simplest things in order to help us feel connected. Yet, these things are very important to us, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. We crave someone to talk to and to hear us. We long for someone to simply be near us, to commune with us, silently vibrating in a similar way to us, just being human. We all need gentle and loving touch.
However, many people don’t receive the connection they so desperately need. Sometimes they are not even clearly aware of what they are in need of, having never learned how to connect. Their hearts become closed off and they are not able to give or receive in a balanced way. They may over-give, yet be unable to fully receive, or they may drain others by asking to receive all the time, yet never being available to reciprocate. Many swing back and forth between these two extremes. Others simply shut down altogether.

Image by sacapajaros
People whose hearts are closed, who are afraid of giving and receiving, often have financial issues as well as personal issues. They may be wealthy, yet greedy and selfish with their time and resources. Or they may be very fearful of poverty and certain that they can never live any other way but poor, perhaps hoarding items, afraid to throw anything away. They may blame others rather than look for what they can change about their own life circumstances or views of life. People with a closed heart may be afraid of apologizing or of accepting an apology, of complimenting someone or of accepting a compliment. Giving or receiving gifts may make them feel awkward as well and they may avoid one or the other, if not both. These things make them very uncomfortable as they feel strange and foreign.
It is not very uncommon in the world today to see these traits of a closed heart in ourselves or in others. Fortunately, Reiki creates a connection right away. The touch is very healing, but even if it is done hands off or distantly, Reiki still creates an immediate connection which can be felt by most. If the heart is restricted or close off, Reiki will begin to open this area, making way for new possibilities to be seen that weren’t apparent before. It frees the energy to flow in new directions and opens pathways for giving and receiving.
When working with a heart that shows signs of restriction, spend some extra time in the chest area. You may be led to spend some extra time on the head as well, as this is where the behavioral patterns are stored. Use the Mental/Emotional Healing and the Distance symbols on both the heart and the head, as well as any other symbols you are led to use. Even if you use no symbols, Reiki will still be beneficial, but the symbols will strengthen the effectiveness of this healing.
There may be a need to cut cords in the heart area or to clear the aura of dark or sticky energy. If you sense this, either during a Byosen scan or during the Reiki session, then clear the dense energy and imagine throwing it into a violet flame or throw it into a nearby bowl of sea salt.

Image by geralt
Crystals are helpful in working with the heart, particularly rose quartz. Rose quartz is very effective with both the heart and the head, so it helps to balance out any thought patterns that may keep the heart stuck. Green stones are useful when working with the heart as well and they tend to have a very soothing, yet powerful energy. Try green calcite, green tourmaline or malachite for this.
Whether you are working with your own heart or with a client, please be patient. Keep in mind that a constriction around our basic ability to connect, to give and receive, does not develop overnight. It will take a bit of time to undo and the healing may seem to come in layers. Relax and allow the process to unfold as it needs to. Remember to let go and let Reiki do its work.
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Angie Webster
Angie Webster made a significant contribution to the Reiki community, with a particular focus on Animal Reiki, which she had a deep affection for. As a knowledgeable Reiki Master Teacher and Author, she conducted online courses on energy healing, herbalism, flower essences, and personal growth.
She is the author of “Animal Reiki: How it Heals, Teaches & Reconnects Us with Nature” and “Reiki from A to Z”. Currently, Angie has decided to retire from her professional life to devote more time to her health, family, and the little joys of life.
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