We got this question from one of our readers recently:
Does Reiki still flow when we have our eyes open?
The short answer is: Of course it does!

Image by pfly
The longer answer is that Reiki is guided by intent, and it flows regardless of our physical position. Of course, certain body or hand positions have a positive impact on the flow of energy, but it is definitely not required to adhere to these.
Some practitioners “stare” to send energy through their eyes and/or the third eye when they are, e.g., behind closed doors in a hospital. What matters most is our intent, and we can intend to send energy while eating, taking a walk in the park, talking on the phone, taking a shower, or doing pretty much anything, our eyes open or not.
i asked this question, Many thanks for replying
You’re welcome 😉 thanks for asking.
I see different colours when I practice Reiki.When I was being attuned, I saw purple most of the time. Off late I see rays of rainbow colours flowing through and around. Sometimes just plain golden light flashes. Is this normal or in any connection to Reiki?
Yes it is normal, you see different colors at different stages.
Thanks Deepak.
Thank you for asking that question, Sonal. I see colors too! Mostly green and purple
I also see colors… The pattern usually is an indicator of the connection itself… But I often see green and purple as well 🙂
Yes for sure 🙂 Are you aware of The Reiki Touch- William Lee Rand? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5q9b2T1hsyU
When I first began Reiki, I saw the colors of chakras. After my second attunement, I began to see all kinds of things. Animals, objects of any kind, loved ones who have past, words and mini like movies come to my mind. These things only happen when my eyes are close. Do others out there experience such things?