Article by Gustavo Cristian Fritz
Being the Bioenergetics Therapist that I am, I am familiar with orgone theories. But around a year ago I contacted an orgonites dealer and purchased from him some models, both for personal use and for resale.
I began using them only for special Chakras harmonizing sessions, a set of 7 orgonites with a special stone for each Chakra.
A short time later, I was in a regular Reiki session with a person who was deeply distressed and I could perceive that she needed something else. The image of an orgonite; used for personal protection, came to mind. I automatically placed this orgonite on her chest. A few seconds later, she changed her breathing rate and started crying like a child.
When the session finished we talked about what happened. She said “the instant you placed this ‘thing’ over my chest, I felt an incredible relief and that something inside me, was opening”.

Personal Protection Orgonites
After this experience, I started using orgonites more frequently over those clients with similar or deeper effects.
While providing multiple Reiki sessions over a period of time and keeping our minds open, some inspirational ideas may show up. We have the power to accept them or discard them, yet, I strongly believe that these signals, come to us for a reason.
For your own experience, and if you so desire, you can surely find orgonites near you or online.
Thanks to Reiki attunements, we are continuously receiving more than we give. I always encourage my students to be open. We need to keep the traditional Reiki knowledge and at the same time, understand its dynamic. Be aware of additional “perceptions”, learn and apply them accordingly.
I always say that as Reiki therapists, we are channels. Throughout my years of experience, I’ve concluded that it is possible to become a more flexible channel.
In order for our rational and structured minds to understand the model of Reiki sessions, it is necessary to comply with the first steps of this technique.
In the same way that each person is unique, each session must be so, for him/her also.
When you begin your Reiki practice, following the usual guidelines for each session is necessary. After a few years and as a result of your personal awakening, you will receive unimaginable information that will expand your knowledge.

7 Chakras Orgonites Set
It is important for a healer to believe and maintain self confidence, along with spiritual enlightenment.
When you trust the Source, the Source responds you with the same trust and guides you throughout your path in the best way possible.
Open your heart to feel compassion, with and for your client, and the best results for both will certainly happen.
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Gustavo Cristian Fritz is a Reiki Master and holistic therapist in Baradero, Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is dedicated to the dissemination of Reiki and Shiatsu among other therapies. After 10 years of applying these techniques, Gustavo is leaving the practice of chemical engineering to fully engage in these activities and provide outreach sessions in all places where he is called. Gustavo can be contacted through his email,, or his website
Where would you get these. I am from Mumbai india
You can try to search the internet, or you can contact me by mail
where can I purchase some orgonite stones for my massage practice? Thank you..
You can try to search the internet, or you can contact me by mail