Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
This story is for young children and for all of us who have grown into serious adults!
If you have a young child at home, you can tell the child this little story and introduce him or her to the beautiful world of Reiki and Angels.
Don’t worry if you do not have children at home. The child in you will enjoy reading this story! It will help you connect with the magical aspects of Reiki and the Angels. Enjoy viewing the world of energy through the eyes of a child!
Finding Cherry
Once upon a time, there lived a little girl called Tara. She lived in a pretty little house in the country. Her garden was home to several animals including dogs and rabbits. The rabbits were her favourite animals and Tara fed them carrots every day.
One morning, while feeding the rabbits, Tara realised that one rabbit that she called “Cherry” was missing.
“Cherry cherry! Where are you?” screamed Tara as she looked around the garden for Cherry.
She looked everywhere but could not find Cherry. An anxious Tara went into the house to look for her mother.
“Mummy, I can’t find Cherry,” she told her mother, “Do you think she ran away from home?”
“No dear, I don’t think so,” said Mummy, “She must be lost.”
“How are we going to find her Mummy?” asked Tara, looking really sad.
“I will help you find her dear,” said Mummy, “Come on. Let’s go.”
“Thank you Mummy,” said Tara.
Mummy and Tara looked everywhere in the garden but Cherry was not be seen.

Image by mrhayata
“Let’s go out and look for her Tara. She can’t be very far,” said Mummy.
“OK Mummy,” said Tara.
Tara and Mummy looked for Cherry in the fields nearby.
“Cherry, where are you?” echoed Tara’s voice as they walked in the fields.
They had searched in all possible places and were a long way from home when Mummy said, “Tara, I don’t think Cherry would go farther than this. I suggest we go back home now. Let’s hope Cherry finds her way back home.”
Tara was upset to hear this and began to sob. She could not bear to lose her precious little pet.
Mummy was sad too but she felt helpless. So, she decided to pray for help.
“Tara, I know what to do. Let’s call on the Angels. We might receive some help. Would you like to pray with me?” said Tara’s mother.
“Yes Mummy,” said Tara, wiping her tears and feeling hopeful.
“Close your eyes and pray with me dear,” said Mummy.
“Dear Angels, please help us find Cherry. We think she might be lost and in need of help. Please help us. Thank you.” prayed Mummy and Tara listened carefully.
“You can open your eyes now Tara,” said Mummy.
Tara opened her eyes and said,” Mummy, do you think the Angels heard us?”
“Of course Tara. The Angels always hear us. Now let’s go home dear,” said Mummy.
“OK Mummy,” said Tara.
As Tara and Mummy walked back home, a golden light appeared in the distance.
“Mummy, what’s that?” said Tara, pointing at the light.
Her mother strained hard to look but the light was extremely bright. Suddenly, the light faded away and a beautiful angel appeared.

“It’s an Angel!” exclaimed Mummy, ‘How lovely!”
Tara was delighted too and both of them walked up to the golden angel.
“Hello dears,” said the Angel, “I heard you. I will help you find your little rabbit.”
“Wow! Thank you Angel,” said Tara joyfully.
The Angel closed her eyes and put her palms together. She rubbed them hard and moved them apart. She then began to make circular movements with her palms.
“Ah, nice and warm,” she said, as she worked with her hands.
“What are you doing Angel?” asked Tara, feeling curious.
“I am making a ball of Reiki Tara. And the ball feels nice and warm between my palms,” said the Angel, beaming at Tara.
“A ball of Reiki? What is that? I can see no ball in your hands,” said a wide eyed Tara.
The Angel laughed and said, “Tara, Reiki is energy. Just like you receive light and heat from the sun, you also receive a different kind of energy from the Universe or God. That energy is called Reiki. You may not be able to see it, but it is present everywhere”
“Wow! Tell me more,” said Tara, feeling excited.
“This energy called Reiki can be like a friend to you. It can help you when you feel unwell, afraid, sad or angry, “continued the Angel.
‘That sounds nice,” said Tara, “Can it help me find Cherry too?”
The Angel laughed again and said, “Of course Tara. And that’s precisely what I’m doing here. I’m going to send this ball of Reiki in search of Cherry.”
“Hurray!” said Tara and jumped up in glee.
The Angel made a nice big ball of light between her palms and said, “Dear Ball of Reiki, please find Cherry and help her reach home safe and sound. Thank you.” She then tossed the ball of Reiki up into the air and asked it to go off in search of Cherry.
“It’s done. Cherry is safe. You can go home now Tara,” said the Angel.
“Thank you Angel. That was very kind of you,” said Mummy.
“You’re welcome,” said the Angel, “Do remember to call on me if you need help again. Bless you.”
“Sure we will. Thank you Angel. Goodbye!” said Tara and blew a kiss to the Angel.
The Angel blew a kiss back at Tara and disappeared.
Tara and her mother walked back home.
As they walked into the garden, Tara shrieked, “Mummy, look, Cherry is home!”
Cherry was playing on the grass with the other rabbits.
A joyous Tara ran towards Cherry. She picked her up and kissed her.
“Oh Cherry, I was so worried about you. Do you know how you were found?” said Cherry.
Cherry looked at Tara and then looked up at the sky. There was an Angel shaped cloud right over Tara’s head.
“Wow! That cloud looks just like the Angel who helped us. So you know that an Angel helped you return home, don’t you?” said Tara surprised.
Cherry smiled at Tara with love.
“I love you too Cherry. I love Mummy, I love my Angel and I love Reiki,” said Tara.
Mummy was pleased to see Tara happy and grateful to the Angels and Reiki for their loving help.
“Mummy, I feel so happy,” said Tara and put Cherry down on the grass.
“You sure do,” said Mummy, “The Angels and Reiki love us. Remember to call on them whenever you need help. ”
“I will. Thank you Angels, thank you Reiki and thank you Mummy,” said Tara and hugged Mummy in joy.
The End
This story will help your little one know that love and help are always available and that they never need to feel lost. It will help them feel safe in the world and to know that their feelings matter. This kind of nourishment helps young children blossom. It also gives them the spiritual tools that would benefit them on their own journeys on Earth.
If you are an adult, this story can help you reclaim your innate innocence and learn to trust in life like a child. Enjoy!
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at and on Facebook at Angel Light.
Haripriya, this is a beautiful story and is useful for adults as well as children. After reading it I really feel the magic of reiki and the angels with me. I look forward to sharing it with my children! Thank you for sharing your gifts with us. Love and Light, Yvonne x
Thank you Yvonne 🙂 I am delighted to hear that it helped you connect with the magic of Reiki and angels and inspired you to share it with your children.Love and Blessings <3
Very nice story haripriya. Thank you so much for share with us.
Thank you very much Shweta! Love and Light.
Thank you this is beautiful! I am printing this article out to share with my children. <3
Thank you Justine. I am thrilled to know that you will share it with your children 🙂
Thanks Haripriya..simply superb and so beautiful My 3.5 yrs daughter enjoyed a lot she keep collecting feathers which she firmly believes comes from and light to you..
Thank you Meetu! I’m so happy your little daughter enjoyed the story. Love and Blessings.
Hello , i am gratefull to you!!!
my little daughter LEONOR, have 7yrs and have some sleeping problems(she can sleep all night long since 5 yrs) she is doing some Reiki terapies….and when i read this lovely story she loved it!!! so since that time i read often this story to her…the every night she pray to her guardian angel… to protect her and have a good night sleep…..
she still wakes up one or two times at night … but no longer have nightmares, I trust that one day she will slept well!
love and light form Portugal!
sorry, the correct is Leonor can´t sleep, she have nightmares, she speak during her sleeping.
love and blessings