Article by Patti Deschaine
Becoming attuned to Reiki II will strengthen your connection to energy many times over. It also provides powerful new tools that will help you grow both physically, mentally and spiritually. Reiki II will allow you to use your healing at a professional level and offer treatment to people other than just family and friends.
After advancing to Reiki level II, distance Reiki is available to you using the symbol Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. This means you can send healing universal energy across space and time. You can send Reiki to events in the future and in the past, or to people or animals anywhere in the world!
A distance healing treatment need not be a complicated matter, any more than a normal “hands on” session would be. All you really need is a quiet place to connect to energy and a little information to help you provide the best experience possible.
The distance treatment will follow the exact format you would use at a “live” session. If you typically incorporate crystals into your session and balance and clear chakras, you would do the same in your distance session. If you sage and bless the room using the symbols before a physical treatment, practice this same ritual for your distance session.
To appropriately deliver a great experience to a person who is a virtual stranger, it is helpful for you, as a practitioner, to have some understanding of the issues being dealt with. A phone conversation can help give you a good overview without delving too deeply. For example, you don’t need to know medical statistics like cholesterol or blood pressure numbers. A broad description is fine. Remember, Reiki energy will flow to where it will do the most good.

Created by Vanna Deschaine
Did the request come in an email? Make some notes on what you already know. Is your client male or female? Do you already have their full name and physical location? Before you start the session, make a phone connection with your client.
You will want to review the following for a distance Reiki treatment:
- What is your primary health concern? Is it physical? Emotional? Spiritual?
- Have you had medical treatment for your issue? What type and for how long? Include a reminder in your conversation that Reiki is not a replacement for traditional treatment.
- Have you had experience with Reiki before?
- What goals do you hope to attain using Reiki treatments?
The last two items on the list are important ones. For a satisfactory experience, set expectations about what the session will feel like and what can be accomplished in a thirty or sixty minute session. Obviously, you are not going to promise a one hundred percent mending of a broken ankle or miraculous recovery from a long depression. Make sure your client knows what Reiki is and how it can help. Depending on the symptoms, I typically recommend a thirty minute initial session. With a satisfactory result, I do two or three sessions as a follow up over the next six weeks or so. After that, monthly is fine depending on the condition and how things are progressing. If they are interested, I almost always encourage my clients to become Reiki I and II attuned. That in itself is such a healing process. It is not to be missed!
If you haven’t done so already, schedule a time for the treatment and instruct the recipient to find a comfortable position in a quiet room where they will not be interrupted. I like to tell my clients to set their intent to receive healing. I tell them to take some cleansing breaths to relax and to close their eyes. Make sure they know exactly what time the session will start and what time it will end. Then be sure to begin and end on time. Follow up with a phone call to see how they are feeling when the session is complete.
Sometimes the recipient is an animal – someone’s beloved pet who is experiencing physical or behavioral issues. A history of when the issues started and notes of any changes in the household (like new pets, absence of a family member, a relocation to a new home) can be very helpful.
If it is a medical issue, make sure to stress the importance of veterinary care and don’t treat an animal that you feel requires immediate attention. Again, stress that Reiki is not a substitute for proper medical treatment, but it will assist with and make recovery more comfortable. It is wonderful for easing discomfort in an aging pet.
Having a photo of the animal is great, but not essential. Connecting to an animal at a distance is not usually difficult. As with any distance session, you must be relaxed and open to the connection. I also like to check in with the animal’s owner to see if there is improvement after a session.
As per Reiki etiquette, request the animal’s permission when you connect, then let Reiki flow. It’s their choice as to how much Reiki they will receive or even whether to accept the treatment or not. Don’t worry, most animals are very open and will welcome your invitation!
Here is another question: how will you get paid? Obviously there will be no money changing hands physically, so you need to have an idea of how the exchange will work. Paypal offers a service that connects to your bank account and that allows you to send invoices. The recipient can choose to use their own Paypal account to pay, or to simply use a credit or debit card. There may be other services similar to this out there, but Paypal is one I have used successfully. You are providing an important service. Make sure you are fairly compensated.
A properly conducted distance Reiki session will lead to repeat business and referrals. You will not want to miss this opportunity to be of service as a Reiki II practitioner.
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Patti Deschaine
Patti Deschaine is a traditionally trained Usui Reiki Master, Lightarian Reiki Master, and owner of Maja Energy Works and Reiki Healing. She resides and practices in Wilmington, NC. She enjoys all types of Reiki and particularly loves using Reiki on animals. Patti can be found at MajaEnergyWorks.
Thanks Patti. Very nicely put. Will follow your tips..
Hi Patti, is it possible to do a successful Reiki treatment when your client is not aware? I’m family & these past few nights I’ve been wide awake at 3am so done the Distant Healing then?
I have done more than 100 distance Reiki healings on family and friends. When discussing the treatment with them, I have requested feedback on their experience. All of the feedback has been very positive and sent with much appreciation for the Reiki. I always ask that the energy be received during the recipients sleeping hours and many time I ask that they receive it again about an hour BEFORE they awaken for the day. I find it easier for me to send distance healing energy during the night because of the peaceful feeling and knowing that everyone else is sleeping and I won’t be disturbed. Hope this helps and encourages more readers to do distance Reiki.
what is the point of showing in public the symbols of reiki which “traditionally” are to be hidden from those who are not initiated?
I don’t think it was ever meant to be hidden! That was a human concept of secrecy that led to people trying to get rich by charging thousands for a gift that is everyone’s by Divine Right! Seeing the Symbols and actually being “in tune with” are two different things! Kinda like a car with no key…useless! Namaste
You are right initially the symbols were classed as secret and many were asked to never show the symbols to non- Reiki people. Many people were even asked once they had seen they symbol was to practice in quiet places. But I think it is more important to respect the symbols unfortunately these days they are plastered on net with no respect. Then there are people that “get attuned” on the net and then think they can use the symbols.
You do realize that it isn’t necessary to even use the symbols to do energy healings, right and that other cultures have their own variations of distant and energy healing? People often do it themselves without even realizing it. Anytime you hit and bruise yourself and then rub it, you are doing a form of energy work on yourself.Any time you give an kind of attention to your own body or state of mind, you are creating the potential for either healing or disease. Intent is what brings about the healing, not the symbols.
Thanks a lot patti.very useful article dor distance reiki.please let me know if the recipent is a child than how we can conduct reiki session.
very nice article to study. I have done Reiki I & II degree. I am little bit confused, please tell me what should we say while doing reiki.
Hi Akila,
You actually don’t need to say anything while treating client. But, I personally visualize the end result and send positive thoughts related to their issues.
love and light
Thank you for sharing .Its lovely it helps it reaffirm s much appreciated. X
Hi patti it’s very useful. Sometimes ii am doing distant reiki without their knowledge still it is working the timings of different countries vary. So I do reiki according to my time convenience. Is it o.k?
Hi Shubhadra,
There are no boundaries and limitations of when. The intent is important.
Love and light
Thank you for well thought out tutorial.
i have done a few distant Reiki sessions, with great success,feed back is good and I’m amazed even now how wonderful it is for the recipient .
Beautiful graphic!! Same last name, a family connection? I was attuned to Reiki I & II here in PA, then moved out of state for a year. I did nothing but distance sessions (no NY clients). I returned here, began my 15 years as a massage therapist (now licensed), and the Reiki kicked on for every client. As I move toward less massage and more Reiki (much less taxing on the body), I find myself doing distance work again. I recently “piggybacked” a foot massage onto a Reiki session for an online friend in Maryland, with terrific results!! Go for it!!
Brilliant article, Patti! Thanks for sharing 🙂
I have a question about that… I thought I read on my manual that we should not charge for distance reiki… My manual was the one written by William Lee Rand
good discussion.
Can u teach me level II and give me attument
Hi i am attuned to reiki 1 and 2 , i am going to repeat my level 2 though as i dont feel i have enough info on distance healing.
When you say connect with the persons energy how do you do that? Im unsure on this so please any advice would be great.