It seems of late that I’m writing about fall-outs and disagreements and things that are somewhat heavy. Well here is an amazingly positive story, of overcoming 2 massive fallouts. Before Reiki, I worked in the prison and detention center environment, where the lifestyle and work is pretty horrid. I was constantly surrounded by heavy and negative energy. I have written about this previously. Back in the day I had two very, very good girl friends, who without them, I wouldn’t have survived some of the horrendous things I witnessed and lived through – self-harms, riots, and violence on a massive scale.
One friend whom I’ll name Lara, and I had massive fallout because we were both suffering Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Depression. We could no longer rely or lean on each other. We needed individual healing to really move past the horrors of what we’d lived through. Our friendship fell apart (absolutely devastating me at the time) and so thank goodness I still had Carmen (names changed for confidentiality).
Carmen and I remained friends for years even as I moved from one State of Australia to another, and as she and her husband (also and Officer that I was very good friends with) and their young son. We had a powerful interest in the tarot and all things mystical. That alone helped us when remembering the trauma of our past. I couldn’t contemplate still working in such environments whereas Carmen and Mick still did.
Then something happened. Carmen and I had a disagreement and I can’t really remember what it was about as this occurred approximately 8 years ago. I have no idea what triggered it, but I do remember writing and saying some horrible things, and receiving some horrible things from her as well. It was the end of another friendship.

Image by Pink Sherbet Photography
I got on with life, and then one day I was in a bookshop, browsing as I am an avid reader and love my books. I came across a book written by Lara. She was already an accomplished author, whom I always admired and respected, and obviously in the intervening years, she has written another and it was now available for purchase. I grabbed a copy, and came home and tentatively picked up the phone and rang her. It was amazing. She answered, and I said “Hello Lara, I don’t know if you want to hear from me?” and she said: “Is that you Tammy”… and then we talked and talked and talked and have been solid friends ever since, and even better friends than before!! AMAZING!! Carmen had exited and Lara had returned to my life.
Lara and I lived many miles away from each other as I’m in the Northern Territory and she lives in New South Wales, but we’ve connected and talk on the phone and of course Facebook, email etc. It was so amazing to catch up on all the years we had missed in each other lives. It helped the heartache and loss about Carmen (who of course Lara also knows).
Fast forward about 8 years. You all know, having read my articles that I had a massive fall out with a Reiki Master friend who treated me inappropriately, in relation to my PTSD and depression, and that friendship fell apart last year (2013) in a volcanic eruption of emotion and pain. I could not understand how a Reiki Master could treat someone with my condition in such a manner!! It’s that lack of empathy and understanding that I’ll always remember for as long as I live. However, there is a reason I experienced this, that’s about to become very clear. Spirit works in mysterious ways, without a doubt.
During the past 8 years I have developed so much in my spirituality, tarot, reiki and all things mystical. My ability to cope with life and its events has improved dramatically. I’ve developed ways to overcome what I’ve lived through and learned how to forgive (even that Master from last year)… that I was well prepared for the next event to take place.
As I wrote about recently for Reiki Rays, my hubby and I have been on an amazing trip to Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand. It was whilst on this holiday, I received an unexpected email from Carmen. Her name came up in my ‘inbox’ and my heart stopped for a moment. I said to my hubby “Ohhhhh, I have an email from Carmen.” He said, “Well open it then”.
Thank goodness I did. How is this for spirit working with divine timing? Carmen is now living in Darwin and she is in the same suburb to us. Hubby and I moved house soon after the fallout with her that Carmen and Mick had no idea where we lived, and she admitted she had tried to track me down earlier but couldn’t find me. They have been here for nearly 12 months, but she couldn’t locate me as we are not listed. As it turns out, she was at her work ‘farewell’ party because after 14 years in the industry she was finally retiring from such hard and emotionally draining employment; one of the staff (who comes to see me for tarot and reiki) mentioned something that triggered talk of tarot and reiki and before Carmen knew it, she had my business card and website details, and a way to contact me.

Image by bekassine…
Present time: with a number of intervening weeks of amazing stuff, Carmen and I have reconnected in the most powerful way. I sense and feel with her the trauma and stress that she’s been through by remaining in such a horrifically difficult industry for so long, and I was privilege to teach Carmen Reiki 1 in a one-on-one training course. Because I have been through everything myself (unlike the Reiki master who said the most inappropriate things to me last year) I can talk to Carmen with love and respect and understanding, minus judgment and higher than though attitude. I can help Carmen to fully embrace and understand Reiki to help her on such a deep level. I know there are many layers that Carmen will need to work through, just like an onion peeling a layer off at a time, however I am here and prepared to help and assist where I can, without demoralising her or causing any flare up in her conditions (as was my experience with a reiki master who wasn’t prepared to do the hard work with me and dropped me from learning further reiki stuff with her, rather than embracing me and working deeply with me with no offer of helping me to heal ☹ ).
With Carmen I am here and will help regardless of anything that comes up. I know what type of things might and Carmen is prepared for the hard and difficult journey, and she also knows I am here and will support her no matter what. I will never abandon a person going through such hard stuff, especially when they have such faith in Reiki and believe in its magic. Reiki 1 is going to help Carmen so very much, and she is already doing her self-treatments, every single day.
She doesn’t know how or just how deeply and profoundly, but this is going to change her life!! Reiki will help in such a powerful way, and I’m thrilled that I’ll probably be witness to it. Thank goodness I have been through all I have, and Carmen has my utmost love, respect and admiration as she moves through her healing journey.
I am in AWE of Spirit for bringing back into my life, both Lara and Carmen. Both ladies mean to world tome and now I am friends with both again. We have a deep, deep spiritual connection and I love them both to the stars and back.
Thank you Spirit for reuniting friends, and thank you Reiki for your wonderful healing on the emotional, psychological, social and physical levels – it’s amazing.
I hope you have enjoyed this heart-warming article.
With love, light and harmony
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It’s amazing how Spirit works! Just goes to show, some people are meant to be sharing your life path. Beautiful story 😉
Hi Lori, thanks for your comments!! and I think you are so RIGHT!!! Spirit works in mysterious ways, no doubt about it. I am so thrilled and glad that I was able to reconnect with both these ladies.. they mean the world to me, but I suspect you understand just how much. With love. Tammy xxx