Article by Ananya Sen
Everyone wants to manifest when they come to Reiki. This is probably the best aspect of Reiki. I have found it quite easy to manifest with Reiki. A lot of people I meet say they are not able to manifest with Reiki or with the intention slips kept in their God box. I am not sure why that is, but it could be because you’re either putting in too much information in your intention slips or your intention is not clear.
Few things to remember when you’re writing an intention slip. Keep it concise and simple. Don’t use punctuation marks in it. Use a direct and simple sentence. Draw the symbols at the back and change the slips every 10 -15 days or so. Depending on the goal, big or small give healing to it for a period of 3 – 4 months.
If you want to lose weight, get married, have a baby, buy a house, get a promotion or a job I recommend healing for 90 – 120 days continuosly. Don’t give up. This is a realistic time period to give healing and you will surely get full or a part of the goal achieved during this time. You can choose shorter or longer time period depending on what resonates with you. This is just my way of doing it. I use a standard 90 days period for every healing.

Image by natasia.causse
Now I know this time period is not set in stone and Reiki works in mysterious ways, but in my personal experience 90 – 120 days is a good time to manifest anything! Some Reiki practitioners may have been taught to heal their God box twice or thrice a week. I disagree.
If you have a goal, perseverence is very important. You must put in any number of days that you think is good enough and realistic to achieve a goal and give healing to it almost everyday. You will see things happening for you. I am quite determined when I do intention slips healing. I pick projects that are close to my heart, give simple and direct intentions and follow through for 90 days.What this means is that I am surrendering to Reiki for the outcome to occur anytime during 90 days. I will be patient at this time and give Reiki time to work out the perfect solution for me.
These are simple instructions to make the intention slips.
- Take clean bits of paper, any colour doesn’t matter. Cut in squares so that they fit within your palm.
- This is the most important part. Write the intention simply without punctuation. For example, My Intention is to have a caring romantic partner at the earliest. Thank You Reiki and so it is
- Draw the symbols behind, put it in your box and go for it! Change the slips in a few weeks and make fresh ones. You can burn the old ones.
- Keep a diary of the wishes you’re healing for and strike out when you complete a project or note down whatever improvements you see in the situation.
There is no hard and fast rules for sending distance healing or healing for manifestation, but I have found this way of doing it effective, it works for me and I hope it works for you!
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Ananya Sen
Ananya Sen is a crystal healer gifted with claircognizant abilities. She lives in Bangalore, India, but she can offer distance crystal healing all around the world. Ananya also gives mantra diksha and offers free pendulum readings.
You can reach Ananya via her email address:
Really perfect timing for me to read this. I can feel your essence and Ananya, i love it! Your posts are quite practical and helpful. I have learned much from you since reading these posts 2 months. Mahalos and deep bows, Ann
these tips are surely gona help..thanks! I keep a wishbox already n was guided by reiki itself to keep a diary.Glad to see you advicing the same 🙂
I have one question..whats the difference between putting a wish in the box n writing a wish on paper n putting it under the pillow adressing angels (the way u suggested in ur weekly guidance)
ananya i want your email id thanks
Hi, great stuff !
Hi Ananya,
Could you please share your email id.
Hi nice information. My problem is when iam trying to reinforce the intention in the mind . And also while applying symbols …iam not able to draw the sei hei …… And sometimes the mind gets cluttered while mentally drawing the power symbol.
While giving distance healing …. I read the intention in my mind and thank my guru and reiki and then apply daiko symbol followed by hon sha ….. Then then se he ….. Followed by power symbol…. Dunno whether iam doing the right thing
Hello mam,
I have been attnuated till reiki III degree..Mam i have a question, i have been taught that the reiki intention is written in past tense, I mean the intention is seen in completed form.. Say from your example, “I have got caring and romantic life partner to the earliest..” instead of writing it in a continuous tense.. So what to do…? I am confused.,
Hey Visica.
I would like to comment on this part.
This is the only right way of writing.always write in past form.
Say for example. I have won the match on 22 december 2014. Put ur intentions and do reiki on it.
Ull get d best results u need. 🙂
Thank u Ishan Sood sir..
That was helpful.. Atleast you cleared my confusion.. 🙂
Anytime dear. 🙂
I am also confused now little bit.
Whether we have to write our intention as already achieved or in the present tense.
I intend to own a house. Whether I have to write intention slip as “I own a house” or “I will own a house”.
Thanking you
can i keep the reiki intention slips in a small bag and give reiki to that bag??
Yes you can do so. Reiki works where you send it.
I have a question. Please do reply me as soon as possible.
I have learnt reiki 1 and 2 level. Thn i left practising reiki for 2 months. But nw when i started doing again i found my reiki energy flowing too low. Please help me with some symbol or technique on how to increase my energy level so that i can heal others quickly.
Dont worry sir, i had too left doing reiki for span of 6-8 months, and when i restarted it, i was also facing same problem.. The reason was my accumulated negativity that wasnt allowing the reiki to flow freely.. What worked for me was self cleansing of all chakras and also chi-ball exercise.. I incorporated these thing in my reiki meditation and saw amazing improvement as it helped in cleaning all negative blocks.. I will suggest you the same.. The 10min chakra cleaning exercise is available on reiki rays, its by chanchal gupta madam..
One more thing 2nd degree gives you 40% channeling power therefore it is ok if you feel less energy.. Please get yourself attnuated to 3rd degree where you get 90% of channeling power, you will see amazingly fast results in everything you try.. I hope this helps..Reiki blessings to you..
I have a question for you. How can I know that my energy levels are low. I did 1 and 1nd degree. How do I clean chakras again?
Hello mam ,
I’ve been Reiki attuned till 2nd degree but I’ve not been taught about reiki slip and reiki box . Do I have to put the intention slip into box? And how to give reiki to that box?
nice one
Hello everyone
It seems there is confusion about the wording and on your reiki intentions,
As ananya has not replied to your questions I shall.
Anything you want to manifest into your life uses the infallible law of attraction (LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE) and is practised in the Present tense ie: (I intend to have a loving and harmonious day today, thank you)
Not past tense ie: (I had a loving and harmonious day today, thank you)
Reiki is a prayer to God/the universe to thank them for already bringing you what you desire. The more you feel gratitude and joy for what you are praying for, the more that joy will be mirrored back to you with more of the same. Gratitude, appreciation and thanks is a powerful part of the manifestation process so learn to take time to truly feel that inside as you put pen to paper or state your reiki prayers.
Taking your prayers on the slips of paper from inside the box and repeating mantras daily with thanks until each wish happens (is good practice but you may just reiki the box with your loving intentions daily until one or all of your prayers manifest.
Do not worry about set procedures and making mistakes so much. We are each unique with our own way to ask and to thank the universe, God and the Angels know and appreciate this and as they count our thoughts as intentions you should be aware only to focus on that which you truly desire, not on that which you don’t or on your fears about how or why you are doing it. Fears are a form of prayer too.
Follow your heart and enjoy the process ❤️
Hello mam ,
I’ve been Reiki attuned till 2nd degree. On of my aunt’s daughter is a reiki master she gave me the Dai Ko Myo symbol. I practice daily on my self. I just want to know that if i want to do distance healing or healing or asking for a wish how should i start. i have to use all the four symbols or just the master symbol.
If i am using the app version of a reiki box and am attuned to level 1 reiki, can i still send reiki to the box? and how?