When you are in need of a good night’s sleep but you have a problem weighing on your mind, racing around in thought circles through your head, don’t just lie awake all night pondering a solution to the issue! Reiki can not only help you get a very good night’s sleep, it can help you infuse your sleep with the intention to see a solution while you dream, so that you can drift off peacefully with the knowledge that the solution awaits you in your slumber.
To allow this process to happen, simply make yourself comfortable for sleep, with your pillow and blanket or whatever you like. Then allow your attention to rest on the problem you wish to find a solution to, without trying to force a solution to come. Draw the Reiki symbols, either mentally or in the air above you and ask that they carry into your mental state while you sleep and dream that night, intending that they help bring forth a solution to the problem you are focusing on. You may also wish to give Reiki to yourself on the head area, especially focusing on the back of the head and the crown area. Allow yourself to drift off into a peaceful and restful night’s sleep.

Image by Avodrocc
Using this method, you will find that even problems that seem overwhelming will look very different to you by morning! You may find that a solution you never thought of is suddenly presented to you in a dream, or you may have a sudden understanding about the issue that brings new light to why the problem is occurring. No matter what, the way you see the problem will shift by morning and you will feel differently. And the lovely sleep you will get will help as well!
Remember to release any ideas about how you believe the problem needs to be solved before you do this! Your preconceived ideas about the problem and its possible solutions may be blocking you from seeing the solutions your subconscious mind already has available for you. Allow the Universe to bring them through by being open to all possibilities! Sweet dreams!
Article by Angie Webster
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Angie Webster
Angie Webster made a significant contribution to the Reiki community, with a particular focus on Animal Reiki, which she had a deep affection for. As a knowledgeable Reiki Master Teacher and Author, she conducted online courses on energy healing, herbalism, flower essences, and personal growth.
She is the author of “Animal Reiki: How it Heals, Teaches & Reconnects Us with Nature” and “Reiki from A to Z”. Currently, Angie has decided to retire from her professional life to devote more time to her health, family, and the little joys of life.
Hi Angie,
Thank you so much for sharing this info,will surely try n get back to you,stay blessed.
Really nice article. .msg me 8482892922
It never fails to amaze me how wonderful the Universe is; and that when asked to be given what you need, exactly that comes along with Divine timing!
I have been recently having trouble sleeping (due to differing reasons) and have been finding each day is becoming progressively harder to go about – what with waking up tired.
This morning I asked to be given what I needed..and within a few hours this email arrives!!
Thank you Universe and double thank you Angie, for what I will definitely be having a go at doing tonight! Love and light to you.x
Awsum experience. .reiki
Angie thanks a lot to youu.I was really going through this problem of not getting proper sleep , really universe is always fulfilling our wishes.thanks a lot to u.
Dear Angie
Awesome article. thanks ..I will try it on myself and tell others also..Please keep on sharing the knowledge..GOD BLESS YOU
Mind blowing article!!
Thank you I will try this
Thanks thanks thanks and thanks!!!!!! Thanks to this article and Angie Webster ! now I can sleep perfectly. I’ve always had problems to sleep well, problems with insomnia and thinking too much with my problems. Since I practice this article and this other one http://reikirays.com/15468/reiki-for-a-good-nights-sleep/ I sleep like a baby. I would never stop thanking you!!!
Anna, I’m so happy to hear that the practice has helped you! Beautiful dreams!
Dear Angie ,
Thanks a lot for giving an idea……
Thanks for the inspiration
Through this technique one can be in touch with the sub-conscious mind … very helpful..
Angie, Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful open secret.
I am so grateful to have helped you all! It touches my heart to read all of your comments and I am very glad you are all sleeping better. The Universe does indeed offer us an answer when we are ready for it! Blessings.
Hello Angie, thank you for this share. Which symbols do you suggest to use for sleep? I have been offered to use the mental/emotional symbol for sleep as well to clear the bed should I stay over at a place where others may have slept. With this it was recommended not to use the power symbol with it. What are your thoughts? I have tried just mental/emotional symbol with no result of peaceful sleep. Thank you, Crystal RMT
Crystal, I think it is always a good idea to use whatever symbols you naturally feel drawn to in any situation. I don’t personally see any reason not to use the power symbol with setting intentions for sleep. If I understand your question correctly, you are asking if it should not be used to clear a bed when you sleep over at someone else’s home. I don’t see any reason not to use it then either, though you may want to use the power symbol backward to release energy from the bed first, then use it forward to put new energy in. I like using all of the main symbols when I set sleep intentions, but that is just my personal preference and something else may work better for you. Try different things as you feel intuitively led. Also, release your expectations about any specific thing that you think may or may not happen. Simply allow the Reiki and your subconscious mind to do their work.
Please change my email to [email protected]
Good article, thanks. My problem, though is a little different. I sleep but seldom find it restful. Often I wake as tired as when I went to bed Do you have any specific suggestions to help?
I think lack of sleep or incomplete sleep is one of the major problems today for about 80% of people myself ncluded. Thank you Angie. May the Archangels and Angels of Reiki Bless you
A very nice article… And a great solution.
Hi Angie thank you for your article on sleeping.I have learnt to fall asleep by reiki over my third eye.I am a sleep in mins…Hope this helps as well.Love Annie Leigh reiki master.????
Hi Angie, I am level I practitioner so I don’t know Reiki symbols and how to use them as am not attuned to Level II. Is there any other way I can use my level I reiki practise for my sleep as I also dont get proper sleep. Specially, morning time I start getting dreams which are endless and does not have meaning. Sometimes, its snakes, drowning in water, flood, running around, or my family members…
Hi Pooja,
You don’t actually have to use the symbols to allow Reiki to flow to yourself or to let it flow forward to your sleep. Your intention is enough. Morning is actually a very normal time to experience dreams! I suggest you look into the meaning of the things you mentioned you keep seeing in your dreams, as those things are actually very symbolic in dreams. Look in dream symbology books for more help in interpreting the meanings of what your subconscious is trying to help you with.
This is a gr8 article just in time when I am struggling with night hours. Angie it has been a month since I took both level attunements, I feel overwhelmed with this process meaning day in and day out thinking about doing it, how, when, process, what if, etc. this is kind of hovering over me 24hrs. may be i am so new to it thats why…not sure ..how do I handle this possession???
Hi Jaya, As you adjust to using Reiki, I am sure your thoughts about it will adjust as well. Do daily self-Reiki, practice meditation and just feel free to explore the world of Reiki! Give yourself permission to relax and let your journey unfold before you.
Thanks so much angie
Thank you so much for such a helpful article. Lisa and love to you!x
To you as well, Carol!
Thank you VERY MUCH for sharing these books.
I am going to love them.