Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
All of us find ourselves in the midst of drama from time to time. Even those of us trying to grow spiritually are not spared the pain inflicted by drama. Often, we ourselves contribute to these painful situations. If you permit yourself to place one foot in a drama, it sucks you in like a whirlpool. Making your way out can be a humungous task. It can feel like a load on your chest that you just can’t shake off and be free.
The root cause of all drama can usually be traced back to our childhoods. Many of us have witnessed several dramas unfolding in our families and other environments and also absorbed some of those energies in the process. When we face similar situations as adults, those stored energies erupt like volcanoes. Drama can be addictive. Once we are sucked into it, we would rather feel the pain that it brings us than find creative solutions to the problem and set ourselves free.
To make this point clear, let us understand it through a short story, which is inspired by a case of healing I witnessed.

Image by h.koppdelaney
This is the story of Sheena (name changed) who witnessed immense drama as a child. Sheena grew up in a difficult environment. Her parents had an unhappy marriage. Her mother was obsessed with cleanliness and order. She swore by the rule, “A place for everything and everything in its place.” She was highly critical of people who had messy houses or were shabby in general. This also included her parents in law and husband, who could never live up to her high standards of order. This obsession with order had its impact on Sheena, who was criticised whenever she made a mess, like most children do. Sheena’s mother frequently asked her if she was a servant to be cleaning up after her.
Her mother also did not like relatives of her husband visiting and stay put in the room whenever someone came to visit. This triggered the fury of her parents in law, who in turn created scenes when people from her own family visited. Sheena grew up seeing this hostility and lack of love in the family.
Sheena’s mother also felt like a victim in the family. She felt she was giving too much and receiving nothing in return from her husband’s family. She often mentioned that she was like a servant in the family and nothing more than that. She blamed everyone for ruining her youth and happiness and wallowed in self pity all through Sheena’s childhood.
Sheena grew up to be a successful woman. She was happily married and lived life on her terms. She was generally calm, gentle and refined. However, she carried within her a volcano that erupted whenever her sense of order was disrupted or when people came to visit, a pattern she had absorbed while growing up.
She had a child that she loved from all her heart. However, when the child made a mess, she found herself becoming furious. She began asking the child if she were a servant. She also hated it when people came to visit or stayed with her. She felt they were intruding her privacy and that they had taken her for granted just by visiting. She also had those same feelings of being a servant whenever this happened. These strong feelings overpowered her. The normally gentle and serene Sheena would turn into a drama queen whenever her house was messed up, order was disrupted or people visited. This created a lot of stress and unhappiness not only for her, but also for her husband, who could not understand why she should be so unreasonable about things that are a normal part of life.
Life changed for the better once Sheena became a Reiki channel. As she practised Reiki, Sheena became aware of these patterns in her and sought help. She was able to successfully heal these patterns of drama and is a free woman today.
The End.

Image by h.koppdelaney
Dear Friends, can you relate some aspect of your life with Sheena’s? What patterns did you absorb during your impressionable years? Is there a pattern that causes havoc in your life today?
The best way to find out is to catch yourself the next time you are faced with senseless drama that you also contribute to.
- Become aware when you are in the midst of a drama. Don’t judge yourself. Just be aware. Once you become aware, half your work is done.
- Excuse yourself for a while. Inform the other person or group that you will get back to them. If the other person is a young child, you will not be able to walk away, but do something (like taking a few deep breaths) that will stop you from reacting in the heat of the moment.
- Take a few deep breaths. Once you are calm, go back in time to a childhood memory that is the root cause of this drama. Don’t blame your family or school. Blaming them is futile for they only did the best they could with their level of awareness. But you have a choice in the matter and you can change your life for the better.
- Connect with the memory using the distance symbol. See the memory engulfed in Reiki and healed. Masters can use the Tibetan Master symbol which works very well for breaking karmic patterns that keep us stuck.
- Journal about your feelings without being judgemental of yourself. If you like working with the angels, you can write a letter to them about your situation. If you find it very hard to heal these patterns yourself, just request the angels to sweep these patterns off your energy field. They can do it for you, provided you ask!
Do this process whenever you find yourself being pulled into a drama. With every step you take to heal yourself from the toxicity of drama, you move one step closer to your Divine self which is your true self. All drama is the creation of the Ego or your illusory self. All of us have been in the illusion created by the Ego for so long that it can take ages to uncover our Divine Nature. Every little step we take counts and unites us with the Source, where we only experience unconditional love and pure peace!
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at and on Facebook at Angel Light.
Lovely piece about what people go through, but seen from far. Coming out is a difficult task, as it involves other people around a person and situations go out of control.
Thanks for sharing Muzna!
Thank you very much, it is very helpful for me. I’m a Karuna practitioner and I really needed this. I didn’t now how to find the inner child. Namaste!
dear madam,
well, 2014 i contact you, {hope you may be} at the time i am 58 years old and in total financial crises.
i cried with reiki and prayed with confident , at that time i have no source to help me, but couple of month every thing changed, hope because of your prayer.
i am also a reiki practioner and tarot card reader, reiki and tarot helped many persons through me, but i dont know how to ask me to solve my problems.
once again i pray you, to pray for me and solve my sufferings for this 67 year old man.
i am again in deep trouble, i am not a pensioner, my self and my wife have to survive till our end, of course
thank god i have fulfilled my commitments and my siplings are well and i dont want to distrub them for our bread, {they are helping me in many ways and i dont want to distrub more}and the suffering is for me and my wife only, and also we are hale and healthy.
i have full faith with reiki, hope your prayer will solve our financial problems till our end.
with thanks.
s.rajaraman cuddalore
tamilnadu 13/09/2022
i thank reiki to extend an oppertunity to write letter to you.