Greetings everyone! The universe has been giving me nudges for some time to write this article and I have been ignoring these nudges, cause I do not like writing about this topic, if I can help. So here goes, what kind of negative energies can get stuck to your aura or body? How to detect these different types of negative energies?
To define, negative energy is a thought or a cord or a feeling that makes you feel stuck or unable to break free. Its source is mainly fear, sometimes conscious and often unconscious fear. Negative energy in your aura can also belong to you or other people!

Image by paul bica
What are the different types of negative energies that can affect you?
- Negative Thought Patterns or Behaviour – these are often childhood related and can sometimes be past life related. Childhood trauma can block your natural thought process greatly. Childhood wounds do not go away with time, they remain in your psyche for years. They have to be brought out and healed.
- Past Life Blocks – these are usually deeply hidden in the subconscious mind. You will usually not be aware of these blocks. Also, past life blocks usually affect you temporarily as there are lessons attached to these. Once the lesson is learned in this lifetime, the block gets removed.
- Spells or Curses – Again these blocks may remain hidden for a long time. You don’t get to know you have been cursed or there are spells put on you, till your luck completely runs out. With all curses and spells, the intention of the spell or curse bearer is important. These are easier to remove than others.
- Entities or Spirits – These are very easily detected. If you feel you are not yourself, unable to concentrate, feel emotions that do not belong to you or your eating and sleeping patterns are disturbed, you probably have an attachment in your aura. Simple prayers and rituals can remove these.
- Psychic Attack – These are other people’s thoughts and intentions that affect you. Often these are people you regularly hang out with and come back feeling drained. Psychic attacks usually affect the back chakras of a person, blocking out your receiving side. In common terms, this is known as ‘Evil Eye.’
- Cords – these I have already discussed in my “Cord Cutting” article. But these are projections from the aura that connect you to objects, people and situations. They create tension in your being.
- Negative Space in Office or Home – This is also easy to understand because it is only when you enter this space you feel drained or irritated. Other times you are alright.

Image by Nick-K (Nikos Koutoulas)
How to Detect these Energies?
I am giving a very simple and yet effective procedure. If you follow this word by word you should be able to detect. Take a few deep breaths and calm yourself. Close your eyes and whisper softly or in your mind “I want to connect with my soul”. Say this 2-3 times. Pause for a few seconds. Then ask “Are we connected?” You should ideally hear a yes.
Now this is the main part. Ask “Am I completely clear?” you may get a yes or no answer. You need to ask the same question 2 more times. The majority yes’ or no’s will give you the actual answer. This means if you hear 2 yes’ and 1 no that means you are clear.
Suppose you hear a no. Then individually, pick the types of the above mentioned negative energies and ask about each one 3 times.
For instance, “Am I under psychic attack?” ask 3 times.
“Do I have cords attached to my aura?” ask 3 times.
“Are there any curses or spells on me?” ask 3 times.
“Are there any entities or spirits attached in my aura?” ask 3 times.
“Are there any past life blockages?” ask 3 times.
“Are any childhood memories plaguing me?” ask 3 times.
“Is my office or home space clear?” ask 3 times.
Remember to record the responses in your mind or on paper. This method is good enough for everyone, including Reiki people. However, Reiki people can invoke Reiki before starting the meditative process. You can also invoke the distance healing symbol, as it directly connects you to the type of negativity that is there.
Try this method and share your feedback, no matter whether you are a Reiki practitioner or not. Your channel i.e. your body has to be clear at all times.
Article by Ananya Sen
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Ananya Sen
Ananya Sen is a crystal healer gifted with claircognizant abilities. She lives in Bangalore, India, but she can offer distance crystal healing all around the world. Ananya also gives mantra diksha and offers free pendulum readings.
You can reach Ananya via her email address:
thank u ananya.its good one and need one.
Hi Ananya,
I have learned Usui Reiki and attuned with well known Reiki master in Bangalore. But when i started practising from day one i find it difficulty to practise, when i practice to full body healing i felt like heavy weight and irritating to continue and not interest.
i think there is any negative energies (sprit) or any black magic. Please help me in this problems.
I am very much interested in reiki and other healings methods to learn and heal others.
Hi Ganesh,
Please mail me your photograph at
Mail me at
Ganesh, i think you should stick with the fundamentals and learn how to channel energy first, i think you are using your own life force energy thats why you felt drained and heavy.. the best is take your time feel the life force energy flowing in you by praying and imagining its coming down to your crown chakra and all the way to ground and coming back from ground and goes back to your crown chakra , have your intention set for healing the other person ( healing for their highest good and wellness) , and ask for guides and being from highest vibration to assist you with the process..
You need to ground yourself before and after any treatments this should been taught to all at degree 1 also place the white light around you before a treatment.
Hi Ananya, how do you clear the energies once identified?
Hi Marie,
Please mail me at
I am sorry I meant
Excellent information
thank you !! hope you try it and let me know
So now that i get a yes to some of them what is my next step?
I am enclosing a healing method to remove all types of negative energies… your intention only has to be changed…the process remains the same
let me know how it went after the process is over I suggest you do some of these Angel prayers for 1 week to stabilize your healing…let me know how it went
I am enclosing a healing method to remove all types of negative energies… only your intention has to be changed for the type of negativity you are releasing…the process remains the same
all you need to do is use the distance symbol asking it to connect you to all negative energies and entities in your home and aura…again read the article and do it…the process should take about 45 mins…use a candle as fire cleanses away negativity…
Hello Ananya, I have 2 yes answers. How do I clear them?
I am enclosing a healing method to remove all types of negative energies… your intention only has to be changed…the process remains the same
let me know how it went after the process is over I suggest you do some of these Angel prayers for 1 week to stabilize your healing…let me know how it went
I am enclosing a healing method to remove all types of negative energies… only your intention has to be changed for the type of negativity you are releasing…the process remains the same
all you need to do is use the distance symbol asking it to connect you to all negative energies and entities in your home and aura…again read the article and do it…the process should take about 45 mins…use a candle as fire cleanses away negativity…
Hi Ananya,
Many thanks for such an informative article about issues which are generally not covered, i do not know how and why, i strongly feel that i am under some influence. that there is something which is pulling me, stopping me. Seek your help, shall ever be grateful 🙂
Hi Saurabh,
You can mail me your photograph and concern at
Hi, i am a Reiki practitioner and would like to know, can you ask these questions for your clients? Or for my husband? And how do you help clear these energies?
Thanks so much.
Yes I can ask these questions for you if you like… I can also clear the energies if you want for a fee… pls mail me your pics and concern at
great to have an exercise to go through to ensure everything is covered. I was clear, but did some Angelic cord cutting last night. Did it with my son, calling in the Reiki energy initially he squirmed and said ‘ow’ when I traced the symbols on him (he is only 2) so knew there would be something. His past life stuff is for him to deal with, and it does make you think, even more than usual, about what how his child hood memories will effect him. I had been Reiking him distantly when he napped & I either meditate or Reiki and also cord cutting remotely, but this Reiki method far more effective. Confirmed he had attachments and cords, but the house is clear (which I knew, but good it was same on both of us). Also Psychic attack, which worries me but I have recently had someone send me something and I think this is a throw back as he is not cursed. I called in Angels, as I always do, for cord cutting, healing and protection for him, maybe went over the top with Michael, Raphael, Christ, St John of God and St Nicholas, but it is my boy (hating to sound like an Eastenders extra) alongside a Reiki treatment (I always do bring in Angelic energy of some sort as I feel it elevates the energy). Will do this regularly on both of us and will get my husband to do this too. Very good. Will be keeping this as a meditation exercise.
Hi… I’m happy to know you and your son are clear… it’s really a good practice… I too work mostly with Archangel Michael for these clearings…as u said it elevates the energy
Additionally, I give a free weekly guidance email every sunday for the upcoming week… these are energy messages from the angels, reiki and ascended masters.. I would very much like for you to subscribe… just mail me at… I will add you..thanks
Hi ananya, a big heartful thanks for sharing this information.i asked reiki energy to beam me with high energy in my hands..whenever I ask a know yes or under physchic attack and my aura is affected. My office space is not clear too.wat do I do
am enclosing a healing method to remove all types of negative energies… only your intention has to be changed for the type of negativity you are releasing…the process remains the same
all you need to do is use the distance symbol asking it to connect you to all negative energies and entities in your home and aura…again read the article and do it…the process should take about 45 mins…use a candle as fire cleanses away negativity…
I would like to recieve your newsletter. pls add me as
Is it possible to determine intention of a spell and how?
How can I remove a spell?
pls mail me at
Hello Ananya,
I would love to receive your newsletter too if I may. My email is
Many thanks
Hi ,
Amie is my name and I am on a journey to remove internal and external negative energy from my life. Reiki looks like a very healthy way to begin ! Im in need of a helping hand a guiding light for iam an infant in this transformation !
I’m really interested in this. But it’s so hard to deal with. I believe I have alot of negative surroundings. I wanted to study reiki.
Any opinions.
pls mail me at
Hey there,
Truly speaking I am having like stupid dreams these days… well I dont want to share this in public i dont know whether these are my fears and arw they any kind of signs
Ananya plz do help me out
pls mail me at
Aloha Ananya, I am grateful to be added to your weekly email. Mahalos! Ann
please mail me at from the email id you want the guidance to come to… and thank you
Hi Ananya,
Great information thanks for shared it.
How can we remove childhood memories?
Thank you so much.
dear ananya i am veerabhadraswamy .b from hospet taluk bellary dist karnataka . as i am student i want to study reiki distantly. so please provide me some opppourtunities and fees regarding the reiki all 3 states. and also i want to go for aura scanning whole body specially brain.
Very interesting. Love your site. Very informative and encouraging. Gives me hope. I never had any formal training. My sister in law did a distant attunement and gave me a book to read. My wish to have formal training . Please advise who to turn to
Johannesburg, South Africa.
So if I go through all of the list and have several yes about attachments, blocks and spirits what do I speak to remove them. Do I just say a prayer and ask my guides to help me? What energy do I channel to open up blocks. I have never practiced reiki but am very interested and have been following your site.
yes you can pray and ask for assistance from Archangel Michael and Azrael to remove whatever you have confirmed from the above entities
Hi Ananya, I followed your instructions and I got ‘Yes’ to past life blocks and a curse on me. This resignates with me. As I feel no matter how I try something keeps holding me back. What do I do?
If you get yes on any of these, how can you you get rid of them? If you’re not a Reiki master?
I would like to receive your free weekly guidance mail. Pl add me as
Thanks ananya
I will try this for sure
You always write beautiful articles on reiki
Hi ananya…although m a very positive person and had a very clear aura bt since an year i cn c symptoms of an entity atatchd to my aura. I could feel it…it al ds while did no harm to me bt recently during my exams i collapsed mentaly wich was nt me. Did heavy reiki….stable now bt how to get free frm dt nd i wana knw wat or who z dt nd y ds z hapning.
Mail me at
What kind of precautions we should take to remove entities or spirit in person’s aura
Mainly shielding and chakra clearing
Hello Madam,
I m one of your daily follower. I m facing problem in my life 6 month back i was suffering ACL Tear in my left Knee , it is not completely healed and now again i had road accident with my wife n son where i had fracture in my right shoulder doctor implanted metal plate in shoulder now . Can u please help me what is going on in my life. Can u pls help me.
Pls mail me at
Very informative. I am a regular reiki practitioner . I would like to receive your weekly guidance mail. Please add me as subhadra48@ . Thank you.
Hi I am reiki grand master I am from Bangladesh.i have gotten all attunemet good traditional reiki grand master from Bangalore I finish 2010.I able to do successful treatment.after few years later i suffering to revive Clients negative energy and I have sever urine infection. And I want to discuss more problems concerning my family so may I email you?
mail me at
Dear Ananya, I’m a newbie Usui Reiki practitioner (1st level), so I don’t know yet how to use the symbols and to send Reiki on distance. Can I use these symbols even though I’m only 1st level or do I have to become 2nd level first? Also, can I use the angelic prayers to get rid of blockages, entities and curses/spells? I would also like to be added to your weekly newsletter with this email Thank you very much for your help and Namasté from Italy
No, it is not recommended you use symbols without attunement. However, you can use angelic prayers or whatever method you feel like to remove these things. Have added you for my weekly guidance. Thanks
Dear Ananya,
I have received the Reiki 3 level attunement and am very interested in learning more. At this point of my life, I am at the worst in every area finances, career , relationships. Even though I practtice Reiki and meditations, my life seems to be so stuck. I feel I am under some spell which is keeping me in binds. Reading the above posts I am sending you my photo and personal details. I would really appreciate if you could help me.
I have mailed you, please check !
Hi Ananya I would love to say first of all your article is fantastic but do u have suggestions to clear these attacks i answered yes to all but the last one and i thought i was clear of most of them so it just goes to show. I do work with my angels regularly but am not always sure what to ask for when clearing negativity so your help in this matter will be great thanks Jackie devlin
This should help – the process is the same for all types of negativity though I have just mentioned spirit release here.
use a candle as fire cleanses away negativity…
I did not get any yes/no?? I just completed my Reiki master training and am not getting to a level I want to as something is in my way? I am distracted, unable to completely settle and focus for sessions on self or clients although I practice a bit.. my other work/responsibilities keep me very occupied!!!
I appreciate any guidance
Hi, do it again with calm and focus. you will get answers. And don’t push yourself to overperform just because you have done your 3rd degree. Relax into it, there’s nothing out there to achieve as such. It’s the journey that is exciting. I think you’re expecting certain outcomes from yourself
hello, I want to know how to remove spell and curses?
I’m not succeeding in anything
Hi. Removal requires a plan, strong will, positive intention and practice. Find someone to mentor you. This site is fluff and wont help.
hi Vanisha I would like to know how to remove cast spell please help do u need my photo to know it
Word to the wise. This fluff article underestimates everything. Be wise, protect yourself and look for real healers. These people are an embarrassment to Reiki and to healing.
Hi Stella,
I appreciate your comment and let’s say your experience, and I would be very grateful if you share those “real healers” links and sites. I believe that Reiki speaks for itself, and there is no need for gurus once you get attuned. I just follow wherever Reiki guides me, but I will gladly check your post.
hi Vanisha I would like to know how to remove cast spell
Had chills when I read # 2 and 4. Will work on removing this. thank you so much for your info. God bless and light always lead
your steps.
Please may I be included in your free weekly guidance mail. Thank you.
Hi ananya, thank u so much for your articles. You are one of the few people who write such amazing unexplored articles regularly. I have done my reiki 2 degree and I live in Mysore..
Hi Ananya,
Thanks a lot for the information.I wonder!!whenever I have some doubts either I got the solution from reiki rays to my mailbox or if I do Google your site open with a wonderful solution
Hi! Im eager to know more & I would like to recieve your newsletters. pls add me as
Hi Ananya,
When I tried the exercise, immediately a question arose, who is the I? Does it have any reality?
Yes the ‘I’ is your all encompassing self consisting of your mind, body, soul and higher self
Very useful article …
Hi Ananya, I tried above first 2 questions, I didn’t hear anything. Not sure what to expect. I really love to experience the healing power that we have inner and can you help please?
Srinivas KC
Hi Ananya,
I tried your method but did not work for me. I am not sure but i somehow feel that there is some negative energy on me. I could be wrong but how do I know for sure.
Hai ananya i tried for few times but i cant hear any voice sound….. How to do it
Thank you Ananya Mam for sharing this topic again. There is a problem with me and I don’t know when and how I can overcome it. I always sit cool and calm and start healing everything goes smoothly for some time and thereafter distraction started. Somehow I complete my healing but not satisfactorily. If you can advice a little it will be a great help to me.
Thanks with regards
Hello, my family has a generational curse. This curse has caused much disruption in our lives and unhappiness. We even have demons and attachments that make our life miserable. I am a reiki master and have learned how to make it manageable but its a constant battle. I have researched and research on how to solve this issue (especially about the demons and attachments) and the only thing I get is to do a breaking spell and keep your vibration high (which is difficult with negative entities attacking you all the time). Please any further help is appreciated. BTW we have cleared all the houses and do regular healings on each other, this has helped.
Hi, could I have a currently active email id
Hi, realy helpful article, the deeper you go the more protection is needed, slso to keep your vibration as high as you can, with family curses ect it can be very dificult, but their are things you can do. The severn sisters reiki symbols are affective with this, although you need to be a reiki master but am happy to share them, they go back to your seed energy and work outside of time, also earth energies are helpful. Be happy to help with this, Julie reiki san andreas
Curently where i live .at that place i feel some fear not before of some days but ufter when some peoples say that there is some negetive energies or spirit .what can i do ?please help me?
Please reply me on mail
am male of 25 going through swere depression right now, i am victin of depression from 7 years, on and off medications, exercises, therapies
some says its my star was in trouble at my birth, some says i am manglik, some says i have evil spirits some says i am catched by evil eye, doctor says i am not recover problem its swere depression, i dont know where to put my self and what to do
my main problem is with my carrier i am not able to do anythig productive, i am strugling hard with my carrier from 7 year but going down and down, my depression increasing day by day, i married to my girlfriend and divorced after one year, is there any way i can move on with the life, start doing good and productive and healty life, please replay
Hi. I have finished Level II Reiki and i am planning to start my Master course soon but i , much like you have gotten distracted and ordered the book “Tapping. The Healer Within” so it seems i may learn this before completing my Master Reiku course. I also wanted to know what to do if i identufy emtities and how do i get rid of them?
hi Ananya,
i wrote you email but not able to connect with you , I am 3rd degree reiki holder but not able to do anything , please answer me how should i contact you
Very good article. Thank you Ananya. I am a grand master Reiki and master Magnified Healing and other modalities. I use dowser for healing and conecting to source. Iencountered many negative entities which you mentioned. My intuitions guide me what to do and how to. Your article can help people a lot. I use this method with the help of a dowser invoking the healing energy of the kind to which am guided. Thanks a lot for guiding.
Hi Ananya,
A very good morning from Mumbai. Hope you all are fine and safe.
I have done 2 levels of reiki and attuned for 2 levels. Done my 21 days practice also. My curiosity is weather reiki is passing through me? How can I feel that? I want to experience it.
Thank you. Stay safe.
just a question, I practice reflexology on friends and family, my tutor told me that I pick up negative energy from people I practice reflexology, so she gave me a technique to remove the negative energy. If I forget to complete this technique I invariably feel tearful or drained if they have anything that causes them anxiety or stress in their lives at the time of treatment. However I did reflexology on a colleague after work and did not do my usual routine as I just wanted to get home. That night I had an awful night sleep, my sinuses were extremely painful on the right side of my face, though I have had sinusitis, the symptoms I had were completely different to the ones I have, I have never had such physical symptoms before and wondered if it was possible transference of energy from my colleague, her sinus areas on her feet were ‘puffy’ though she denied any current problems with her sinus. I can find no literature to support this, what are your thoughts
Well explained article , to the point . Thanks Ananya
Can you explain what you mean by curses and spells?
I believe they are created in one’s own mind and are only “real” if we believe in them and allow them to manifest into something.
Hi, thank you for this article. What if you don’t hear any yes or no?
I just did the questions three times without any meditation since, I was only reading the part how to detect any negative energy firstly, immediately the answers came easy.
1. “NO”
7.”NO”, I was chocked with the last question since, I do cleanse in my home all the time, maybe because I am in the basement.