Notice the loving guidance you hear both inside your mind and in your physical ears.
Sometimes we are so caught up in living our lives that we forget to slow down and listen to the quiet, still voice within.
We are “self involved” with details of daily living. Will I get a raise in October? I need a new couch, a new car, a new hairstyle. Gosh, that new employee at work is cute. Is it Friday yet?
We are “world involved” because it is so easy to get distracted by the superficial noise all around us. What’s going on with the Kardashians? Which celebrity has a new baby bump, gained a pound or is twerking this week on camera?

Image by 熊.陈美芬.Phan Ly Photography.On/Off
With so many daily assaults on our eyes and ears, it’s not surprising we forget to make time to be aware of the sun on our face or gaze in wonder upon the moon and stars. It slips our busy minds that we need to be still and connect to spirit. That this connection allows us to experience something authentic and primitive, in the same way our ancestors did before us.
Clearing away the noise and distraction, and setting our awareness to connect to divine guidance is clairaudience. Our spirit guides, angels and ancestors send messages to us constantly. Then they repeat them until we finally hear. It can be the still small voice you hear inside your own head or the voices of our loved ones and teachers who speak to us in a physical sense. Divine directives are always positive, often repetitive, loving and to the point.
Clairaudience is something we can access 24 hours a day. It is just as accessible from a park bench in the middle of the city as it is in a quiet chapel. All we have to do is stop and notice. Like when you suddenly hear a song that reminds you of someone you miss, like your Aunt Ester. Maybe you hear it from a car radio passing by or it just pops into your head for no reason. You have two options: dismiss it as unimportant, or pay attention and realize it could be a message. Should you call Aunt Ester and check in?
Use of the Reiki symbols will enhance and fine tune your audio vibrations both inside the mind and those that come by way of daily communication. Use Cho Ku Rei to get Reiki flowing and Sei He Ki to clear and focus your intent. Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen will help if you are trying to reach out to someone in particular from a distance or someone who may have passed on from this world.
Next time you are driving in your car or cooking dinner in your kitchen, turn off the radio or television. Become comfortable with silence. You don’t have to do this all the time, but the constant drone of background noise can prevent us from receiving precious information that is so necessary for our spiritual growth. If something is on your mind for which you need guidance, ask for help. Call in Reiki energy and say aloud: I call in my angels, my ancestors, my spirits for help and assistance with…

Image by Mustang Joe
Ask yourself, what do I hear? You may hear nothing at first. Perhaps you will notice the birds singing outside. Have they really been there all along? How long has it been since you’ve heard them? Maybe you hear the wind whisper through the trees or sounds of children’s laughter. It is in this place of receiving where you will begin to hear the voice of spirit.
If you need help with clairaudience, Archangel Zadkiel can assist you. Zadkiel’s color is a deep indigo blue and you may find you feel close to Zadkiel when holding blue lapis lazuli. Close your eyes and meditate with this mineral to connect with Zadkiel and to practice hearing loving guidance. To connect with Zadkiel all you have to do is ask.
Celestite, petalite, cavansite, mahogany or snowflake obsidian can also assist with clairaudience. Include these in your daily meditation and listening for guidance will become as natural as breathing. Use your new found gift to help yourself and to help others.
Article by Patti Deschaine
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Patti Deschaine
Patti Deschaine is a traditionally trained Usui Reiki Master, Lightarian Reiki Master, and owner of Maja Energy Works and Reiki Healing. She resides and practices in Wilmington, NC. She enjoys all types of Reiki and particularly loves using Reiki on animals. Patti can be found at MajaEnergyWorks.
Thank u Patti for this piece of information . As if I was needing this , since long I m trying to find out purpose in my life , may be this will help.
Thank u
I was just meditating today and asking for clairaudience!! I will continue with the help of Archangel Zadkiel!! Thank You so much, this article was very helpful xoxo