Aura cleaning is the most important and essential tool in the life of a Reiki healer. Deeds of past and present karmas are stored in our aura in the form of electromagnetic waves; time to time they do interfere our way of working. We are connected to our past via the cords weak or strong depending upon the intensity of particular karma. These cords drain our energy, make us weak, give us fear and many other undesired qualities. To cut-off all these connection which are stored in our aura as well as somewhere in our sub-conscious mind, washing away your aura is the best way.

Image by Doxi
I had a fear of water whenever I used to walk on watered roads, streams or some river; the thought of drowning always haunted me. I never enjoyed pools and swimming. Also whenever i used to wash my eyes with water, I used to feel breathless. This must be due to some past karma. Here I am sharing how I overcome this by washing away my aura.
- Close your nostrils allow water(with full pressure) to fall on sahsara chakra(crown chakra), take three deep breath thinking as if you are taking dive in the holy river(as energy always flow only on intention, I think of holy and sacred river Ganga). Feel fall of water as a beam of divine Reiki light directly connected to the source(God).
- Make a prayer to water by saying thank you for washing away all my impurities and making me clear crystal like you. Give me power to be like you same for all but in different forms frozen, boiling, cold, normal, lukewarm, vapor(the most desired form as in this form I will be connected to The Source-God ), destructing and very peaceful (all the phases are must in one’s life) or say what your intuition guides you.
- Say thanks to the Creator.
- See all the Reiki symbols flowing in the water.
- Feel the golden glow of water. Have a blissful breath.
- Touch the ground by saying thanks to Mother Earth for giving you a space on itself and for bearing all your drained impurities. Draw Reiki symbols on ground.
You can enjoy this as long as you want. Open your eyes and have the feel of holy dive and pure clear crystal you. Stay blessed.
Article by Chanchal Gupta
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Chanchal Gupta
Chanchal Gupta (M.Sc.) is a Reiki Master. She is a science teacher and also Masters in Mathematics. These days she is practicing, exploring and trying to connect every aspect of Reiki with science. She is from Chandigarh and lives in Hoshiarpur (Panjab) with a family of
. Reach Chanchal at Reiki Miracles do happen on Facebook.
thank u chanchal.,really amazing method.usually i doing similar one.yaa it is helpfull.
Thanks to reiki, my master and you……. as you could receive the wonderful energy.
🙂 stay blessed 🙂
om mani padme hum
Hi dear Chanchal Ji … Remember me???? It’s a big surprise We got reconnected through reiki …thank you for sharing this valuable aura cleansing … It was much needed. Love and light
Hello dear shubh happy to see you after a gap of approx 10 year. This is way how reiki works.It can make anything happen. Always stay blessed
“om mani padme hum”
thanks cha nchal , it’s good to. know such practical methods
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Hi what if you cant do this with water plz.would else can you do it with. I really need to cleanse my aura.i keep getting bouts of anxiety. Im also going through the all the symptoms.electical stuff playing up as my phone.etc.thanks love and light.
Thanks Chanchal ji