This article is dedicated to everyone who might be feeling lost and stuck. A lot of people on Earth, including those on the spiritual path, are feeling this way now.
Dear Friend, your challenges are part of your soul’s growth. One day you will see that you have come a long way and that the journey was worth every bit! Just don’t give up on Reiki, ever! Reiki is your guiding light. Allow it to lead you on your journey towards spirit.
This is my own story of how Reiki led me from physical detoxification to emotional healing and finally put me on the road to spiritual growth. I hope from my heart that this helps you in whatever way is right for you ☺
I was always fascinated with Reiki and energy healing. But when I first approached my Reiki Master in 2007, it was not because I wanted to learn Reiki myself or grow spiritually. It was because I wanted to heal deep rooted fears that had been bothering me for several years. I went with the hope that Reiki would work like a magic wand and my fears would fly out of the window, never to return again! Little did I know that taking this small step towards healing those innocent looking fears would lead me on a dramatic journey of unearthing deep rooted pain and initiate deep spiritual growth.

Image by keith ellwood
My Reiki Master did a few of sessions of healing on me. I began to feel better. She also encouraged me to learn Reiki, so I could heal myself independently. This is the best piece of advice I have received in life so far! Given the fact that I was always drawn to energy healing, I made the decision to learn Reiki pretty quickly. In less than a month of the first healing session, I was attuned to the first level of Reiki. I began to experience profound healing immediately. Even before the class was over, I developed physical symptoms such as cold and fever. The symptoms worsened as I made my way back home and continued to grow worse over the next two days. I was in the midst of an intense healing crisis. My teacher encouraged me to accept the crisis and not give in to fear.
My body went through a major detoxification. I was working at another job then and had to take off from work for a couple of days. Towards the end of the 21 day cleansing process, I was perfectly fine and felt wonderful. Blessings flooded my life soon after. Situations and people that were not serving my highest good began moving out of my life and it all happened pretty quickly! I also met my soul mate, whom I later went on to marry. This was the best blessing I received. Painful relationships over years had left me feeling drained and exhausted. Reiki helped me understand that I had been creating my reality all along and that I had the power to change the outcome of future relationships. This shift in belief combined with regular Reiki practice brought my soul mate into my life.
Life was on a high for a few months and everything seemed perfect. I was grateful to Reiki for creating such a dramatic turnaround in my life and filling it with amazing blessings.
Inspired by all the positive changes that happened, I signed up for Level 2 some months later. The class went well and I returned home feeling physically fine (unlike after Level 1). But during the 21 day cleansing process, I noticed that my hands felt stuck to my solar chakra every time I practised self healing. The solar chakra took up almost as much energy as all of the other chakras put together. After some days, I experienced another healing crisis. And this time, a lot of fears and insecurities that lay buried in my subconscious surfaced. Incidentally, many of these issues were to do with the solar chakra, such as feelings of unworthiness, a need for approval, a need to prove my point etc. I became frightened as the feelings were very intense. My Reiki teacher reassured me that this was also part of the healing, but I had difficulty accepting it because it was so very painful. I struggled with these symptoms for many weeks and also began to feel that Reiki had let me down by making things worse than they were. Eventually, I (the Ego part of me) began to doubt the power of Reiki, as the Ego always wants quick results! In time, I grew frustrated and stopped practicing Reiki.

Image by joiseyshowaa
Life went on and I continued working at an unsatisfactory job for four years. Along the way, I faced some personal and professional challenges (all related to the solar chakra) which I attempted to resolve only with my logical mind. But this approach left me stuck in loops of unhealthy patterns that stripped me of my inherent power and wisdom. In hindsight, I understood that my inability to accept the healing crisis after Level 2 had left me in this mess. When we refuse to accept something that comes up for healing, the same stuff keeps coming up until we learn the lesson it wants us to learn.
Interestingly, despite my decision to stop Reiki practice, I felt periodic urges to give myself Reiki. I gave in to the urges because I knew that I would feel wonderful after giving myself a Reiki treatment. I felt sad because I realised that a part of me really loved Reiki. However, another part of me (the Ego) rejected it as it could not handle the healing crises that it put me through.
It was in the significant year 2012, that Reiki made a grand re-entry into my life! As you might be aware, plenty of changes happened on Earth in 2012 and affected many people, including me (though I was not aware of it at that point). I felt the need to connect with the spiritual part of me again. I had stayed too long with just my ego and logical mind and life had become meaningless. My soul was crying out and I could not deny my spiritual side anymore.
I started by communicating with the angels. As I was in a lot of pain and confusion, I only felt comfortable talking to the loving angels. Help came from the angels. I was brought in contact with a few kind teachers who helped me heal in their own unique ways. As I received support from these teachers, I also made the decision to start my Reiki practice again. And this time, I decided to practise without any expectations. I suddenly developed the strength to accept everything that came up as part of my healing. And lo and behold, life changed again! A few months of Reiki practice in this mindset of “no expectation and complete acceptance” worked like magic and brought about tremendous healing in me.
I understood that healing with Reiki is much more than just making the symptoms of physical or emotional problems disappear. I understood that Reiki is more a way of life that helps you grow by peeling layer after layer of pain and subsequently healing them. The blessings of Reiki are most often noticed in hindsight. With these new insights and my experiences with healing in 2012, I felt the time had come for me to do the Master Degree.
The Master Degree brought to me its own share of blessings as well as challenges. I received all the blessings with joy. And to help me with the challenges, Reiki made me cross paths again with some wonderful Masters in different fields of alternate healing. I integrated all the wisdom I gained from those Masters with my Reiki practice and this wisdom is what I am trying to live today!
I am still learning. As I teach others, I also learn and heal myself. Deeper layers of pain come up to be healed almost every single day. The only difference is that now I don’t get scared and run! Instead I reclaim my power and remind myself that I have the power to heal anything because it is all of my own creation. Reiki is my faithful companion on this journey, having led me from simple emotional healing in 2007 to a full blown spiritual healing starting 2012. I give full credit to Reiki for guiding me to this point and for lighting every step along the way.
Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at and on Facebook at Angel Light.
Very heartfelt article !! I fully agree with you on the cleansing process , symptoms…especially the part you have written about Reiki bringing up the same pattern again and again till we understand…
out of curiousity though, after meeting your soulmate , how long did it take for you to get married? I am asking this purely for my personal research..cause I feel there are challenges before soul mates unite
Thank you Ananya for sharing your thoughts 🙂
It took a few months. Yes, you are right about the challenges. There were plenty. But most of them arose before the meeting. I am not sure if that is what you meant or if you meant challenges with the soul mate after meeting? If you wish to discuss further, you can e-mail me on Love & Light!
No doubt the journey of self exploration to quite lot extent is satidfied once I entered the Reiki Club
Good to know about your journey Kehkishan Syed! Thanks for sharing. Love & Light.
Very encouraging and purifying article. I was introduced to Reiki in 2002. I felt its powerful impact but i could not make it part of my daily life. Now i want to.
I love this article, dear Haripriya! Powerful personal story <3 Many Divine Blessings!