What are you passionate about in life? How many of your passions are you living? Are you aware of your passions? I would like to share my list of passions.
I am passionate about:
1. Life
2. Music
3. Dance
4. Healing
5. Energy work
6. Teaching others about healing, energy work and angels
7. Angel card readings
8. Reading
9. Writing
10. Nurturing my child
11. Romance and love
12. Good food
13. Travel
14. Rest & Relaxation
15. Spiritual Growth and learning
16. Nature
17. Pampering myself and my inner child
18. Spending time by myself

Image by Ian Sane
Before you read further, take a pen and paper and make a list of all the things that you are passionate about.
We may add more things to the list as life goes by. Passion does not always involve “big” stuff. You can even be passionate about relishing a cup of tea. It is perfectly normal to be passionate about the small things in life. Ultimately, it is those small things that determine the quality of our lives on a day to day basis.
Now, look at the list of passions that you have made. Spend some time reflecting on all that you have written. How many of your passions are you living? Are you satisfied with what you see? Or would you like to add more colour to your life by living your passions on a day to day basis?
It takes courage to live your passions because it often involves being criticized or misunderstood by family and friends. Everyone does not understand our passions and may not be fully supportive of us living our passions. But life is meant to be lived fully. Every day can be so full of joy and meaning, if only we could allow our passions to lead us. So, the first thing to do is to decide that you will dedicate at least some time everyday to living at least one of your passions. If your family is supportive of this, good for you! If not, you will need to have a heart to heart conversation with them and explain why this is important to you. Most people understand when something is communicated to them respectfully. For instance, you may feel the need to spend some time alone everyday to just be by yourself. If you have never expressed this need of yours in the past, it may come as a surprise to those closest to you. Nevertheless, if it is on your list of passions, you will benefit if you give yourself that time alone every day. When you give yourself the permission to do this, it means you love yourself and like to take care of yourself. And when you take good care of yourself, you also end up taking good care of the people close to you.
The following pointers can guide you as you work on living your passions and making your life more meaningful.
Make the Time
Allocate time slots in your weekly schedule to live your passions- it could be an hour every day, a few hours every week or one day in a week, as per your convenience. It would be ideal if you could devote some time to at least a couple of your passions every day. But if that is not possible, make sure you at least dedicate one day a week to living your passions.
Chart/Vision Board
Collect pictures that reflect your passions from newspapers and magazines. Stick all the pictures on a chart or board and hang the chart in a place where it is easily visible to you during the course of the day. You can even draw the Reiki symbols on the chart if you wish to. Looking at this chart will inspire you to live your passions!

Image by bovinity
Reiki & Archangel Haniel
Give Reiki to your list of passions and to your chart whenever possible. This will add energy to your passions and make them a lot more powerful.
You can also take the help of Archangel Haniel to live your passions, especially when you need to take risks to do so. For example, someone who is initially passionate about an activity may, over time, feel a strong calling to convert this passion into a full time career. When this happens, the person may have to take certain risks and move past comfort zones. However, when something is felt as a true calling, it is meant to be part of our life’s plan and purpose. And we are sure to receive support from the Universe as we make life changes to accommodate our passions. However, the only requirement is that we ask for help. When you feel afraid or unsure about living a passion of yours or about moving past your comfort zone, call upon Archangel Haniel. Haniel whose name means “Glory of God” can help you use your potential to the fullest and make your transition into the unknown comfortable.
When we were children, we were naturally tuned into our passions and naturally believed that life was a joyous experience meant to be lived passionately. As we grew older, we were conditioned to believe that life is a struggle. As a result, many of us developed the belief that having fun and living passionately is something meant only for the young. Nothing could be further from the truth. Age is just a number and has absolutely nothing to do with living your passions or having fun. The spirit of the child that you once were is still alive in you. All you need to do is recognise it and set it free. Once you set it free, this childlike presence in you will help you live all of your passions and make life a truly amazing journey!
Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at lightworkersonearth.com, whenspiritmeetsscience.com on email at angelhealingbangalore@gmail.com and on Facebook at Angel Light.
Pls write article to handle fears and phobias
Thanks all Dear Writers for your very knowledge enriching articles for Newbies in Reiki like me ,I want to request some articles to be given here on unspecified fears and phobias which have no seemingly connect in this life but continue to give problem often,Thanks