Scanning the aura is an integral part of energy work. The following approaches can be used to scan the aura:
Visual Approach – Some people are highly visual. They can just take one look at someone and receive information about the health of his or her aura. They may also see colours and shapes that represent the flow of energy in the aura. There are yet others who are able to see disruptions in the flow of energy in their third eye.
Kinaesthetic Approach – Some people are more kinaesthetic. They may not actually see energetic blocks with their eyes, but they can sense disruptions in the flow of energy in the aura. They may feel these disruptions as sensations of heat, cold, tingling etc.
Combination Technique – It is also possible to use a combination of the visual and kinaesthetic approaches.

Image by ecodallaluna
There is no right or wrong way to scan the aura. You can do whatever works for you. The only prerequisite is that you practise Reiki regularly. Regular Reiki practice develops our sensitivity to energy. This in turn makes scanning the aura a very simple task. When we do not practise regularly, we lose our sensitivity to energy and this makes scanning the aura a lot more challenging.
It is possible to scan the aura of people who are in proximity to us and also of people who are at a distance. The techniques are described below.
In Person Scanning
- Ask the person to lie down comfortably.
- Have them take a few deep breaths and relax. It is a good idea to have soothing music playing in the background.
- Stand near the head of the person.
- Connect with Reiki, your Reiki Guides, Spiritual Guides and Angels and request them to assist you during this process.
- Visualise a shield of white light forming around you and covering you from head to toe. This is for your protection as you go about scanning the aura.
- Starting from the top of the head, gradually move your palm (or palms) over the person’s right side.
- In your first few attempts, make sure you spend at least a few seconds at every position in order to get a feel of the energy in different points of the aura. As you practise, you will be able to spot deficiencies in the flow of energy in shorter periods of time.
- As you move your palm, make a mental note of all the points in the energy field where you sense a disruption in the flow of energy. You could also keep a notebook and pen with you and make notes right as you scan.
- Repeat the same with the left side of the body. You could also scan the front and back sides of the body in a similar fashion.
- Whenever you sense a block, close your eyes and receive impressions of the colour, size, shape and texture of the block. You may see the details of these blocks in your mind’s eye or you may just sense them. Trust the first impressions you receive and do not try to analyse them. As you receive these impressions, you may also receive messages about what these blocks represent. Invariably, the details you see point at unresolved emotions, recurring mental patterns, unhealthy behaviours etc that the person needs to heal. Make a note of all the messages you receive as they offer invaluable guidance to the person receiving the healing. If you are not able to receive these messages in the beginning, it is perfectly fine. Do not strain to receive messages. You will start receiving them as you practise. You could also request your guides to help you receive these messages.
- Proceed to remove the blocks using whatever technique resonates most with you.
- Finish with a full body Reiki healing. Pay particular attention to the areas from which the blocks were removed and flood them with Reiki.

Image by paul bica
Distance Scanning
If the person to be treated is at a distance, it is still possible to scan the aura.
- Make a rough sketch of the body on a sheet of paper. This sketch would be your reference and represents the person who is being scanned.
- Connect with Reiki, your Reiki Guides, Spiritual Guides and Angels and request them to assist you during this process.
- Visualise a shield of white light forming around you and covering you from head to toe. This is for your protection as you go about scanning the aura.
- Invoke the distance healing symbol Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen and connect with the person. Invoke Cho Ku Rei and strengthen the connection.
- As before, start scanning from the top the head. In this case, you will have to place use the sketch as your reference and place your palm over the head that is drawn.
- Scan the right, left, front and back sides of the body respectively, all by moving your palm over the sketch.
- As in the case of in person scanning, receive impressions of the blocks and also messages (if any). Make a note of these details.
- Proceed to remove the blocks using whatever technique resonates most with you.
- Finish with a full body Reiki healing. Pay particular attention to the areas from which the blocks were removed and flood them with Reiki.
Post Healing Discussion
Discuss the information you received from the aura scan with the person. Lay particular emphasis on the messages you received from the blocks. If they pointed at making life changes or healing recurring patterns, ensure you explain this clearly. This is crucial because unless we heal recurring patterns in our lives, the same blocks tend to resurface sooner or later. In many cases, Reiki alone manages to heal the blocks without a need for further intervention. But in the case of issues that are deep rooted, the person might have to do other healing work along with Reiki to achieve the desired healing.
Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at and on Facebook at Angel Light.
i am able to see auras, some dispute this fact. I don’t know when i first realized this, but i find it interesting. Please keep up with the wonderful info.:)))
Anybody can detect the energy in anything that has life, vibrates. It takes to relax, and look to one point above the person, animal or plant(who ever vibrates, has life,of course). ONCE the attention is placed, without forcing it over pass OUR OWN eyes adjusting, then in a very soothing ways look for the aura. Usually, if the background is not ‘busy’ it will be the best to ‘catch it’. I love going to church(yes, sorry) and practice my sight… least people are a bit still there…or paying attention? Awesome place to practice…… Be well!! Namaste!
I often see auras around people who are sharing from their heart; recently I saw 2 colors around someone and it really excited me; awesome experience 😉
Cheryl! Beautiful being! Blessed your heart. You are such a sweet sensitive woman. Compassionate and ready to help those in need. Absolutely! You can see the energy in others due to your inner nature. It will be so good for you, if you get the Reiki attuned it will add to your seeing, and as a plus, will help to heal the energy field of your of someone else. Please, keep being yourself… I do bless you. Keep practicing so you will apply the healing from yourself, to others! Namaste.
Just curious as to why you apologized for going to church? I was unaware that this/these people/courses/etc. were anti church. If that is true that would be very sad. Also very judgemental & anti Reiki in my opinion. We have gathered to learn, share, grow, heal (ourselves, others & the world). What part of that requires you to apologize for being a spiritual person who is religious? Just wondering. ..
Hi loves! If I mentioned ‘a church’ I meant to be in a crowed place! If I say ‘sorry’ it was because we go to church to pray! Be well! Enjoy the now! Keep going and be blessed!!
Good to know that you can see auras Debi 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
interesting article. Would I be able to see my own Aura using the technique shown or is there another way ??
Sue, it is possible to scan your own aura using these techniques.
Thanks for the article , I find that scanning I this way before I start a treatment brings up lots of information about the client I am treating. Physical and emotional blocks snow up as a tingling between my palms, and often a clear picture is formed of factors influencing the health and wet ring of the person I am treating . As said in the article I find the first impressions I receive are to be of great help in guiding me in the treatment .
You’re welcome John! And thanks for sharing your experience.
Respective Mam how to scan my own aura o
Thank you so much for sharing such detailed teachings . I have learnd so much from you. Thank your fir your genorosity I am forever gratefull
Might it be possible to use stickers as markers or flags when scanning instead of writing notes? The thought occurred to me that perhaps if we kept stickers folded 1/3rd of the way on our fingers, we could apply them with a light touch as we went so that 1) concentration isn’t as easily broken, and 2) we would have somewhere to look if we open our eyes when flowing Reiki through the meridians. Thank you for such wonderful and helpful information in your articles! Namaste!
Thanks for the article, very useful. Can anyone add more detail though on how to remove the blocks once they have been felt? Thanks in advance.
Send Reiki…”In many cases, Reiki alone manages to heal the blocks without a need for further intervention. But in the case of issues that are deep rooted, the person might have to do other healing work along with Reiki to achieve the desired healing.”
You could also use other healing modalities along with Reiki, like crystals, smudging, sound therapy (singing bowl, tingshas), color therapy, or applying the applicable Reiki symbols.
I believe by repeating this words as much possible your +ve aura will increase strongly . ” Laa i la ha il lol lah “
True Wan I do witness it “La ilaha ILLaALLAH”
I can feel vibrations and hear frequencies, especially in my aura as well, as in others. I am a certified Usui Ryoho Reiki Master & Teacher, and I provide the channeling of source energy for free. I am also a novice student in Qi energy, as well, as Prana energy which is pretty much the same thing. If someone has an ailment or doesn’t understand why they feel different when addressing me about their concerns, I can sense their imbalances through their aura as well, as their chakras. I had a full kundalini awakening last year, and have applied all my gifts to every being in existence since that time. I was born as a healer, and have always believed even as a very young child that you are all my fellow aspects, and my brothers and sisters. Hari Om Tat Sat
i attempted to reach thro e mail it wasnt possible so i am using this channel i have provided my email below i have certain clarifications request to acknowledge my mail received so that ican communicate my doubts. regards thank you
Hi Haripriya, Do you offer long distance healing? Thank you David
Can you do far away reiki with s persons photo please and thank you.
I have been utilizing Reiki on a more regular basis as I was offered a time slot to teach a class. I am certified Master level Reiki and for a long time was not using it much. I put together a Chakra balancing class to share with the residents. It is a perfect platform for me to share this wonderful practice with others. I have spurts of strong intuitive experiences as well as being highly sensitive to energies. I am so grateful to be actively using this practice. On a more personal note, I have a tingling sensation in my hands and have for years. I have gone to doctors who have not been able to diagnose this tingling. Tests come back negative for carpal tunnel, nerve damage etc. Could this be a sensation of energy I am feeling? Curious on Cape Cod.
Awesome article, Haripriya! This has been a gap in my practice, and this is so helpful! And Cheryl, ask your reiki guides or other local practitioners to sense into this… My intuition, is that you may be right. Maybe the energy is blocked, causing discomfort?
As a lifelong intermittent cape codder, hello!
Awesome article, Haripriya! This has been a gap in my practice, and this is so helpful!
Cindie, ask your reiki guides (or other local practitioners you work with) to sense into this… My intuition, is that you may be right. Maybe the energy is blocked, causing discomfort?
As a lifelong intermittent cape codder, hello!
Blessings! 🙏💓
I found your article on scanning very interesting. I feel auras rather than seeing them. I also feel with some people that their soul is communicating with mine when this person is in need of deep healing. I am 2nd degree reiki trained and I wonder if anyone else ever gets this feeling. It is as if I have no say in the matter. Thank you for writing the article. I find all these articles helpful. X
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What do the initials stand for? Like when it says add the HZ””” to the objext?