I was recently contacted by a potential client via my Google page, who inquired about my experience with Reiki. I informed her that I became certified in 2019 and operate from an in-home studio, after which she scheduled a Reiki session.
Upon our first meeting,
I noticed she appeared timid and was quite curious about the workings of Reiki. I explained that I serve as a channel for Universal Life Force Energy, allowing it to flow through me to the client. After she completed her paperwork, she lay down on my treatment table. I could immediately sense her nervousness and encouraged her to leave any expectations at the door, focusing instead on breathing in loving energy and allowing the Reiki to flow where it was needed.
I do not physically touch my clients during the session; rather, I work within their auric field, approximately two to three inches above them. To begin, I cleared the room using Cho Ku Rei (CKR) and Dai Ko Myo (DKM), repeating the symbols three times on each wall in a counterclockwise direction to clear any stagnant energy. I then went into Gassho, (bringing hands together in prayers position) to Reijo Ho (prayer hands to Third Eye) and called upon Dr. Usui and my guides to assist in channeling Universal Life Energy to my client’s highest good.
Starting at her feet and moving up to her crown, I sensed a significant energy concentration near her right breast. After the session, I shared my observations, and she began to cry, revealing that she had recently been diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer, with a lump approximately the size of an egg.
She requested that I palpate the area, where I confirmed the presence of a hard lump in her right breast. She inquired if I would be willing to conduct weekly Reiki sessions throughout her chemotherapy treatment. I readily agreed, and we embarked on an 11-week journey together.

During the first week, she remained optimistic and reported feeling well after her chemotherapy session. We focused on chakra clearing and Reiki to assess her mental and physical state. However, by week five, she began to experience the effects of chemotherapy, so we adjusted our sessions to the day following her treatments. She kept me updated on her blood work and her dietitian’s recommendations, mentioning that the sessions improved her sleep and assisted her appetite.
By week nine, her cancer specialist noted that the lump had reduced to about half its original size, much to her delight. Despite some setbacks, such as hair loss and increased nausea, I suggested we try conducting Reiki sessions before her chemotherapy treatments instead of after.
This adjustment provided her with added comfort, and by week eleven, the lump was nearly gone. I emphasized that her commitment to improving her diet, meditating, and allowing the Reiki energy to flow had played a significant role in her progress.
During her recent appointment with her surgeon, there was optimism that she might not require surgery. This experience exemplifies how the integration of Reiki with Western medicine can promote holistic healing of the mind, body, and spirit.
Article by Maria Emeterio
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Maria Emeterio is an Advanced Reiki Master teacher, who specializes in Chakra Healing, and she ALWAYS offers FREE Reiki to any parents who have suffered the loss of a child, as a way to give back to her community and honor her GRANDSON JAX who passed from S.I.D.S.
You can contact Maria at https://smart.bio/be_blissfully_balanced.
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