“It’s still magic even if you know how it’s done.” — Terry Pratchett
Most of you must have heard of the term ‘Knot Magick’. I am using a different spelling as this “Magick” is different from ‘Magic’. It’s an ancient technique to give power to your intentions. In older times, people have used the Knot Magick for protection of sailors during their voyage. In most of the cultures, there was a tradition to use this technique where knots are tied on a piece of yarn to magnify the outcomes of intentions.
I remember tying a knot in our handkerchief when we used to lose an object and were not able to find the same. It helped most of the time to locate a lost object. Taught by our grandparents and elders, it is really mesmerising to use this magickal technique in our day-to-day lives. And Knot Magick is such a method that can simplify a lot of things.
Now the question arises if Knot Magick is limited to finding a lost object? The answer is ‘No’. We can combine the power of Knots with Reiki energy to amplify the power of our manifestation. We can use this technique in almost every area of life to manifest the desired results. Some basic examples are manifesting prosperity, job, desired career, good health, protection from the evil eye, overcoming an obstacle, to enhance focus, and many more. It’s totally up to a manifestor that where he/she wants to use this methodology.
In Knot Magick there are multiple ways of tying Knots using yarn or different coloured threads. Majorly, there are three types of tying the Knots.
- First, where an instant or quick action is required. We can tie a single knot.
- Second is manifesting by tying three knots.
- And mostly used and my favourite, tying nine magical knots on a thread.

Let’s move to the process of tying these magickal knots using Reiki energy. Take a yarn (preferably), 27 inches long. This method is for 9 Magickal Knots.
- First and foremost, meditate with your intention and possible outcome, you desire. For example, you want to manifest a certain amount of money or your dream job, think of it clearly in your mind and meditate on your intention.
- Once you are done, cleanse the thread (or yarn) using the CKR symbol and initiate the ritual.
- You can also invoke Reiki Masters and your Guardian Angels during the process.
- Tie the first knot on one end of the yarn(thread) and draw CKR symbol focusing on your intention. On the other end tie the second knot using the CKR symbol. In the middle tie the third knot and tap the SHK symbol. This way you will secure the intention and also heal the core of your desire to bring the best outcome.
- Thereafter, you need to make nine knots in total. With every knot, you should blow the CKR symbol on the knot.
- After you finish tying the knots, energise the ritual, keeping your intention in mind and placing the thread(with knots) between your palms.
- Send Reiki for 3 minutes daily till you receive the desired results.
Once you are blessed with the desired outcome, the thread can be discarded by burning it in fire (be careful with fire). If burning is not possible, knots can be cut using a scissor.
Points to remember:
- Always express gratitude to all the divine energies, Reiki, Reiki Masters, your mentors, guardian angels and Universe at the end of the ritual.
- You may light candles to charge the knots.
- Best day for manifesting (from my personal experiences) is the New Moon. But it can be done any day.
- A clear and pure intention is the key.
- Always discard the knots once you have achieved the desired results.
- Remember, in case the desired result is not achieved, you will be blessed with something better in place of that.
Love, Light and Gratitude
Article by Rene Mic
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Rene Mic is a Post Graduate and worked in corporate profile as an Administration Manager for over 10 years. She is a Reiki Master, Angels Practitioner, and Tarot Card Reader. She finds Reiki as the best gift of Divine that taught her to heal not only self and others. Reiki enables her to heal mother nature and its elements too. It connects her to his soul and mother earth as well. Her aim is to spread love and light to this planet for the well being of all. She resides in Delhi NCR, India. Her email ID is reenabhartiya@gmail.com
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