Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Listen
Listening is such a simple act and at the same time so complex! Through this card, you are invited to practice the healing art of listening. Great healing is available when we listen to ourselves and each other. Have you ever felt that your soul was truly heard by another? Have you ever felt the deep gratitude of those who really felt heard by you? Listening requires presence and presence requires practice, but you have to start now.
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2. Connection
It’s time to reconnect with your higher aspects and reclaim some of that universal legacy and knowledge. Pay attention to the magical power of synchronicities and the unexpected gifts sent to you by the Universe. Strengthen your communication with spiritual guides and cosmic ancestors. They are already here with you and you are probably already experiencing them as an inner knowing; a voice within.
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3. Perspective
This card asks you to think about your life – are you seeing things from a higher perspective or are you being caught up in the heavy threads of duality? Remember you create your reality. It’s all a matter of perspective. You have the power to build yourself up or tear yourself down. Imagine what it would be like to live your daily life from a higher perspective. How easy and flowing everything would be! This is possible but it requires your will, commitment, and sustained devotion.
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