Alternative methods to boost Reiki healing are no longer a new concept. People use the support of angels, crystals, salt water, candles, and so on to amplify Reiki’s healing effect. It is only by trying and testing different methods, that I could taste the elixir of Reiki, so, I am sharing another effective method to boost your manifestation/healing today i.e. AFFIRMATIONS.
Faith is the topmost requirement of any healing session. Undoubtedly, a gradual response of healing toward your body reflects negative thoughts and past traumas. To put it simply, the backdrop of childhood traumas and decaying beliefs in your subconscious hinders your healing process.
New-age healers have come up with different methods to remove such blocks. These help to speed up the healing process. It does not guarantee to bring faster results. But, it helps you taste the freedom from the old habits and thoughts that are no longer serving you. They help you transcend through the process of ascension. Moreover, these methods help you experience the shift.
A groundbreaking method to remove such blocks and enhance your healing is using the power of words i.e. positive affirmations. Keep on reading to discover the whats and hows of the process. But, bear in mind! Reiki in itself is a powerful tool and whether you realize it or not, it is working for your highest good.
What are affirmations?
Affirmations are some words or sentences that you speak with assertion or empathy. While you speak them you feel each word in its essence. This is the way the magic of affirmations begins. When these words are negative, you attract the same. But, turning these words around can transform your life. Therefore, you replace a negative word with a positive one.

Social media channels and search engines are flooded with content discussing affirmations. Many healers suggest powerful affirmations that you can use to heal an ailment or a problematic condition. You can find recorded affirmations with soothing music to rewire your old and pointless belief patterns.
Already many folks are using the power of transformative words to heal their lives. There is no suggested time for using affirmations. It comes as the biggest perk to work with them. You can use them anytime you want and wherever you are. All you need is to relax. Affirmations will begin to create room in your mind, body, and soul to improve your life.
Affirmations in Reiki Practice
Reiki is a powerful tool for healing or working with LoA (Law of Attraction). You can succeed in your endeavors with Reiki. What is the need for fusing it with positive affirmations, then? I have shared how people are blending their sessions with diverse methods to amply their healing’s impact. Working with affirmations is exactly that.
Experiencing blocks in the healing process is a phenomenon. Some can experience this at the starting stage. Others can experience the same upon their comeback to spiritual healing. Using other alternatives helps boost the effect of healing and intensifies the process. Therefore, you can witness the results for your own good.
Several folks don’t experience it at all. Still, they can use affirmations! They work in two different ways. First, they direct your attention to the specific cause for which you started healing. It helps in strengthening your focus. Second, working on the blocks in the background allows the energy to flow freely within.
I hope you all have watched a movie in the theater or at home. Have you ever assessed the impact of background music on it? It underlines the emotions that a director wants you to experience. The thumping drum beats and shrilling sounds underscore the action. Gradually ascending piano music can create a mood of suspicion. Light violin or saxophones can create an atmosphere of love and passion.
The instrument can be any, but it plays a composition to create an emotion that keeps you hooked. Similarly, positive affirmations connect you with yourself. They underscore the areas that you are working on and keep you hooked on a healing path. As they change the limiting beliefs in your subconscious, they magnify the results.
Blending the Power of Words with Reiki
How do I use affirmations with Reiki? I recommend using affirmations with at least 13 body positions. This is a better way to start. Stay committed to a 21-day practice to begin. The shift after the first 21 days of Reiki with affirmations would be amazing.
How do you do it?
Choosing the body positions for Reiki healing can vary for healers. Some choose to heal 24 positions while others can go for 13. It can depend on your Reiki guru (teacher) and the way they have taught you. I love experimenting with different methods. It allows me to assure you that the impact will be the same.
Here are 4 ways to choose from:
- 24 Body Positions (Hands Positions) – It starts from the eyes and reaches the soles of your feet. The positions include eyes, top of the head, forehead (back of the head), temples, ears, jaws, neck, throat, shoulders, arms, collar bones, heart, stomach, lower abdomen, pelvis, hips, lower back, mid-back, upper back, thighs, knees, calves, and sole.
- 13 Body Positions (Hands Positions) – The starting point is your eyes and the ending point is your sole/s. The positions include eyes, ears, back of the head, throat, heart/chest, spleen, abdomen, lower pelvis, lower back, mid-back, shoulders, knees, and soles.
- 7 Chakra Positions – You can begin chakra position from head to toe or vice versa. However, you have to come back for grounding to your soles. So, starting from the head can be better. The choice is entirely yours.
- Single Position – This healing position can be specific. Is there a particular issue that you want to deal with? You can practice Reiki for 21 days with affirmations to heal a specific issue or condition.
What kind of affirmations should you use?
Your affirmations should be positive and present-tense works better. You can find an endless number of affirmations over the internet or in books (I recommend “Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay for finding affirmations specific to your physical condition). They can be specific or generic. You will understand it better with an example.
➔ Specific Affirmations: These are associated with a condition that you trying to heal i.e. a physical ailment, financial condition, relationship issue, and so on. For example, if you are dealing with gut issues then your affirmations would be like these –
- I digest life with ease and peace.
- I release stored emotions from my stomach.
- I am in the flow of life. I trust life.
➔ Generic Affirmations: These work on a larger dimension. For example, you can chant affirmations for good health, being a love magnet, or having a great career. Some good examples are-
- I attract money from multiple channels.
- I am a money magnet.
- I am open and receptive to financial prosperity. OR
- I attract unconditional love.
- I am overflowing with love all the time and I love it.

So, understand those areas you want to begin with and shortlist the affirmations that you can use. Now, all you have left to do is start your Reiki practice in a quiet place. Have a candle lit around your space with some soothing music turned on. And say the affirmations in this way –
- Saying Affirmations – Place your hands in the Reiki position with your eyes shut or open (choose the way you like). As the flow begins, start saying your affirmations.
- Doing it the right way – When you have multiple positions to heal then you can use one affirmation at a time with a selected number of repetitions i.e. 7, 11, or 21. It means, you begin with your eyes and start reciting your first affirmation with the desired number of repetitions. Moving to ears, you will start with another affirmation and repeat it.
- Changing the method – If you are dealing with a single issue then keep your hands placed in the same position while repeating one affirmation multiple times. Or, you can say multiple affirmations one by one with the desired repetition of each.
- Grounding – Don’t forget to extend two silver lines from your sole chakras to the Earth. It would help you with grounding.
Wrapping Up
The process may sound intimidating to some at the start. It is not! The experience was blissful for me and I hope it will be for you too. It is magical to fuse two different forms of healing together. For example, using the power of crystals to amplify Reiki healing.
However, keep the practice at a minimum in the beginning. Don’t overwhelm yourself by choosing too many positions. You can start with 7 chakra healing or 13 positions. Ensure that you continue for 21 days to experience the difference.
I leave you with a silver lining – the change begins with you. Things start to get better when you are willing to change and choose your highest good. Transform your life by connecting with life force on an all-new level.
Article by Aarti Seraphim
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Aarti Seraphim is a Certified Usui Reiki Master, Angels Therapist, and Tarot Card Reader. She has completed her Masters in English Literature from IGNOU Noida, India. Aarti is trained in Indian Classical Vocal Music and French Language. She works as a freelance writer. She idealizes love and peace as the sole purpose of the creator. She is inspired to enlighten the world about healing modalities and self-love. Her aspiration to restore love and peace in the world motivates her to use the blessings of lightwork for helping out those in need. You can reach her at or
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