The way we perceive healing dictates the degree to which we benefit from it.
We are living in a time when we are caught in a fierce materialistic race for well-being. In this age marked by disruptive technologies and an overwhelming flow of information, everyone acknowledges the need for more healing. We seek the best methods of self-regeneration, the greatest healing abilities, powers, or superpowers, and yet, nothing seems to offer us what we need to feel safer in our bodies, minds, or emotions. We are waiting to receive healing from an external source, forgetting that we alone have the ability to restore ourselves, if we consciously allow it—with discipline, personal commitment, surrender, and trust in our inner grace.
Masters, Gurus, Therapists, Coaches, Shamans, all are transitory guides meant to show us possible paths, able to cleanse and trigger a change in ourselves. They are spiritual mirrors to remind our potential, but they will never force us to change if we do not desire it, they will never do our work in our place.
True and definitive healing is a blessing and a self-conscious process of recognition and forgiveness, a declaration of peace and reconciliation with one’s own being. Ultimately, Healing is Self-Love. To function harmoniously, we need to fall at peace with ourselves. Even if there is someone who hurt or harmed us, we tend to develop in ourselves self-hatred and opposition, censoring the generosity of our being and building walls that manifest as trauma. And for the world around us to become healthier, we must truly work on ourselves and change the patterns of suffering and resistance to goodness, love, and peace.
Human beings are born wounded, and accumulate pain over time. When unhealed, these wounds are passed down through our genes to our children, who must then deal with them. Humankind is searching for extravagant methods, far from the truth, to alleviate degenerative physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual conditions. But things are simpler than we think. We were born attuned to Nature, powerful and harmonious beings, spontaneous and genuine like animals, endowed with wisdom and intellect. Yet we constantly distance ourselves from Nature by choosing false ways of living that go against Life itself, against the Universal Life Force, leading to degradation and self-destruction.
The forgotten mission of human beings was to remain and evolve according to the image and likeness of our Source — truthful, loving, kind, compassionate, and radiating the pure light of the soul, the same light found in all corners of Nature and the Universe. It is possible for us to remember our potential and plant within ourselves the seeds of goodness, expanding our divinity and growing in Life. The more loving and forgiving we are in relation to the situations we face, the more our being softens, allowing the Universal Light to fill the inner voids of darkness with Love. The more we recognize the divinity in others, the more we find peace with life, benefiting our well-being and health.

Surrender to the wisdom of Love and Heal.
Here are a healing algorithm and a short meditation meant to help you regenerate faster.
1. The Healing Algorithm
In front of your body, draw a large Holy Fire Reiki symbol of white light, that is known for embodying the qualities of peace and love.
Think of the situation you want to heal or think of the illness or the organ you want to heal and then say: “Holy Fire, Holy Fire, Holy Fire, with love and gratitude I ask you to go deep into my being, into my astral plane, into my body, mind, and soul, to bring healing to the suffering cause of my organs, where there is not anymore love and forgiveness. Please, cleanse and regenerate my ill organ (heart, liver, lungs, blood, spine, brain, etc.) so I can be of better service to my being and to the world. Thank you, from my heart!”
Stay silent in a receptive state and observe how the Holy Fire energy goes through your being and works where it is needed. It can take ten, or fifteen minutes or more. Be patient and repeat the process for more days, until you will acknowledge an alleviation of the problem and even the remission of it.
Following the above algorithm example, you can also use, one by one, depending of your condition, symbols like SHK, DKM, HSZSN, HALU, and SHANTI.
2. The Meditation
Close your eyes and rest in meditation for about fifteen minutes. Focus on your health problem. Then, try to feel the emotion of Love. As you breathe slowly, in and out, let the light of this emotion grow in your body, and surround the affected organ (whether it’s your heart, liver, blood, bones, kidneys, brain, etc.). Radiate the light of this love from the organ, spreading it throughout your entire body. Be generous with love, and share this light with the whole world.
Now, say the following words to your affected organ: “Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your resilience in supporting my body’s functions. Please forgive my lack of love and care, and forgive my ignorance. I love you immensely and honour your service to my being. You are better now; you are divine and loved. You are now safe within my body. Thank you, thank you, thank you!“
If you suffer from a kidney condition, you will notice sudden relief and healing, just by using this meditation. Plus, the meditation will make you aware that you are responsible in many ways for your own well-being.
Article by Helene Popescu
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Helene Popescu is a Healing Arts Teacher specializing in the systems of Ryoho, Tibetan, and Holy Fire Karuna. With a background of fifteen years in aerospace, she is passionate about infusing innovation into her Reiki services. Helene actively conducts research to demonstrate the wide-ranging applicability of Reiki in all aspects of life.
Her notable contribution lies in the development of Reiki Algorithms, energy equations that utilize words to trigger and expedite powerful healing. Helene firmly believes in the healing power of words, not only as a means to express suppressed emotions but also as a voice for generations and a source of profound release of energy.
Driven by her quest for healing, Helene discovered that words hold the key. They are the simplest form of self-expression and possess transformative qualities, offering an ideal path to freedom. To her, words are vibrant creators of energy. By combining nouns and verbs, she weaves stories, shapes realities, and ultimately endeavors to make them better.
You can contact Helene through her Instagram at @helene.popescu or Linktree:
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